“Making Not Spitting a Movement†(Collective inputs of 250,000 Citizens in Swachh Bharat National Circle) People should be educated about not spiting on roads Social and print media campaigns should be devised to reach the masses Picture banners should be put up in public areas comparing India with foreign countries with respect to spitting A…
Category: social
This happens only in India !
# Follow traffic Rules # Pedestrians use footpaths where ever available # street vendors: Keep the footpaths clear for Pedestrians # Drivers, Drive carefully, park logically # Religions: Spare public roads # Traffic Police: be vigilant; implement traffic laws strictly # Wear seat belts # Wear helmets Post by Ilyas Mohamed.
Kiss of Love in BBC world News Video
Kerala’s Kiss of love campaign featured on BBC world
Kiss of Love Campaign in Kochi – 2 November 2014
Kiss of Love Campaign in Kochi , Kerala – 2 November 2014 Moral Policing is a criminal activity .Most of political parties and religious organizations tries to do that . A group of young bloods join their hands together to prove the society that kiss is the symbol of love  And it will be a public…
Kerala Police on Facebook
[ad] This is an initiative of the Intelligence Department of the Kerala Police to reach out  to the cyber world. Become a member and spread the word about the group called Netizen Police. Let netizens post anything which needs the attention of police in this group. This is the address of the Page at Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/netizenpolice/…
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