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Causes and solutions for Acne |
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The First Step To Curing Acne
The first step to curing acne is knowing what type of acne you have. This information gives you precious insight to what may have actually triggered the acne outset. Once you know your acne trigger, you are one step closer to removing the acne activator and living acne free. There are numerous types of acne, which could explain why it is so cumbersome if not seemingly impossible for the acne sufferer to find a cure. Looking at the list below, you may be surprised discover that you acne is not caused by stress, but your new bottle of designer perfume. �Adult Acne Sudden onset, or continuation of acne, during adulthood. The cause may be hormone imbalances, stress, pollution or medications. Studies have shown a direct link between hormone imbalances and the onset of acne in women ages 30 to 40 years old. Acne cosmetic This form may be rare but is triggered by use of cosmetics with acne aggravating ingredients such as lanolins, isopropyl mysristate and some pigments. Acne conglobata Severe hereditary acne that can cause scarring on the face and back. Acne detergens Acne resulting from abrasive cleansers. Acne excori�e (Mirror Addict Acne)- Psychosomatic disease caused by constant picking of the face and/or body. Acne fulminans (Too Much Testosterone Acne) Acute and severe form of acne accompanied by symptoms like fever and joint pain. This acne is common among males. Traits include: abrupt onset of acne, inflammatory and ulcerated nodular acne on the chest and back, severe acne scarring, fluctuating fever, painful joints, loss of appetite or weight, and high white blood cell count. This acne is caused by use of testosterone, used legally or illegally to enhance muscle growth. Over the counter treatments or not effective. If you don't need the extra testosterone for your health, don't take it. Acne keloidalis This acne occurs with people of African descent. It is characterized by firm papules and pustules at the nape of the neck. Acne mallorca Acne caused by sunbathing. Acne mechanica Acne provoked by mechanical irritation such as tight, restricting cloths or straps. Acne medicamentosa (Drug Induced Acne) Acne brought on by medications. Common culprits include phenytoin (Dilantin), isoniazid, lithium, bromides, iodides, androgens and corticosteroids. Lithium worsens acne vulgaris and can bring on acne in persons who have never experienced acne. Oral contraceptives containing norgestrel or norethindrone may also induce or worsen acne. Over the counter drugs containing potassium iodide, bromide (cold remedies) and chlorine (chloral hydrate) may cause acne with very small pustules. Acne neonatorum Infant acne triggered by hormones from the mother transferred to the newborn. This acne usually disappears without treatment. Acne pomade Acne occurring with persons who use pomades or thick oils daily on their hair. This oil travels from the hair to the forehead where it clogs pores and creates acne lesions. Avoiding touching the face with oiled hands and limiting use of synthetic oils on the hairs usually remedies pomade acne. Chloracne Acne created by constant exposure to hydrocarbons in motor oil and insecticides. Imaginary acne Imagining acne when there is actually no acne. Pitch acne Lesions created by coal tars or dandruff tar shampoos. Premenstrual acne Acne provoked by hormonal changes prior to menstruation. Steroid acne Inflammation of hair follicles caused by internal steroids or from topical corticosteroids on the face. Steroid induced acne appears as red papules and pustules concentrated in the area where the steroid was applied. Steroids thin the outer layer of the skin and make the hair follicles more susceptible to rupture. Lesions usually leave after steroid use ends. Tropical acne Acne experienced by some World War II soldiers in the tropics who developed severe acne with horrible scarring. Health author and Stanford University graduate Naweko San-Joyz lovingly writes from her home in San Diego. Her works include "Acne Messages: Crack the code of your zits and say goodbye to acne" (ISBN: 0974912204) and the upcoming work "Skinny Fat Chicks, Why we're still not getting this dieting thing" (ISBN: 0974912212) for release in June of 2005. For useful acne self-help articles visit http://www.Noixia.com
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Stop, That Little White Bump May Not Be A Zit After All White bumps bugging you? Just because you have little white bumps on your face does not necessarily mean that you have acne. Milia, are little balls of protein beneath the skin that do not have a pore, or hole in the skin through which to escape. A Bumpy Ride Towards Aging Picture this; the snow-white clear skin that you have been proud of since your teen years has suddenly poofed into a wicked witch's warty face upon reaching the age of 30! "Acne, at my age?" This is often the distressed statement of pockmarked men and women in their 30's to 40's afflicted with adult acne. Take Advantage of Natural Acne Treatments Let's face it. Nobody is really immune to having acne from time to time. Don't blame your French fries. Don't blame your Hershey's bar. Don't blame yourself for not being able to wash your face enough. Don't blame being overworked. Acne does not happen because of those. Acne is caused by some imbalances in our body and internal impurities. This is the main reason to the imperative knowledge that the way to really get rid of acne is through internal cleansing. Dermatologist Lotion For Acne Prone Patients You can find dermatologist lotion for acne prone patients at your doctor's office. Your dermatologist will be able to suggest or prescribe the best dermatologist lotion for acne prone patients. Acne and Skin Problem Myths Debunked Isn't skin a wonderful thing to have? The Kill the Bacterial and Cure the Acne Myth All life forms strategize to survive and procreate. Weeds, worms, birds, fungi and bacteria all work to sustain their own lives on this planet. In fact, we humans survive because of the biological games constantly unfolding in our mist. Herbal and Other Treatments as a Cure for Acne The best acne cures are often at your fingertips. Blackhead Removal ? Is it Worth the Trouble? Blackheads ? those little black dots that clog up your pores ? can happen to anyone, and can sometimes stubbornly linger long after your acne has cleared up. Blackhead removal can be a tempting endeavour, but is removing them really the best thing to do? Blackhead removal may be more trouble than it's worth. Here?s The One Thing You Can Start Doing Today That Can Help Prevent Acne You probably don't know this yet but product wastes and toxic build up in your system is one of the main reasons why you have acne or why your skin breaks out. Herbal Therapy for Acne Treatment Because prevention is the best way to protect your skin from the scarring associated with severe acne, many dermatologists recommend that controlling problematic acne through diet, regular cleansing procedures, and herbal remedies, is the most effective way to combat the tendencies of skin that is prone to acne and acne-related scarring. Colon Cleaning May Help Acne Sufferers Many doctors and alternative medicine practitioners believe that one essential component of achieving overall bodily health is having a colon that is clean and free of the toxins that can build up over time. Many of these same doctors and alternative medicine practitioners believe that one of the benefits of colon cleansing is the improvement of acne conditions. Natural Acne Treatment Apart from physician's medications, Acne can also be treated very effectively by using natural methods. Conventional treatments for acne have been proved usually quite successful. Natural methods may also include usage of cleansing agents and lotions made with Benzoyl peroxide, gels or creams made modified forms of vitamin A, and antibiotics applied to the skin or taken orally. Battle Blemishes Every individual has different skin needs. But what doesn't differ is that everyone's skin needs to be cleaned to remove excess dirt brought about by the outside environment. Gentle cleansing is the first place to start. Retin-A For Acne Scars Retin-A for acne scars is one possibility for the problem. Reitn-A for acne scars helps with healing and cuts down on the formation of new pimples. Vitamins To Clear Skin Acne can sometimes be improved with a regimen of vitamins and vitamin supplements. Vitamins to clear skin are readily available and reasonably priced. How to Get Rid of Acne: A Step-By-Step Tutorial To get rid of acne, you have to understand what causes it in the first place. All in all, the formation of acne pimples a pretty complicated process that even scientists and dermatologists don't fully understand. What is known though, can be summed up in a fairly simple manner ? Acne bacteria (p. acnes) get trapped inside a pore (hair follicle). The bacteria then feed upon the sebum (oil) trapped inside the pore, and multiply, causing an infection. The body spots this infection, and tries to protect itself from it, leading to inflammation, which makes for a huge, red, inflamed "spot". Stop Squeezing Your Pimples - 7 Safe Ways to Get Rid of Pimples It's everyone's worst nightmare. Waking up the day before a special event to discover a big, red pimple baring itself for all to see right on your face! Oily Skin Care Can Treat Acne-prone, Shiny, Oily Skin Oily skin is not only shiny, dull-colored, and coarse, it is also acne-prone, which means that a host of more serious problems can develop: blackheads, whiteheads, enlarged pores, redness, and potential scarring. If your skin is oily or you have combination skin, take control with oily skin care before the trouble escalates. We all want to have beautiful, clear skin. Acne Treatment Imagine the day when you have to cancel an important appointment or much awaited social gathering or party, simply because you have developed a lot of pimples, blackheads, etc on your face!! The Best Acne Cures ? What Will Clear My Skin For Good? Acne is a uncomfortable and embarrassing skin condition that affects over eighty percent of people from their teens to their thirties, and yet, despite its prevalence, it remains a problem without a cure. This might be extremely disheartening news for the many people who suffer from it, but while medical science cannot yet fix the problem as they can a broken leg, medical advances in recent times have led to the formulation of many efficacious products that produce all the effects of what will hopefully one day be the best acne cures. And the best acne cures vary from person to person. ![]() |
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