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If You Invest Money on Advertising, then You could Save Thousands through this Simple Little Secret
A few years ago, I analysed the statistics of where one of my clients, M & M Pest Control in Sydney, generated all their leads from. As a result of this, Ray Milton, the director of the company said: "Scott measured the results we were getting from our advertising, and as a result, this confirmed my decision to eliminate over $42,000.00 in unnecessary expenses ? because it wasn't paying it's way" $42,000 is a lot of money? in anyone's language! What did I do? I simply analysed his advertising expenses? and identified whether or not the ads were generating a strong yield for his investment. And I'm willing to bet you could do the same for your business. Right now, you're probably thinking... in the words of Pauline Hanson... "Please Explain" Listen. I've met with hundreds of businesses that advertise in the Yellow Pages. And most of the time, I ask them "What return on investment do you receive as a result of your advertisement?" To which 9 times out of 10, the answer is as good as a blank stare! How much money are they burning? Investing $20,000 on an ad (or $1,000 or $5,000, or $100,000 ? the same principle applies) and not even know what their returns are! Would you hire a salesperson and not 'give a toss' about how much income he was generating. No! No! No! So why on earth would you do it with your advertising dollar? Some people say it's too hard. Their staff won't find out for them. My advice. Fire those staff, because they are costing you BIG money! Listen, all you need to do is: 1.Code all your ads with a reference code to identify the source of the inquiry 2.Train your staff to ask one simple question: "Where did you hear about us?" 3.Enter the details into your computer. 4.Analyse the statistics. And you need to be as specific as possible. One of my clients, a spit-roast caterer in Sydney measured the results of a series of ads in the local yellow pages directory. You know what he discovered? Only one of the directories was generating a strong return on investment ? the rest were losing money! Priceless knowledge. And in the world of advertising? KNOWLEDGE IS POWER So unless you want to be like John Wannamaker, the 'father of the modern department store' who once said "I know that half of my advertising is wasted, I just don't know which half it is" then grab the bull by the horns and start measuring the results of every ad you run? right now! Yours in profits, Scott Bywater Visit my web site for your complimentary copy of my ebook (valued at $29.95) and free subscription to my valuable ezine "Copywriting Selling Secrets" where you'll discover how to write ads and sales letters that make people line up and practically beg you to take their money. Here's the address: http://www.copywritingthatsells.com.au
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Creativity and Getting Outside of the Box Sitting in front of a blank piece of paper? Wondering where in the world to start? I have a suggestion. Turn the page upside down. Or better yet flip it over onto it's backside. Let it know who's boss. If your first idea is terrible, write it down anyway. If the next one is silly, redundant or stupid, write it down. Who knows, it may end up being a comedy direction and that first terrible line may end up being the punch line. You never know. You are jumping off a precipice into the unknown world of creativity and you need to be a leaf at the mercy of the wind or you will come crashing down with your fears in a ball flames every time. Advertising 101 Advertising has truly become a part of all of our lives as consumers, as business owners, as parents, as concerned citizens. We simply cannot escape from its presence no matter how hard we try. Considering how pervasive advertising is in our daily lives, it's no surprise that people have such extreme views about it. The Inside Secrets Of Free Publicity For Your Business Product publicity is the "secret pathway" to business success everyone wants. In simple terms, product publicity is a kind of advertising that costs you nothing, yet brings in the orders for you. How To Write Ads That Get Response Your print ads should do more than just get noticed. Their job is to bring you business, and if all they do is lay around and attract attention, they're no different from the lazy employee who does nothing all day but look busy. Consider These Pressing Facts Before You Renew Your Yellow Page Ad Your Yellow Page Ad Deserves More than 10 Minutes of Thought a Year 13 Facts About Newspaper Advertising Advertising in the paper works for many people in business. The astute merchant understands the newspaper's weaknesses and works to avoid them whenever possible. Advertising Your Holistic Business The most basic answer is the same answer as to the question, how does advertising work? Advertising works through repetition, and Holistic Hometown offers you that repetition. How To Write Super-Effective Ads and Sales Letters! "The more things change, the more they stay the same". That saying couldn't be more true, especially when it comes to writing ads and sales letters. Testimonials Convert Prospects Into Buyers Big businesses get instant credibility with their well-known company name or brand name. But small companies have to create their own credibility. One of most powerful tools you can use for this is customer testimonials. The Only Bad Advertising Is No Advertising - Or Is It? Depending on whom you ask, you will get told many "truths" about advertising. The question I have for you today is this ? "Is the only bad advertising, no advertising?" Non-profit Coupon Books and Coupon Mailers for Small Businesses Many groups like the Chamber of Commerce, ASB at the local high school, etc. will ask if their members can get a discount if they shop in your store or use your service. Of course, the answer top these groups should be a high-energy YES! They will then make a discount booklet for their members with your company listed, this is excellent and promotes good will for your business. God Bless The Refrigerator Magnet! Ah, my very favorite promotional product of all, the refrigerator magnet. They are my favorite, because they are so extremely inexpensive, and extremely effective in getting your company name seen in countless locations. Double the Effectiveness of Your Company Brochure Let's face it - most brochures go straight into the bin. But if you know the big mistake to avoid, as well as the secret to make people keep your brochure - and read it, over and over again - you're laughing. How To Create Instantly Compelling Ads Every Time Use This Quick 3-Question Evaluation Process, So You Can Be Sure Your Message Will Sell! Electronic Reader Board Electronic reader boards are the most efficient way to convey the information. Therefore these nowadays are widely accepted all over the world. These have found admirers in all sorts of places, and continuous in serving in unlikely areas too. in the world of finance, sports, research, and many others, electronic reader boards are sovereign. The Forgotten Advertising Tip I'm sure while you have seen many tips on advertising, many that talk about testing and tracking your ads, I'm sure that this one important tip is rarely mentioned: Running more than one ad at a time isn't the greatest idea. 6 Ways To Get More Sales From Your Advertisement To bring great sales success, a great advertising technique is not the only parameter. You must know what it is that your customers are actually buying. They are not buying your product or service, they are buying what it will do for them. Use the answers to this to set up your advertising masterpiece. Never Be Caught Cardless Again: Five Tips to Help You Remember Business Cards Sorry, I Don't Seem to Have a Business Card With Me... Should Your Small Business Hire an Advertising Agency? So, you own a small business, sales are down and you've come to the conclusion you need to start advertising. Questions: Where do I advertise, how much do I spend and do I need the help of an advertising agency? Moving message Sign Moving Message Signs are a unique, attention-grabbing way to communicate and motivate. They are used for eye-catching shop-front or under awning advertising, promotions of products or services, directing and/or welcoming customers, displaying safety and emergency information, directing customers to specific service areas or entrances etc. ![]() |
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