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One Of The Best New Business Opportunities May Be Right In Your Home - A New Daycare Business
The day care industry is expanding. There are now more than 100,000 licensed child-care centers and 250,000 licensed family day care homes across the United States. The market for day care increases every year as the working mother in society increasingly return to work to contribute financially to the ongoing household expenses. Day care centers have now proven to be a lucrative niche for owner operators, especially those who have purchased franchises. The day care industry is expanding. There are now more than 100,000 licensed child-care centers and 250,000 licensed family day care homes across the United States. An overall increase in professionalism has helped to enhance the reputation of the child care and day care field. Only 20-30 years ago, child care was a cottage industry operating out of remodeled houses, granny flats or small business shop fronts. Early centers were essentially baby-sitting facilities. Today's day care centers, frequently part of regional or national chains, are larger and more professionally run. Because parents want their children to get educational services, many centers require that their caregivers have early childhood education degrees. The day care industry is regulated by state law, and sometimes also by county or city, and the regulations vary widely by state. The day-care center industry has changed a lot over the past 15 years, and industry professionals are predicting that it will change even more by the year 2010. Family-run day care centers seem to be holding their own because they are especially popular for infants and younger toddlers whose parents are looking for the family style influence. However, the smaller commercial centers are disappearing, due to difficulties in meeting increased government regulation, and buyouts by regional or national chains. The regional and national daycare chains will no doubt continue to grow. Learn more about the daycare industry: http://www.hjventures.com/day-care-business-plan.html Howard Schwartz is a partner in several business strategy groups, including HJ Ventures International, Inc. Howard has worked with hundreds of entrepreneurs worldwide with a focus on writing business plans for companies interested in raising capital from Venture Funds and Angel Investors. Howard's business plans have secured several million dollars in funding. For more information: http://www.hjventures.com
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A Small Business Consultant Can Help in Many Ways... But One Thing He Can?t Provide A consultant must remember that the business belongs to the client. There is always a danger that the consultant will take a dominant position to the detriment of both of them. Hiring A Virtual Assistant Can Help Your Business Grow Are you a home or small business owner and you're Webmaster, receptionist, and assistant all in one, but you've found that there isn't enough time in the day to complete all of these administrative tasks? A "Virtual Assistant" could be your answer. Marketing - The Way To Make What Youre Really Worth You only have so much time in a day right? The Franchisors Heavy Load Why are we over regulation the franchising industry, what purpose does it serve? Rules and laws are fine, level playing fields are nice, but the customer votes with their dollar and the entrepreneur and companies can only sell what people are willing to give up that unit of trade we call a dollar for. Virtual Assistant ? Questions Answered What is a Virtual Assistant? Mobile Car and Truck Washing Vehicle Placement To maximum potential profits and dollars in a mobile washing business it pays to set up in your mind in advance the best and most strategic place to park, before stopping to wash. You will obviously want to park your rig in a location that allows you to do as many cars as possible without moving the vehicle. For instance; let us say that your hose for water is one hundred plus feet but your vacuum hose is only forty feet, so if you have four cars in close proximity and one is a vacuum, park closest to that car. This way you can wash all four cars without moving the truck or rolling up the hoses, thus maximizing efficiency. FTC Adding to the Franchise Rule Last summer the FTC put forth a report and then asked for comments on modifications of the franchise rule. There has been no real significant changes since the 1970's, but lots of opinions and case law along the way. All these complications of rules and the rules proposed today by the Federal Trade Commission do not help franchisors remain efficient or franchisees sell more pizza, hamburgers or donuts. Marketing a New or Small Business on a Budget There are almost as many opinions and views on marketing as there are companies to market. The big names and multinationals will have an extraordinary amount of funding set aside in which to convey their marketing message to the masses. Why Small and Medium-Sized Businesses Should As the owner or an employee of a small-to medium-sized business, you might have never thought about media monitoring. Maybe you are not even sure what exactly is meant by this and have thus ignored it so far. But you should take some time to get acquainted with the concept of media monitoring. For companies of every size, it is a crucial tool for market success. Work is a Four Letter Word I love work, I can watch it all day. S Corporation ? What Is It? For many small businesses, the "S" corporation is the business entity of choice. The "S" in S corporation refers to a tax designation. All corporations are created the same way under state law. A small business must then chose a tax status, to wit, "C", "S" or non-profit. Important issues concerning S corporations are covered in this article. Looking into the Future for Profits How to identify future solutions and opportunities? The Advisory Board: A Business Owners Most Valuable Resource As a company grows, the owner's role begins to change. More and more of the owner's time is spent "in the shop or in the field" handling day-to-day operations rather than focusing on high-level planning and strategic issues. How to Promote Yourself to Small Business Riches You've heard it before; we're living in an information age. The business world is no longer driven by tangible products but on information and ideas. Internet based companies or other companies that use the Internet as an integral marketing tool that don't tap into information-based products or services could soon find themselves without customers or with lackluster sales. SBIR - A Nice Add-on Business If you are a small business and qualify to participate in the SBIR program, it is a natural enhancer to your existing business. If you are small enough you may be able to start a company using SBIR funding, but you will soon come to realize that if your sources of income are not diversified (with SBIR being only one source) you might fall victim to funding cycles and no income. Although the Government provides funding to spawn technology its dual mission is to help that technology grow into viable commercial technology. If you can not bring your SBIR funding to fruition via commercialization, then you may find yourself receiving less and less funding as the years unfold. Technology Community Helps SMBs Focus on Their Core Business If you're starting your own business or currently work for a start-up, you wear a lot of hats. Any disruption in your business can eat up hours of your time and kill your productivity. Many start-ups are so focused on getting their business off the ground, that they overlook technology considerations that can help increase their productivity and enhance their efficiency. Unlike mid to large corporations that have dedicated IT personnel, start-ups typically do not have in-house IT resources to evaluate and deploy new technologies to pre-empt unforeseen issues, such as virus attacks, and streamline processes to increase efficiency gains. This is due partly to time and partly due to budgetary constraints. Small businesses want to focus on the next sale, not the next purchase. Largely for this reason, many small to medium businesses (SMBs) are categorized as laggers on the technology spectrum -- classified as conservative IT buyers and slow adopters of new technologies. This profile make it seems as if SMBs are risk adverse, when in actuality, SMBs are more risk takers than corporate employees ? after all, they've started their own business or are part of a start-up where the P&L is felt throughout the company. Competition in the Market Place and Over Disclosure Regulatory Burden The Federal Trade Commission is assisting competitor to cheat and encouraging this unethical behavior thru their disclosure rule on franchisors. Competition in the market place is far more competitive and the stakes are high enough that Over Disclosure Regulatory Rules cause competition to take the advantage and cheat. And before you say I am off base on these comments, let me tell you that 20% of every single inquiry to buy our franchise comes from a competitor. That's right 20%. Starting is the Hardest Part You can't imagine how many people ask me how I did it. To turn my back onto convention, to turn a deaf ear on the people who wants what is best for me, to snub my nose at people who thinks I am making one of the biggest mistakes in my life?etc. Hey, this is what I do best, so, I am really good at this. Granted, not everyone is as good at defying convention (and logic) as me, so, I'll keep that in mind. :-) Small Business 101: Deadly Ignorance American small business is again in transition. Many employees, now working from home, are no longer tied to a geographic office and the woes of commuting. This is a relatively new phenomenon with hints of explosive sector growth in the days ahead. As this turbulent economy has forced downsizing, offshore restructuring and closures in large companies, many new entrepreneurs have been born. These are people, who instead of tirelessly attempting to find new employment and possibly enduring the same fate as previously experienced, are now starting small businesses and enjoying the benefits and perils of self-employment. How to Give FREE Advice and Make Money When is advice free and when should you charge for it? ![]() |
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