Weight Loss Programs and Pills: Is Your Weight Loss Program Safe and Effective?

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In this age being ignorant is like committing a crime. With so much of knowledge around you, following a trend blindly doesn't confirm the fact that you are intelligent. But the catch here is, GO BY RIGHT KNOWLEDGE. No doubt, internet is flooded with the wrong knowledge and myths that leads you nowhere, but it isn't hard enough to figure out the pearl in the ocean. Every now and then, we see some supplements or pills making tall claims which they down the line do not seem to validate. We will soon establish as we go on reading this article that there is absolutely no substitute for eating healthy and sweating out.

In US, where weight loss has been a part of national consciousness for three decades, several studies have been done to evaluate the effectiveness of various weight loss aids. The major reason why most of these aids escape regulation is because they are branded as "food supplements" to escape the Drugs and Cosmetics Act that regulates the sale of medicine. Here are some findings:-

1) Diet or Slimming Patches: Considered one of the most popular way to lose weight, it claims to speed up your metabolism by wearing a slimming patch on your skin. It then breaks down the fatty tissues. Studies says these patches are neither effective NOR SAFE. The US Food and Drug Administration(FDA) eventually seized millions of these products from manufacture last year because they had terrible side effects.

2) Green Tea Extracts: You have pills under this category which contain polyphenols. Polyphenols are extracted from green tea and are thought to be strong antioxidants. These pills failed to prove their effectiveness too. It is advisable to consult your doctor if you are taking aspirin or blood thinning medications and you plan to take some green tea extracts because they may interfere with blood clotting.

3) Diet Pills with Ephedra: These pills have been banned in US but they are still available on internet. These pills are central nervous system stimulant that suppresses appetite. Generally, manufactures mix ephedra and caffeine which further increases the risk of high blood pressure.

4) Diet Pills with PPA: PPA stands for phenylpropanolamine. These pills suppress appetite. They come along with diet plan. Manufactures of drugs and supplements containing PPA voluntarily withdrew their products from market after it was found that these products were associated with strokes.

5) Fat Blockers: Another popular form of weight loss aids which bit the dust is fat blockers. It also made tall claims that it will absorb fats from the food you eat and flush it out. A university of California study found that chitosan (the fat-binding component of fat blockers) has absolutely no ability to absorb fats from the food.

---> To learn more about other fake weight loss programs and pills and how to differentiate between genuine weight loss programs and fake weight loss programs, visit http://www.weightloss-health.com/Fake%20Weight%20Loss.htm

About the Author

Jasdeep: for http://weightloss-health.com/ your complete and most comprehensive family guide on Health.

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