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Causes and solutions for Acne |
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Acne Rosacea - A Blush You Can Do Without
What do former presidents Bill Clinton and Boris Yeltsin have in common? A condition called acne rosacea, a chronic inflammation of the blood vessels in the skin, which causes a ruddy complexion and small acne-like eruptions on the cheeks, forehead and nose. In men it can often cause the skin on the nose to thicken and swell, leading toa condition called rhinophyma. Nobody know what causes it but the list of potential triggers is endless. The main culprits are alcohol and rich, spicy foods. Because its roots are unknown, there's no permanent cure either, so management is the key. This is partly achieved by identifying what makes the rosacea worse through a process of exclusion and by the use of topical antibiotics - usually metronidazole. A GP's diagnosis is vital since the symptoms can be similar to more serious conditions such as lupus. Rosacea can last a lifetime, especially in men, but often clears up on its own. About The Author Alicia Caldelas for ultimate-cosmetics.com Find more info about rosacea symptoms, triggers etc. on http://www.ultimate-cosmetics.com/beauty/skin_disorders/rosacea-treatment.htm
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Acne and Adolescents It's hard enough to be a teenager but if your teen is suffering from acne and adolescence at the same time you may have some questions. Acne and adolescence may go hand-in-hand but there are ways to improve the situation. How to Get Rid of Acne: A Step-By-Step Tutorial To get rid of acne, you have to understand what causes it in the first place. All in all, the formation of acne pimples a pretty complicated process that even scientists and dermatologists don't fully understand. What is known though, can be summed up in a fairly simple manner ? Acne bacteria (p. acnes) get trapped inside a pore (hair follicle). The bacteria then feed upon the sebum (oil) trapped inside the pore, and multiply, causing an infection. The body spots this infection, and tries to protect itself from it, leading to inflammation, which makes for a huge, red, inflamed "spot". Cover Up Skin Problems With Ease There are many acne treatment coverup products on the market that are flesh-tinted, for example concealer (or coverup), foundation and face powder which comes in two forms, loose or pressed. An Acne Herbal Hand and Footbath In a book I read by William L. Fischer called Hidden Secrets of Super Perfect Health at Any Age, Book II, 1986, I learn how to do herbal footbaths. A Clear Complexion Made Easy Getting clear skin is a simple matter of paying attention to your daily habits. Acne Scars ? Getting Rid of Bad Memories! Acne scars can often be the final reminder of a bad time in the life of a person's skin. Though acne is one of the most common skin disorders, most former patients feel no need to display their scars like war wounds from a hard won battle, and once sufferers have achieved the clear skin they have longed for so long, they move swiftly into a new fight ? how to remove, or at least lessen, their acne scars. Acne Scars ? Cause, Prevention and Treatment Acne affects as much as 80% of teenagers and others in their early twenties, while most get out with only a few minor acne scars, some even without any at all; there is also a notable percentage that suffers from acne scars. Popping Pimples ? Is it worth it? Everyone, it seems, has a different opinion on popping pimples, and for every magazine article you find that urges you to keep your hands away, you'll find another that says it's no big deal. And when you have a huge quivering mass on your nose that seems as though it's threatening to take over your whole face, popping that pimple can seem like the best way to get rid of the thing. Anyone who has ever suffered with acne can tell you that popping pimples is one of the perverse pleasures associated with the condition, and can become almost addictive. But beware ? popping is not always the best way to get rid of pimples overnight, and can in fact make the whole thing a lot uglier. Frugal Home Remedies for Acne Acne is a problem that strikes people of all ages, from teens to adults. In order to have a better grasp on treating acne, one must first understand what causes it. Shopping for Sensitive Skin: A Guide for the Acne and Rosacea Conscious Acne and rosacea patients take note- you must know about proper skin-care and cosmetic usage to successfully manage your sensitive skin. This is the counsel of Dr. Diane Berson, who runs a dermatology practice in New York City. Acne Medicine Is acne making your social life hell? Is everybody giving you their valuable advice on how to get rid of acne? Have you tried and tested everything in the market without any success? Its time to do some research and find more about the products available and the effect they have on your skin. Acne is a very personal issue and any medication you undergo should be personalized according to your individual traits. Hence it is important that you find out few things like the type of your skin. If you have oily skin then you should use gel based products where as if your skin is dry then you should use an acne cream. If your skin is sensitive then you should avoid too strong products or your situation may worsen. Adult Acne Acne is bad enough when it strikes with puberty. But when it continues or strikes again in adulthood, it can be a real nuisance. Acne is a skin condition that usually begins around the time of puberty. More than eighty percent of teenagers and preteens will develop acne to some extent. But it can affect people of every age, gender, and race. It affects both males and females, but boys are more likely to have severe acne and to have acne that continues into adult acne. Some Healthy Ways to Fight Acne Acne is a major concern for most of the teenagers. It not only manifests physically but also leaves a deep emotional impact. Acne Vulgaris occurs when the pores of the skin become clogged with sebum, bacteria and dead cells. This usually occurs in adolescents and young adults as the hormonal changes in the body trigger the sebaceous glands to produce more sebum. Speaking of emotional issues, the self- image is at risk in most of the cases. The person may feel shameful about the acne and start feeling bad about their own self and the way they look. Teenagers should understand their vulnerability and fight acne and the emotional issues associated with it in a healthy manner. Parents should also be supportive and make their teenager feel good about what he or she is. Acne Scar Removal Surgery Acne scar removal surgery is one way of treating the scars left behind from acne. Acne scar removal surgery can be done by your dermatologist. The Best Acne Cures ? What Will Clear My Skin For Good? Acne is a uncomfortable and embarrassing skin condition that affects over eighty percent of people from their teens to their thirties, and yet, despite its prevalence, it remains a problem without a cure. This might be extremely disheartening news for the many people who suffer from it, but while medical science cannot yet fix the problem as they can a broken leg, medical advances in recent times have led to the formulation of many efficacious products that produce all the effects of what will hopefully one day be the best acne cures. And the best acne cures vary from person to person. Acne Program - Step 12 Change The Way You Think Your thoughts have a lot to do with why you have acne. Most people will not even give this idea a single thought. You can get rid of acne without changing your way of thinking, but your thoughts will create some other illness that you might not see. Ways To Avoid Acne In many cases acne can be avoided. There are lots of ways to avoid acne. Ways to avoid acne include dietary changes, skin care and home treatments. Acne Cure Remedy - Common Causes of Acne Just because of acne? Do you feel like a vampire who shies away at your mirror? Are you afraid of your own reflection? Natural Alternatives to Treat Acne Acne can be caused in teenagers just from the hormonal aspect of being a teen and genetics (that stinks!) Finding Acne Skin Care Products That Work For You Each one of us is different, and nowhere is this more apparent than in the acne skin care products that work for each of us. Acne can be an upsetting condition, and finding a product that makes a real difference to the quality of our skin can be a slow process of trial and error. But while each of us will react differently to different acne skin care products, experiencing different levels of improvement in our skin, it can be heartening to hear of acne products that have worked for others. So if you are drowning in an overwhelming sea of different choices, here are some suggestions to get you started from some of the top acne products rated by real acne sufferers. ![]() |
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