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Small Businesses With Work Trucks; A Warning
If you are a non-operator owner of many work trucks, you should keep your business credit card with you not leave it in one of the trucks. You should not issue them to employees without strict guidlines. Employees may tend to abuse credit cards by buying things that are not an emergency such as tires that are over priced instead of simply plugging a hole in a flat or spraying fix-a flat into the valve stem. Here is a story: A franchisee's manager who we'll call 'Arnold' had a blow-out in one of the rear tires on the duallies. It turned out the valve stem ripped out. He drove about two miles to a tire shop and decided to take care of the problem. The tires were one-half worn, good for another 10,000 miles or one-half year. When he got to the tire shop, he could have: Purchased a valve stem for $2.50 Put a tube in the tire for $10.00-$15.00 Or bought a used tire that was one-half worn to match the other set. Arnold wasn't sure if he had destroyed the structural integrity of the tire by driving the two miles to the tire shop. So he decided to replace the tire and not just the valve stem. Since he had a company credit card and it wasn't his money, he purchased a new tire for $75.00 plus $5.00 mounting and tax plus $2.00 for balancing. About $90.00 in all. Unfortunately, it didn't match the other three rear wheel tires and the tire man said "Tell you what I'm going to do!" He sold Arnold what he called real truck tires, four (4) of them for $350.00 calling them 'on sale.' The four used tires were taken off and thrown into the used pile. Arnold drove off with four new tires. The next day, Steve, another franchisee noticed his tires needed to be replaced. He owned the franchise that bordered Bill's franchise. (Bill is Arnold's boss.) He drove to Herb's tire shop where Arnold went the day before. Herb's manager that helped Arnold into a new set of tires figured Steve was an easy kill but this time the $90.00 per tire became $109.00 a tire and a set of four was only $440.00 on 'super sale' of course. Steve also had a company credit card, but unlike Arnold, Steve had to pay the bill. Steve asked about used tires. The manager of the tire store tried to persuade Steve for ten minutes with talk on the safety of new tires. Meanwhile, Steve's helper had already signed up three car washes and had completed one. The manager of the tire shop gave up in frustration on trying to close the big sale and said "I have four used tires the right size but they are in good shape so I need $30.00 each plus $5.00 for mounting and tax and $2.00 for balancing." Steve laughed and said "No tax. I pay cash and it will have to be more like $20.00 per tire including everything. The manager said "I'll have to ask Herb." Herb said "Cash. Hell yes! Put them in the front of the line." By this time Steve's worker was wiping down his third car. $80.00 for four tires is a good deal, right! Right, but Steve asked Herb if he wanted his car washed and waxed. Herb said "How much?" Steve said "How about $50.00 off my used tires?" Herb said "Great." So Steve washed and vacuumed Herb's car and then brought his truck into the work bay. Steve paid: $80.00 Cash Price -50.00 Trade = $30.00 Amount To Be Paid - $15.00 Amount Made By His Worker = $15.00 For Four Tires Hmm. Good Deal? Yes or No? Well guess what. Herb sold Steve Arnold's old tires that he got for free because Arnold left them there. Herb's manager charged Arnold a $1.00 disposal fee for the used tires. Moral of the Story: Trade whenever possible Don't let employees have company credit cards You can always get a better deal for cash Company credit cards are good in some ways. For instance, you will get an itemized invoice monthly, which is good for record keeping. They are also good for making purchases over the phone or by mail. Credit cards make things much easier. They are also a necessity for ordering supplies from your online small business vendors. Think about it. "Lance Winslow" - If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs
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How To Choose A Franchise You'd like to go into business for yourself, and believe that the best way for you to become your own boss is to buy a franchise. You know it will takes time and money to be successful, and that's OK. But which franchise should you buy? Which makes the most sense for you? How Mastering 5 Essential Money Making Ideas Can Lead Your Business to Longterm Cashflow Essentially there are 5 tremendously powerful methods to make money online. These methods were not always available but have only become available due to the large amount of internet commerce being conducted each and every day online. While it is possible to make money, and lots of it, using other methods, these are in my opinion the best for 3 reasons. First, they are some of the cheapest methods around. Imagine running a business for an entire year where your total cost was less than $1 a day. Secondly, these methods are fast to implement. Some of the methods can have you up and running in hours, if not only a day or two. Lastly, these ideas are simple. When it comes to working online, simpler is better and complex is dead. Small Business Survival In today's economic climate, the first priority for the small business entrepreneur is survival. A glance at newspapers, business journals, or cable news channels reveals a succession of corporations striving to stay on top of their game, and often failing, to slow the growth of outsourcing or to show real growth within their market space. In such times, knowing how to achieve long-term success is more critical than ever. Small Business Health Check-Up If your home business is not performing the way you hoped for, rather than stay away at night...use this simple list to check-up on possible reasons why your business is under performing. Boat Cleaning Business Case Study: Entrepreneurship 101 How do marine type businesses start? Have you ever thought of turning a hobby into a business? Let me tell you a story of how I got into the Boat Detailing Business when I started our in the car cleaning business which grew into a franchise system. So often we read in business books to study markets and develop business plans when in reality it does not exactly work that way. Let me tell you a story of how sometimes the entrepreneur just falls into opportunity. Your Babys Ugly..and Youve Got Bad Breath I've got good news and bad news. The good news is that 98% of businesses are small businesses. That bodes well for the entrepreneurial spirit that has made our nation great. The bad news is that 80%, that's right, four out of five new businesses will fail in their first five years. Web Based CRM Systems: Get Mobile; Get Results Everyday more web based companies enter the business scene. The low initial investment, potentially high revenue, and convenience of owning and operating a business from your home PC or laptop is enticing an ever-increasing number of entrepreneurs to try their hand at e-business. Unfortunately, most of these would-be companies disappear shortly after their initial market entry. The Benefits of Using Freelance Consultants / Trainers for Your Project What are the benefits of using a Freelance Consultant / Trainer for your next project? Politics, Environmental Rules, and Mobile Car Washes During the California Recall Election, I was very interested. Without getting into the political scene at all; my entire company, The Car Wash Guys, and all our staff and franchisees were closely watching The California Recall and Election. Why you say? Why would a National Car Wash Franchising Company care much? Well we have some friends of past days who were very much involved there. See some of these articles and find out how we were assisted in our early company years by Mr. Tom McClintock (Rep) of California who was running a very close third in the election with the fastest moving up numbers in the polls. We all wondered would it be The Terminator just like in the movies? Arnold Schwarznegger, who promises to terminate bureaucracy or will it be Mr. Tom McClintock? We did not believe that California will choose more of the same regime or elect Mr. Bustamonte. Tom McClintock's assistance to our company when we were the smallest of small businesses helped us from bureaucracy and un-ethical competition. To this day he continues his ideals and does not waiver on issues. Overcoming Your Biggest Competitor Before you read any further in this article, I'd like you to take a moment and write down who your biggest competition is. Boy oh Boy, The Obstructions and Obstacles The bad things starts with the letter 'O'?.like Obstacles, Obstruction, Obscene?.overly-poor? There's bound to obstructions and obstacles in everything that we do in life. Like riding a bicycle. We get a few scrapes and bruises and think that we're never going to ride a bike ever again. We try to blow bubblegum and we blow it up in our own face and have our laughing friends jeering at us. We try to dress up only to find out that we look dowdy. Everything in life, there's an obstacle. How To Build Business Credit Having their own business is something many millions of people dream of doing. Many do, of course, but so many others never quite get around to it. One of the factors that may discourage people from getting that business off the ground, is a lack of start up capital; and another may be the risk of losing their own money. Finance Your Small Business: So Much Money, So Little Time $37.4 million funded from venture capital today. $86.4 million funded yesterday. $51.4 million funded the day before. 5 Good Reasons a Self-Employed Professional Should Take Vacation So you think you're not justified in taking time away from your business because you're self-employed? Here are five great reasons why you should definitely take a vacation: Everything I Need to Know About Business I Learned From My Nametag So there I was ? sitting in the audience of an on-campus seminar. Surrounding me sat hundreds of fellow students; each of us wearing one of those little, handwritten, adhesive nametags. When the event was over, we all filed toward the exit. I approached the door and noticed a small trashcan filled to the brim with ripped up, used nametags. Are You Using a Chess or Checkers Small Business Marketing Strategy? Until the day I learned to play chess I loved playing checkers. 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You may shy away from the thought of having an advisory board to guide you through your rough spots, but having a group of professionals who are willing to be your sounding board can mean the difference between success and failure. Questions to Ask as Your Business Grows Here are some of the questions that you need to ask yourself regarding various areas of the business before you start your growth push. ![]() |
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