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Do You Make These Mistakes With Affiliate Marketing?
Affiliate Marketing is a very lucrative business online, especially where it concerns Affiliate Internet Marketing. Today I bring you some rare and everyday mistakes that are keeping you from making a killing with affiliate marketing. The most common mistakes made by most online marketers : 1) You build a really flashy website and is wondering why your not making commissions. Well, I do believe this one belongs in the number one position, because, it's the killer amongst new comers to the affiliate marketing game. Don't believe that if you build it, they will come. Your visitors have to know where your website is, and online as well as offline, you have to do some kind of promotions. Just don't build it, but go out and educate yourself about what it really takes to make it with affiliate marketing. The points that follows, will give you ideas for getting yourself known as an expert in your field of expertise. 2) Not Posting And Hanging Out In The Forums. Do you know that all of the top marketers online can be found in some forum online. Yes, it's true. The forums are where you can go to post questions pertaining to your problems. It doesn't matter what the topic is, you can find a forum online that meets your needs. There are huge archives of posted questions from other marketers that you can browse through. The forums are where you can go to post questions pertaining to your problems. It doesn't matter what the topic is, you can find a forum online that meets your needs. Do you know that one very informative topic on a high traffic forum can generate 500 or more hits that same day? 3) Your Not Promoting Any Big Ticket Items. Now, don't get me wrong here, I am saying that you should promote both high-end as well as low priced products. But, the tough part is that you need to sell many more low priced products to make a $100 dollars, while selling just one high end product gets the same results. 4) Thinking That You Don't Need To Know Any SEO Tricks. SEO - Search Engine Optimization is not as difficult as it seems. I am by no means a search engine expert, but I do know what is needed for optimizing my pages so that I can still benefit from all the FREE Search Engine traffic. Go out and get yourself a SEO book, you only need one, they are all very similar. You just need to know how to write pages that the search engines loves. 5) Never, Posting Articles To The Articles Directories Online. When I realized the power of posting articles, I was stunned by the amount of traffic I was receiving fro just one article I posted. Just start by posting a article per week, you will be generating a constant ever increasing flow of visitors to your websites. 6) Not Building You List And Automating The Follow-Up process. As the saying goes "The Money Lies In Your List". That is so true, if you can build a small list, you will be able to start making money with a list of just 500 members. That is why your online business can't survive without a automatic responder. If you can't capture your visitors once they are on your site, then they are gone, lost in cyber space, off to the next web site that can solve their problem. 7) Your Not Involved With A Network Marketing Program Online. I can hear your cries, but If you followed the 6 points described earlier, you will now finally understand why network marketing goes hand in hand with affiliate marketing. Most, if not all online marketers use some kind of automatic responder or ad tracker service that has a residual program. That is the way to get some residual income from your list while promoting your ad tracker or automatic responder. If, your not with an ad tracker or automatic responder service that pays residual income, then your loosing affiliate commissions. Ask yourself, what can implement now from this article? I do hope you can be honest with yourself and realize why your not making it with affiliate marketing, now, go out there and build your list. Just do something different. About The Author Alexander Marlin, Ebenezer St. Maarten A.N.
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How to Grow an Affiliate Marketing Business The biggest failure in affiliate marketing is not collecting prospects' email addresses. If you only send your prospects to your affiliate website, you are promoting someone else's business, not your own. Your goal should be not to sell affiliate products, but to grow your own business. How Joint Ventures Can Catapult You to Success Substantial opportunities for increased sales and profits are missed by not seeking out and implementing joint ventures. Affiliate Marketing at a Glance: Helpful Hints Regarded as one of the choice Internet marketing systems offered to small businesses, affiliate marketing has caught the attention of accomplished entrepreneurs across the globe. With virtually no risk involved in the affiliate marketing game, payment is made only after results are provided. That is one of the several reasons that this form of trade has such a high level of popularity. And with a considerable number of programs currently available online, it is critical to make yours shine brightly above all other professional affiliate marketing systems. WHAT! Internet Etiquette / Net Etiquette? Many people know how -- and do conduct themselves in the real world properly. However, many people are unaware that this same conduct needs to be applied online as well. Net etiquette is basically the rules you should follow while in Cyberspace. These seven rules are what I learned on my Cyber journey and what I try to follow while on the Internet ? let's see if you agree. Why is Affiliate Marketing Popular with Home Based Business Entrepreneurs? The great strides made in the development of the Internet in the recent past has enabled information to be transmitted thousands of miles away with such ease and clarity that time and space are hardly of any consequence to the Internet Marketer today. Affiliate Marketing Terminology Affiliate Marketing is a large business piece on the Internet. The (online) retail customer often does not know that he/she made the recent online purchase through an affiliate link. He/She sees a product of interest on a certain website, clicks on the link and completes the purchase wherever the link takes the customer. Every day people get introduced to affiliate marketing and want to make money from it. In many cases these new affiliates do not fully understand the affiliate world and make costly mistakes. Not An Affiliate? Why Ever Not? If the idea of pursuing a living on the net has repeatedly crossed your mind but you still haven't found a way to implement it, then affiliate programs are going to break the ice for you. Affiliate Alternative; Google Adsense The Rise and Fall of Affiliate Programs 11 Awesome Ways To Explode Your Affiliate Commission 1. Start your own affiliate program directory. Join a large number of affiliate programs that go with the theme of your web site and list them all in a directory format on your web site. Then just advertise your free affiliate program directory. You will earn commissions and gain sub-affiliates. Plus you could start an affiliate-related e-zine too. Theres a Tween In Your Future - Are You Ready? Within 15 minutes of coming through the door from school, she has her neck crooked around the phone. A music CD tucked into the computer's drive drowns out all but the occasional giggles of that conversation. While her fingers fly over the keyboard, you risk a quick glance and count�six open "chat" boxes. She's IMing (sending instant messages with) the friends she didn't get to talk to at school. 6 Things to Increase Your Affiliate Income So you've signed up for affiliate programs, posted links around the net but you're still only making pocket change? Wonder what others are doing that you aren't? Below you will find 6 things that every affiliate marketer needs to increase their income. Ebook Review: The Super Affiliate Handbook Rosalind Gardner's 270 page ebook "The Super Affiliate Handbook" is the "Holy Bible" of affiliate marketing. It's also surprisingly well written (I've seen some real junk passing as informative writing) and logically steps through each of the 15 chapters, all but the Introduction building on the previous in an easy to understand style. Internet Affiliate Marketing 101 - Its All About Relationships So you've found the perfect affiliate program, you've signed up and they gave you a website....now what? "They" say that "all you have to do" is drive traffic to your site...but you don't have a clue where to begin... Affiliates Go To School! It has been said that only 2% of affiliate marketers ever make any "real" money from their efforts. The rest struggle and flounder as they see most of their efforts fail. Rather like master archers hitting the bull's-eye each time while the rest struggle to sharpen their arrows, draw the bow and try to figure out what to aim at! 8 Basic Rules for Choosing The Right Affiliate Program Joining an Affiliate Program is a great way to start earning a sizeable income on the Internet without many of the hassles that come with running your own business. Safe Surfing in Shark Invested Waters Paid to surf sites are washing across the Internet like a tidal wave. As powerful waves settle, new sites pop up out of the foam like tiny islands. But are you likely to get beached with Gilligan and the Crew, or end up on Fantasy Island with Mr. Roarke and Tattoo? Protecting Yourself From Affiliate Link Thieves So, you have worked really hard to build a fabulous affiliate site. You took the time to add your keywords and relevant information about the products. Your pages load quickly, and your site is even listed in the search engines for specified terms. You look at your stats, and you see a regular flow of traffic coming into your site. You get really excited! You log in to your affiliate program manager, and.... WHAMO! You have very few commissions from sales, and your click-throughs are extremely low. Suddenly, you are asking yourself, "what the heck happened here??" The answer... You might possibly be the victim of affiliate link hijacking! Expanding Your Business With Affiliate Programs Many people think that they can only get involved in e-commerce if they have a product or service of their own to sell -- or a lot of products and services to sell. But this simply isn't true. You can jump on the band wagons for many large companies who already have an amazing array of products available to the general public -- but are looking for ways to increase their exposure. And one of the easiest ways for them to do this is by offering an AFFILIATE program. A Successful Satellite TV Affiliate Website Satellite TV has exploded on the scene during the last decade, providing expanded channel offerings and new technologies that were not previously available from regular television. When the "mini-dishes" were developed and the satellites put in place by Dish Network and Direct TV, satellite TV became available to almost everyone. Now, more than 23 million households subscribe to satellite TV with thousands more joining all the time. Affiliate Marketing Nightmare - Dont Let This Happen To You! Everyone knows that affiliates can make or break a company's success rate. Ken Evoy has a whole army of people motivated to earn click-through commissions on his Site Sell program. Marlon Sanders and Yanik Silver have made fortunes with (and for) their affiliates. ![]() |
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