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Self-Employment: Managing Your Money: Tips for Living with a Fluctuating Cash Flow (Part One)
The way you manage your money is one of the first things you'll change when you move from employment to self-employment. You are moving from an environment where you received income in equal amounts at set intervals to one where your income fluctuates. Managing money in such circumstances is unfamiliar and, for most of us, uncomfortable. These are some tips I developed from my experience of 10+ years of self-employment. ? KEEP GOOD RECORDS When I first got started, an old CPA friend of mine had three words to say. "Keep good records." Maintaining good records of your money transactions helps you in several ways. It helps you track your income and spending so you can create a realistic budget. Your financial records become a management tool for your business. If your records are accurate and up to date, you can track changes in income and spending ? and take appropriate action, when necessary. There's gold in those records. As a self-employed person you can deduct all kinds of business expenses. But you have to be able to substantiate them with evidence (receipts, invoices, credit card slips, mileage logs, etc.) Lastly, keeping good financial records keeps the authorities happy when they come calling. The IRS audit rate of self-employed people is higher than almost any other group. ? OPEN SEPARATE CHECKING AND SAVINGS ACCOUNTS FOR YOUR BUSINESS. Having separate bank accounts in your business's name does a great deal to prove to snoopy tax authorities that you are really running a business and not a hobby. But more important, it helps you to keep your records straight. Money you generate and spend in the process of conducting your business goes through your business account, all other money goes into your personal account. TIP: If you are a sole-proprietor, don't intend to have employees, and don't anticipate a need for business loans, your account can be a separate personal checking account. All that is necessary is that your account be in the name of your business. If your bank insists that you open a higher cost 'business acccount,' consider going to a credit union, where rates and terms are more favorable than those of commercial banks. ? THE BANE OF FLUCTUATING CASH FLOW Managing fluctuating income is one of the biggest challenges of self-employment. The most difficult part of having a fluctuating cash flow is dealing with the anxiety that arises when cash flow is tight. Most people who have been self-employed for a considerable amount of time develop a simple faith that money will flow again. But it gets uncomfortable for us, too, when the downturn is severe or prolonged. Here are some tips on coping. Have a marketing plan and stick to it. Shift your spending to mimic your cash flow. In other words, spend more when money comes in, cut back when it is not. And put away some cash for a rainy day. Keep your obligatory monthly payments as low as possible. These are the necessities that are billed monthly such as telephone and other utilities, car payments, etc. If you must put a purchase on a monthly installment, as, say, most people do when they buy a car, opt for the longest-term loan possible. A longer loan term lowers your required monthly payment. This makes it easier to fulfill your obligations during lean months. Pay more than is required during fat months to pay down these loans (this will reduce your total interest payments and pay off the loan more quickly). Rather than paying for web hosting and other services on a monthly basis, opt for an annual installment that comes due during a fatter month. Not only do many web hosts give you a discount for choosing the annual option, you eliminate one payment you must come up with during a lean period. Continued. Ellen Zucker has been successfully self-employed for over 10 years. Self-Employment 101: It's about making a living and creating a life! ... Observations, information and resources for those of us who are self employed or just thinking about it. http://www.selfemployment101.com E-zine subscribers can get Ellen's articles delivered to their email inbox.
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Using Excel Payroll Sheet to Make Payroll System Easier For the employees, payday is the brightest day; they finally get the compensation they so well deserve for the services they rendered. For the employer, this could be nerve-wracking, not because they don't want to pay their employees, but because some employers have a hard time calculating the payroll. Some have systems that are too complicated for them, while some are just not experienced enough and don't have the know how. If this is what's happening to the company payroll system, there is a big chance that there are many disgruntled employees because of many miscalculations and errors in the calculations and the deductions. In return, this could dip employees' output and put the business in peril. Slip And Fall Professionals; Service Businesses Since you own a business you probably have liability insurance to help you against a scam of slip and fallers. Some entrepreneurs call them slip and fall professionals. The scout out the area, bring friends as witnesses trip and fall and then file a lawsuit, go to their chiropractor who is best friends with a lawyer and soak you or your insurance company out of tens of thousands of dollars. If you own a service company and you work on site, do not think for one minute you are safe from these insurance scams. In a service company you will have completed operations, Slip & Fall insurance and a large amount of liability insurance, you may find a rare person who thinks they can target you for a lawsuit. Using Business Broker In the Franchising Industry for Franchise Sales Franchising companies often use Business Broker to help attain sales goals. Here is an interesting fact. Most large Business Broker Chains promote franchises and charge franchises money to join their network and programs. Not chump change either. Then the Broker Network takes all the logos and prominently displays them in ads and websites, and titles, meta tags and key words those pages. So as to attract customers, franchise buyers. But when a franchise buyer calls up, they are sent to the local business broker who secretly hates franchises? 7 Essentinal Resources for Small Business So you want to start a business but you don't have a lot of money? Start your business online, and it won't be a problem. Cabinet Refacing Business Opportunities With all the cabinet refacing business opportunities out there, you could have a home based business that grows in this expanding industry. You've wanted your own kitchen updated, or talked to friends and family who have put out thousands of dollars remodeling theirs. It is an industry that will expand continuously, as homes are getting older and people want a new modern look. Franchise Buyers Lying On Forms The Federal Trade Commission which governs the franchise industry thru the franchise rule, which enforces Franchise Disclosure laws seems to think that consumers need to be protected even when they lie. Often The FTC takes complaints from consumers who claim they had been ripped off or lied to from someone selling a Biz-OP or some corporation, which sells franchises. The Federal Trade Commission will not admit that at least two-thirds of the incoming complaints are made in falsehood by consumers; as a participant in the industry I can safely say that much misrepresentation comes from the buyers side and not from the sellers. ![]() |
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