Weight Loss for Good! - The # 1 Secret!

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The only way you will ever follow through on an exercise program is to be sold out. The military calls them "lifers." These are people who are committed to something for the long haul. Are you a lifer? Could you be a lifer?

A lifer has a sold out mindset. He or she realizes that there will be potholes to go through; there may even be a sinkhole up ahead, but they get through it or they go around the situation. It may take support from others, but it gets done. You may not be a lifer today, but you could be if you don't make changes now!


I was named Mr. Michigan in the statewide bodybuilding contest in 1988. When I competed in bodybuilding contests, it took me a good month to decide if I really wanted to go for that particular goal. The decision process was well thought out. I realized the days ahead would bring doubt, frustration, pain, and at times, humility.

I also realized it could bring many emotional setbacks. Was I willing to pay the price? Was I willing to change my behavior and lifestyle for the hope of a future benefit? All those thoughts had to be debated before the decision to move forward was made. However, when I made the decision to go forward, a switch was turned on that could not be turned off. I could not turn back. There is a sense of relief that comes with making a decision. Perhaps because once that decision is made, all the pressure is off. My philosophy is: "GOALS CHANGE, DECISIONS DON'T"

Why do you think New Year's Resolutions don't work? Waiting to start a good exercise program begs the question, "Are you serious enough about it to begin now instead of putting it off till a certain time?" Now is the time to start.



Having a sold out attitude helps you persevere through some of the down times. There were a lot of times I just wanted to quit. I questioned why I even started this whole exercise regime. It was circular at times. The more I did, the more I struggled. And round and round I went.

But I always remembered that I had made a decision to stay in it for the long haul. My workouts did not have to be perfect all the time, as long as I kept moving forward. I just had to persevere, no matter what! So I did. SELF- MOTIVATION

A small part of all of us needs to be self- motivated. You cannot do it alone. You will always need a good support system; however, somewhere inside a little self- motivation needs to be smoldering to keep the fire going. The only thing that will get you through the hard times is to have some "faith."


Having self-discipline is different than being self-motivated. You can be motivated, but not disciplined. However, you cannot be disciplined without being motivated.

No one will or can exercise for you. Nor can they tell you what to eat for the rest of your life. Being self-disciplined requires you to consistently keep the main goal in mind. And what is that?

I have exercised for twenty years five days a week. Good days come and bad days follow. This is the reality. But, years ago, I made a promise to myself, my family and to my kids; While my goals may change, my decision to exercise and try to eat right will never change for the rest of my life.

Let me help you do the same!

LOSE WEIGHT IMMEDIATELY! FREE MINI COURSE click here http://www.resolutions.bz Discover the common sense way to lose weight with out dieting that the doctor's DON'T want you to know. Greg Ryan is a best selling author, former employee of Kathy Smith, and high profile fitness expert.


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