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Comparing Boston Area for a mobile car wash business
The Boston suburbs seem to be rich with possible locations to wash cars and a mobile car wash would be well served in that market. The customers have good jobs, high paying salaries and indeed demand such personal car washing services. They desire these services at home and at work. The economy is strong and many high paying jobs exist there. Housing and growth in the real estate of single family dwellings is still up sharply in the subs: http://realestate.boston.com/communities/profiles/2002/maynard.html Many folks who work in town have a hell of a commute and if they leave at 5 pm good luck getting back home to the suburbs as traffic out of downtown is a disaster and the people drive like crap, in cities like LA you call in aggressive behavior on the cell phone; in Boston, they did not park the CA in Havad Yad, they are in it on the freeway with their middle finger out the window cursing at you. In Boston they call themselves in for aggressive behavior, like anyone is going to do anything about it anyway? HUH? We see some serious concerns looking at Boston itself for mobile auto detailing. We see downtown areas off the beaten path in many large cities gone to waste where there was once a booming economy, now urban flight, check out Ft Worth TX sometime, part of downtown is outrageously well off and one mile away in the center of the economic birth of downtown, it's depressed and crime ridden, of course "Isn't that America." Yes, unfortunately it is very much America, but the little brick houses for you and me have moved North and West into the suburbs, land of SUV. Which is fine by us mobile detailers, as in any mobile grid based business we move towards those areas to win the market share where the money flow is as consumers forgot they lost their job and are screaming in credit card debt as the commercials of barbarians at the gate come to catapult them away into credit card hell. Hey your plastic is good for us. Question is? Is what's good for the mobile detailing industry, good for America? Hard to say, there is opportunity in Chaos. Why not ask GM that question, they have the answer. As in jobs; It looks like CA wants to outlaw the SUV for their legislature? Big deal, only problem is Boston as smart as they claim to be still copy everything that CA does? So much for education, Jane Goodall's Chimps can do better than that, copying everything they do including communication techniques. Monkey see, Monkey do, for all the prestige Universities there you would think they would have stopped short of committing to V-2 and taxied into position and held rather than become the Concorde and followed CA into the doldrums of a fiery hell with the dot com burst. VC all the way down to their local and state government? DAH What happened? They did not even read their own HBR did they? We forgive you, question is do the X'ers who have now bought new homes at the top of the market with no job and nowhere to go and BMW and SUV payments? Okay enough crucifixion on Boston? But really people. You have the luxury of a Fed Bank there and money flow; why not spend it on reality-based concepts? Boy that would be interesting wouldn't it? Don't answer that. Boston is Boston and traffic is traffic and more than anything such a market for mobile services of any kind can only be done by a company, which understands the re-cooping of lost revenues and lost opportunities from traffic flow delays and can repeat such a process thousands of times per week. If you are considering the Boston area for a mobile detailing business be advised keep your routes tight, because the traffic is a bear and the driver act like hungry bears. Think about it. "Lance Winslow" - If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs
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Over disclosure and over regulation is in itself the worst evil of civilization, as it stifles free enterprise, innovation and free markets. In franchising the disclosure documents have in fact grown to over 200 plus pages in length on average. You should be happy you are not a tree in the forest right now. ![]() |
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