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Causes and solutions for Acne |
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5 Reasons Little White Bumps Are On Your Face and How to Get Rid Of Them
Are you making these mistakes each time you spot a little white little bump on your face? Fixing those little white bumps starts with a small dose of education and ends with a big dose of prevention. After understanding the five reasons below, your little bumps should give way to clearer skin. Reason #1: You have no clue what those little white bumps are anyway. Little white bumps, or milia, are keratin-filled cysts, or simply little globs of protein under the skin. There are generally two types of milia. Primary milia may result from oil glands that have not fully or properly developed. Secondary milia result from trauma to the skin. Reason #2: You think all little white bumps are acne, and treat them that way. Just because you have little white bumps on your face does not necessarily mean that you have acne. Milia, are little balls of protein beneath the skin that do not have a pore, or hole in the skin through which to escape. Comedones or whiteheads are excess fats and wastes that are trapped in a hair follicle and so they clog up the pore. In short, milia are proteins trapped within the skin, while comedones are fats and skin debris trapped within the pore. Exfoliating the skin, or removing the dead skin cells from your skin with an abrasive product or chemical, is beneficial. But brutally scrubbing your face with soaps and chemicals too frequently may actually create milia. To avoid this, remember that gentle exfoliation helps prevent excess dead skin cell build-up that could clog your pores and cause whiteheads, not milia. This gentle exfoliation helps make eventual removal of the milia easier because the skin layer around the milia becomes thinner, with frequent, yet gentle exfoliation. In short, Exfoliate your skin to prevent milia, not to cure them. Reason # 3 You have no idea what causes those little white bumps anyway. When you were a baby, you were probably covered with milia that disappear after a few days. Or, you may have inherited milia from your parents. On the other hand, you may develop milia after excessive exposure to the sun. The reasons for developing milia after sun exposure are debatable. According to some studies, the active ingredients sunscreens like Parsol 1789 may cause sun allergies and later lead to a milia breakout. Other studies blame the sun itself for "damaging" the skin can thus causing little white bumps. Some people experience milia around the mouth. This could be the result of fluoride irritation from toothpaste. Reason # 4: No one ever told you how to prevent milia. The best way to prevent milia is to avoid treating your skin with excessively harsh chemicals and to limit sun exposure. To reduce creating milia around the eyes, use eye creams with the least amount of ingredients possible to avoid irritating the delicately thin eye area. Also, gently touch the eyes and avoid rubbing the eyes vigorously so as not to damage the skin. When brushing you teeth, try to keep the pasty foam from staying around your mouth too long. This limits possible fluoride irritation to the skin. Use a sunscreen with the least amount of ingredients. Extraneous ingredients like fragrances may irritate your skin. Additionally, purchase sunscreens that offer physical sun blockage that contain active ingredients like titanium oxide or zinc oxide. Reason #5: You still want to know what you can do right now to get rid of milia. The key to getting rid of milia is realizing that they have no escape route, those little bumps are trapped under the skin. So, to get them out, you'll need to have a professional like a dermatologist or aesthetician extract them. You can extract the milia yourself, but this involves risks. Precautions You need to ensure that you milia are not symptoms of some underlying disease or illness. Also, if you extract the milia yourself, you may have trouble completely pulling out the cysts, as the removable process may prove too painful. Otherwise, if you are confident with your health and courage, you can cleanse your hands and face. Then wet a cloth with warm water and apply it to your face for a few minutes. Gently apply a sterile needle to the center of the little white bump to create a tiny opening in the skin. Wrap your thumbs in a clean tissue and, using your thumbs, proceed to gently squeeze the contents of the little white bump out. Finally, cleanse the area of the extracted little white bump with an astringent. Now, you have no reason to walk around with little white bumps on your face. If you still think you do, please consider the possibility that you're just telling yourself little white bumpy lies. Naweko San-Joyz is creator of the Acne Messages program, the only acne program to combine the latest scientific research and ancient wisdom to deliver an acne cure as unique as the acne sufferer. As there are millions of people with acne, there are a millions cures, find your unique cure with Acne Messages. ISBN: 0974912204 available at Amazon and Noixia.com, Home of Six Billion Natural Cures for Acne
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Busting Acne Myths Requires Individualized Treatment and More Research If you have acne, you know the deal- everybody has a cream or suggestion to help you get clear skin. But how do you separate myth, medicine and folklore to find an acne treatment that works for you? That's what researcher Parker Magin set out to do in a study entitled, A systematic review of the evidence for 'myths and misconceptions' in acne management. The Best Acne Cures ? What Will Clear My Skin For Good? Acne is a uncomfortable and embarrassing skin condition that affects over eighty percent of people from their teens to their thirties, and yet, despite its prevalence, it remains a problem without a cure. This might be extremely disheartening news for the many people who suffer from it, but while medical science cannot yet fix the problem as they can a broken leg, medical advances in recent times have led to the formulation of many efficacious products that produce all the effects of what will hopefully one day be the best acne cures. And the best acne cures vary from person to person. Popping Pimples ? Is it worth it? Everyone, it seems, has a different opinion on popping pimples, and for every magazine article you find that urges you to keep your hands away, you'll find another that says it's no big deal. And when you have a huge quivering mass on your nose that seems as though it's threatening to take over your whole face, popping that pimple can seem like the best way to get rid of the thing. Anyone who has ever suffered with acne can tell you that popping pimples is one of the perverse pleasures associated with the condition, and can become almost addictive. But beware ? popping is not always the best way to get rid of pimples overnight, and can in fact make the whole thing a lot uglier. Natural and Dietary Therapies for Acne The typical modern medicine answer to outbreaks of acne include antibiotics, drying agents, skin peelers and in some cases a very toxic and strong drug Accutane TM. All of these will normally work for a short period of time, but eventually, if the original cause of the acne is not addressed and treated, the acne returns, usually stronger and more widespread than before. Lasers - A Modern Cosmetic Treatment For Acne Blemishes The best way to protect your skin from acne-related scarring is to take preventative measures early on. But it is often true that people who suffer from acne are unable to prevent future scarring sufficiently. In fact, it is estimated that more than 10 million Americans end up with scarring caused by acne. Acne Program ? Step 7 Fruits You Should Eat Eating fruits that are red or orange in color will help improve you skin health and help to prevent acne. Here are the fruits you should be eating. Acne Skin Care Tips that Work How should people go about acne skin care? This article enumerates some basic guidelines to go by. For example, you should clean your skin gently, avoid frequent handling of the skin, avoid sun tanning, and lastly, women should choose their cosmetics carefully and men must shave carefully for good acne skin care. Eczema and Acne Herbs For a Powerful Footbath In 1979, Maurice Messe'gue', the famous French herbalist, who practiced herbal footbaths for all kinds of ailments, wrote a book called "Health Secrets of Plants and Herbs." In this book he outlined his footbath treatment for Eczema. Remedying the Silly Ways Women Get Acne When Applying Makeup and Moisturizers Women spend thousands of dollars to create a flawless face. Yet faulty or uninformed uses of moisturizers and makeup can lead to inexplicable breakouts for women. Home Remedies for Acne Acne is a disorder of the skin. This disorder causes to skin to have blackheads or whiteheads, pimples or zits, cysts, and lesions. This is a disorder seen mostly in teens and young adults. This shows up in the face, neck, back and chest of the teens and young adults. Treating Acne At Home Home treatment for acne offers many treatment possibilities. If you decide that home treatment for acne is something you want to try you may need some information. All Natural Acne Treatments At some point in your life you will probably suffer from acne. Almost everyone does. There has been a great deal of news about acne treatments recently with many claiming a combination of an acne prevention diet and some of the all natural acne treatments to be the answer. So you might want to try that route. Are You Addicted To Your Acne Trigger? An acne trigger is any thought, location, feeling, food, emotion, response, drink, drug, memory and/or experience that sets off a series of hormonal reactions in your body that ultimately result in an acne formation. Acne: Diminished Self-confidence in Teens - You Can Get Rid of Acne Effectively with NO Scarring Acne refers to a skin condition where pores on the skin contain blackheads, whiteheads and/or pimples. In severe cases, plugged pores can result in lumps, cysts or nodules. The Importance of Water in Caring For Acne The benefits of water as part of our daily lives are undeniable. We use it to prepare food, to drink, and to bathe. What many people do not know is that water also plays an important roll in the reduction and treatment of acne flare-ups. Micro Dermabrasion ? Hurting Skin to Heal it? Acne is an upsetting condition that can be sometimes very difficult to clear, its treatment usually involving the application to the skin of a multitude of cleansers and other potions in a long process of trial and error that can be extremely frustrating for the patient. Clear skin, when it is finally achieved, is thus a thing to be cherished by most former sufferers, and most certainly not something to be taken lightly. So while there is little doubt that recovered acne patients will view their often scarred skin with disappointment, many are unwilling to risk its hard won clarity by trying scar reducing techniques, such as micro dermabrasion, chemical peels or laser treatment. And while medical advances are improving these techniques all the time ? micro dermabrasion, for example, was developed as a gentler form of more traditional dermabrasion ? those with delicate skin would be wise to carefully weigh up the possible advantages of receiving treatment with the possible risks. Which are the Best Acne Treatments? It Depends I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news but it's not as simple as just listing the best acne treatments. That's not because there's no good acne treatments available, quite the opposite in fact, it's just that there's a few steps to take before deciding which are the best acne treatments for your acne. Acne Program- Step 4: Adding Essential Fatty Acids To Your Diet Getting sufficient essential fatty acids is importance in clearing acne. It's these fatty acids that help control the production of androgens ? the hormones that surge during the teen-age times, which causes excess sebum oil to clog your hair follicle and contribute to creating your acne. Acne Scars Acne is an inflammation of the skin that affects people from every country and every culture around the world. In the US, acne is predominantly thought of as a teenage dilemma, as more than eighty percent of teens and preteens will develop some form of acne. However, the condition certainly affects a large number of adults and even infants. The scientific name for the condition is acne vulgaris because acne usually strikes in plainly visible locations such as the face, neck, chest and back. There are various types of acne that range in annoyance, severity, and healing time. The most severe type of acne may even lead to scars that if not treated properly, may be visible for a lifetime. If you or a loved one is troubled by severe acne, here's what you need to know about acne scars and what you need to do to avoid and care for them. How a 25 Year Old Asian Man Stumbled Upon a Sweet and Delicious Cure for Acne Permanently! When dealing with acne, we somehow have the gut feeling that our diets do affect us. Well, you're absolutely correct! It's a proven fact because the toxic substances contained in certain food will cause your liver and kidney to overwork. Thus the skin, being a natural waste disposal organ will take over some of the tasks, and end up contaminated with the toxin which you chowed down so heartily at the diner's just hours ago. ![]() |
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