Top 5 Most Popular Diet Programs Reviewed

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There are many subscriber programs available both online and in the real world for dieters. In order to help choose one or just learn more about them in order to help round out your daily life and coordinate your activities, foods - - i.e. perfect diet lifestyle, here are some of the membership programs available.

South Beach Diet - Online at , the South Beach Diet , developed by a cardiologist named Dr. Arthur Agatston, boasts being not about low-fat or low-carb. But rather they teach you about the right carbs and the right fats. Subscribers receive daily tips, recipes, guidance from Dr. Agatston, tips to stay on track, and tools to track your dietary goals, weight and progress track, and program phase. They also receive nutritional tools and a meal planner and scheduler to log daily meals and plan for meals up to a week ahead.

A handy online Shopping List Generator is also available for members for quickly and automatically creating and printing out lists. And message boards and a journal are also handy subscriber tools. Through posts, dieters and share recipes, motivation, advice, success and failure stories and support one another. And they can journal via online progress diary entries and read how their fellow members are doing.

eDiets - Online at , eDiets offers a wide range of dietary planning by combining well known company program options (like Atkins and Slim Fast) and others- including their own - and personalizing the delivered end product or comprehensive diet plans right to you. They feature email, ezine news, helpful articles, recipes, menus and tips. eDiets also offers options. You can add an online personal trainer package with community boards, customizable fitness planning, live support, mentors, chats and experts to help you along.

The virtual trainer shows step-by-step exercise routines so that you can watch on your computer screen and then copy the movements in the privacy of your own home or office. And the package can be tailored personal fitness goals, health issues and exercise preferences. You can also opt to add an online anytime-meetings 24/7 package with reviews of the latest nutritional products on the market. Or you can opt to add a recipe club package with over 2,000 recipes, grocery list aids, recipe finder and other dietary planning solutions. Mix and match, upgrade or downgrade options at any time. They focus on offering a combined health, nutritional and lifestyle for helping with the perfect diet plan.

Atkins - Atkins offers a paid subscription program, customized through above. And they offer a no-cost version with less features through their website at . Their free version features a personal journaling section, recipe box, shopping list and file cabinet. Set health and fitness goals in your journal and monitor your progress. Have a handy place to keep your recipes. As you need to buy ingredients, simply click and add them to your shopping list. Save favorite tips, articles, Atkins information and more in their file cabinet area.

Slimfast - Similar to Atkins, Slimfast offers a paid subscription program that is customized through And they offer a no-cost version through their website at . Some of the goodies offered for free membership are individualized meal plans, personalized fitness program, food & exercise journals, weight charts, automatic notification of promotion & coupon offers, shopping lists, buddy program, "Ask a Dietitian," live chats, success stories, a ergular newsletter and a Body Mass Index (BMI) calculator that uses height and body weight factors.

Weight Watchers - Online at , Weight Watchers offers a few choices. They have a couple different food plans; monitor points or simply go with food choices. Then opt for a real-world membership with weekly meetings where you learn about healthy food choices and activities, hear inspirational leaders/ speakers, pick up tips and program information, recipes and menus and have confidential weigh-ins. How meetings work is that you attend once a week for about an hour from a huge list hosted all over. You pay a small fee when you attend (beginning around $9 - $10 per week with special packages / plans available, depending upon the area). Find a meeting place online by entering your zip code or call 800-282-8908 (24/7).

Or opt for cyber-planning with Weight Watchers online tools. For a little less money per month, around $5 per week, you get recipe and meal ideas in a click, a points tracker and calendar, progress charts, restaurant guide and other resources. And connect with their online community 24/7 instead of driving around town juggling meetings in your schedule.

In conclusion, arriving at the Perfect Diet may be no quick, simple task in today's world of fast-paced living. But there sure are many helpful planning solutions available to fit every budget both online and in the real world. And by choosing foods to help with our individual health issues and concerns, and reaching out for support, information and dietary planning when needed, not one of us has to "go it" alone.

Tony Newton publishes the popular health and wellness website - With lots of informative articles on low carb diets, hair loss, arthritis pain relief, obesity and lots more.


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