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3 Ways to Squeeze Even More Revenue Out of Your Traffic Equaliser Pages
Ever wondered if, apart from Google Adsense, there were other ways of generating real revenues from Traffic Equaliser pages. There has been some great results using the above two programs, running Google Adsense results on page as a fast way to drive revenues on a huge number of boiler plate pages. You can literally build a 1,000 page site in minutes. If you haven't heard of Traffic Equalizer then check it out here ==>> www.TrafficEqualizer.com A Force Multiplier Effect is a military term for attacking the enemy in more that one way, if fact in multiple ways. We are going to take this strategy and apply it to affiliate marketing using Traffic Equalizer. The first thing to remember is the user is NOT the Enemy! In fact, this scenario, you don't have any enemies! But... What would happen if you stop getting the click throughs or even worse, Google pulls down the site. Remember Google Adsense is not to be used on pages built specifically for Google Adsense. I hope that made sense! How do you stop Google from pulling your Traffic Equalizer site? Well one thing is to make it more useful to the end user. Include other content that is useful and adds value to the user experience. Think about it. If a user sees a page of traffic equaliser results and google ads that really isn't going to last long. But what if you have other specific niche information and tools for the user. What about Ebay auction results? What about Amazon Book Listings? what about other Affiliate Feeds? Can you imagine how much more alive your pages would be if they didn't just have directory or article content but had: Up to the minute Ebay auctions on related products Up to the minute Amazon Book listings Affiliate Product links on related items oh and Google Adsense.... Not only that but you can earn income from EVERY single piece of content. So lets look at how on each one of the above. Ebay Sign up to the Ebay Affiliate Program using Commission Junction. Visit affiliates.ebay.com for more details. You will get paid for every signup to Ebay and also paid on each bid they make. Use the Product or Editor Toolkits to create a skyscraper ad or a banner ad to fit within your Traffic / Article Equaliser template. Use the [keyword] function as the search criteria. Or use the Commission Junction search link tool to create a templated results banner or table to use on your Traffic Equalizer template. The piece of code to change in the example below is the query=ford script language="JavaScript" src="http://ilapi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?EKServer&ai=j%7cax%7b%60%60&bdrcolor=FFCC00&cid=0&eksize=2&encode=ISO-8859-1&endcolor=FF0000&endtime=y&fbgcolor=FFFFFF&fntcolor=000000&fs=0&hdrcolor=FFFFCC&hdrimage=1&hdrsrch=n&img=y&lnkcolor=0000FF&logo=3&num=25&numbid=y&paypal=n&popup=n&prvd=1&query=ford&r0=4&shipcost=n&sid=47654735435&siteid=3&sort=MetaEndSort&sortby=endtime&sortdir=asc&srchdesc=n&tbgcolor=FFFFFF&tlecolor=FFCE63&tlefs=0&tlfcolor=000000&track=14326267&width=570" Change the word ford to [keyword] This will allow you to automatically create a ebay filled banner or table based on the keywords you enter. Amazon Signup to the Amazon affiliate program at associates.amazon.com. Use the Build links function and select the Recommendend Product Links. From their you can work thorugh and build a whole range of different sized links and banners. Select the Iframe version of the size you require and cut and paste the code into Notepad. You will see with the code there is search=ford for example: iframe src="http://rcm-uk.amazon.co.uk/e/cm?t=[affiliate id]&o=2&p=14&l=st1&mode=books-uk&search=ford&fc1=&=1&lc1=
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Affiliate Programs Basic Idea Choosing the Right Affiliate Program Requesting information on an affiliate program is an open invitation to receive never ending submissions to your email account. It can be overwhelming to look at. You may feel as if you have been invaded. It can frighten a person into hitting the delete button very quickly. HOW DO YOU SORT THROUGH AND MAKE SENSE OF IT ALL? How do you know which programs really work? Following is a list of things to think about prior to choosing an affiliate program. 5 Essential Tools of the Successful Affiliate Marketer In the time I have been running my internet home business I have realized that there is a wealth of information available about 'working at home'. Unfortunately a lot of this info does nothing more than waste your time and money. It has become very difficult for the beginner entrepreneur to get started successfully in the online world. I am writing this article because I believe I have found the 5 essential tools necessary to run a successful home business as an affiliate marketer. The tools outlined below play the biggest role in the operation of my home business and they don't break the bank either. High Earning Affiliate Is It Possible? Affiliate Program have exploded on the internet. Thousand of people join them every day. Amazon.com is probably the best example of such phenomenal success.If the affiliate program is so popular and so widely available and booming like mushroom...Why do most affiliate have a hard time making $100 per month ? And some never see have receive a check ? It's probably because they are not effective in their marketing campaign or doing noting at all. Top 3 Things All Affiliate Marketers Need To Use Every affiliate marketer is looking for exactly what allows those truly successful markets to make the big affiliate paychecks. It seems at times to be almost a magic formula! It is not. It's just good marketing practices that have been proven over years and year. 8 Reasons To Be An Affiliate Marketer When I began affiliate marketing I knew only half of these things but, in hindsight, if I had have known these things then it would have made the decisions I made so much easier. Such is the intention of this article, to contribute towards the success of affiliate marketing newcomers. Here are 8 reasons to be an affiliate marketer. How To Earn Residual Income The Lazy Way I've got a confession to make... what I am about to reveal is the way I started out my Internet Marketing career. 9 Ways to Catapult Your Affiliate Marketing Career Affiliate marketing involves the promotion of a website by a person known as the affiliate. He is the one who acts as the middleman between the merchant and the customer. The nature of an affiliate's job is to advertise and promote a merchant's website through his own. Focus on Success ? How To Make Affiliates Work For You How do we go about getting success with affiliate programs my friends? Affiliates Need To Read Their Newspaper Millions of people check the news everyday-- in the morning paper, online, and on the nightly news.But far too often affiliates do not find out what has occurred in affiliate marketing that day; this is important because affiliate marketing changes daily.There are many resources for affiliate marketers to learn about the day's happenings. The best way to learn about the changes in affiliate marketing is by visiting forums often. 8 Reasons Why Affiliate Marketing is the Better Option Many people are confused when they first become iterested in internet businesses, they find themselves asking what type of busisness is best for me? 22 Questions to Ask Before You Use Any Shopping Cart System Many seasoned professional speakers agree that you can make more money selling your knowledge in the form of products than you can speaking. Instant Success - Yeh Right. Join our affiliate-program and make your fortune overnight. Ebook Review: The Super Affiliate Handbook Rosalind Gardner's 270 page ebook "The Super Affiliate Handbook" is the "Holy Bible" of affiliate marketing. It's also surprisingly well written (I've seen some real junk passing as informative writing) and logically steps through each of the 15 chapters, all but the Introduction building on the previous in an easy to understand style. Common Decency......Lets Keep it Alive! I recently had an experience with one of the affiliate programs I *was* involved with. This experience did not surprise me, but did however, disappoint me. It is a sad fact that it did not surprise me and I thought maybe an article on this subject might bring it to our attention. Online Affiliate Programs - 6 Must Read Reasons to Join Them You must have been exposed to the online hype, and the fact is starting an online business is a great way to make an extra income. There are many ways to make money online, one of them, is joining online affiliate programs... Internet Tip of the Week: Reality Check Every time you turn around it seems you see another affiliate program which promises you vast riches. They give you all the sales material you need, and even throw in a free web page. How can I loose, one might think. Everything is all set up for me, and all I need is get a bigger PO Box to handle all the checks that will roll in. Your web site will be carried by the search engines, you have the "pre-written" ads ready to go - how can you lose? Affiliate Marketing ? My Best Decision When I decided to quit my job and start an internet business, I was clueless. I researched and found several viable opportunities however the more I read, the more I realized how difficult this was going to be. I did not have a product and was in no position to create one. I had it in my head I wanted to sell something so I started out in the drop shipping business. Why Join 2 Tier Affiliate Programs? Like the more common single tier affiliate programs, 2 tier affiliate programs are a great basis for web-based partnerships between merchants and affiliates. Merchants can focus their efforts on what they should do best-creating high quality products and getting them to customers. Meanwhile, affiliates concentrate on producing interesting content to attract web traffic. And when they successfully refer visitors to buy affiliate products, an affiliate commission is earned. Hey, Stop Stealing My Affiliate Commissions! Don't get offended, I was not speaking directly to you. I was speaking to the horrible companies who are stealing not only my affiliate commissions, but yours too! ![]() |
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