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Lotus Domino: Reports and Connectors ? Crystal Reports, XML, ODBC/JDBC, OLE
Lotus Notes Domino is very efficient in electronic document workflow automation. Unfortunately the electronic document workflow can not replace paper documents completely. For example some documents should be sent to your suppliers or customer in paper form. Lotus Notes (as a client) has built-in tools for printing documents, views and folders. But inbuilt Lotus Notes mechanisms providing such services as printing on the paper Domino database contents can not solve all reports generation objectives. Regular printing mechanisms of Lotus Notes client allow the following: ? Print one or several documents from Domino database vis Lotus form. A developer can create the form in Domino, which will be used for the printing. In simple cases the printing will be correct. If the form is complex (for ex. It has many design elements, such as inbuilt views, sections, etc.), then the problems may begin to show up (wrong indents, fonts, text imposition, etc.); ? Print data from view, folder in table format. So in this case developer is very limited in report' s design; ? In Domino R6 two more mechanisms were added some-how connected with printing: ? automatic preparation for contact information from a document printing (function Contact print). In other words ?information printing from document in envelope label form; ? copying of selected in view/folder documents into clipboard (menu Edit -> Cope Selected as Table). Later the information may be pasted in another application (for ex., MS Excel), and create needed report on this data. Thus, as we can see, regular Lotus Notes mechanists cannot solve all tasks in reports creation. For instance, using such the mechanisms it is not possible to create histograms, based on Domino data. In order to create full-featured reports in Notes/Domino it is necessary to deploy integration technologies. Following technologies could be used: ? Creation in Notes/Domino functionality which loads data into external applications in the required formats. In this case developer is limited only by integration mechanisms which are supported by Notes/Domino (for ex. XML, ODBC/JDBC, OLE, etc); ? External application way, pulling data from Notes/Domino. For example, it may be Crystal Reports; ? OLE. OLE allows reliable connection to Lotus client and data extraction and even processing. Author is familiar with two successful projects in this field, realized by IBM business partners. Both use OLE technology, which works seamlessly at the Notes client side (not on Domino server). The summary of this article is ? Complex reporting of the Notes/Domino databases is possible, but usually we see the common needs to go beyond standard built-in printing mechanism, inbuilt in Lotus Notes client. Good luck in your system setting up and contact us for any help in USA: 1-866-528-0577, Germany: (0177) 8349 806! help@albaspectrum.com P.Gottmann is a technical writer in Ronix Systems ( http://www.ronix-systems.com ) the European branch of Alba Spectrum Technologies ( http://www.albaspectrum.com ), IBM and Microsoft Business Solutions Partner, serving clients in Chicago, Miami, New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Denver, Phoenix, Houston, Atlanta, Germany, UK, Australia, South Africa, Brazil, Moscow.
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Passwords Used In Microsoft Word Documents You would like to protect your documents, wouldn't you? Reasons may vary but the problem is the same ? you need to protect your Microsoft Word documents from unauthorized editing or viewing. What document protection features does Microsoft� Office Word 2003, a part of Microsoft Office Professional Edition 2003 provide? Microsoft Great Plains Implementation: Verticals - Wholesale Order Entry center ? overview Microsoft Business Solutions Great Plains has substantial market share and strong support by Microsoft on the US market. Currently we see the trend in the vertical markets when companies with custom-built accounting application, usually written on legacy platform are switching to standard and proven ERP solution and customize or tailor it to fit their vertical market requirements. We'll be publishing series of vertical articles: Logistics, Distribution Centers, Warehouse Management, Barcoding, Shipping/Receiving, eCommerce, EDI, Wholesale. Today we'll give you Wholesale tailoring scenario Microsoft Retail Management System (RMS) SQL Customization ? Overview for Programmer Microsoft Retail Management System serves retail single store as well as retail chains clientele. The customization scenarios, described in this article deal with the chains, when Microsoft RMS has multiple stores databases and Headquarters. Microsoft RMS is SQL Server-based application, so we will consider SQL programming ? SQL queries, views and stored procedures. Also Microsoft RMS could be integrated on the SQL level with other applications, such as Microsoft Great Plains, Microsoft CRM and non-Microsoft applications, such as Lotus Notes/Domino Microsoft Great Plains Subcontracting ? Overview for Microsoft Business Solutions Partner Microsoft Business Solutions Great Plains is very popular ERP/MRP applications in the USA, Canada, UK, Australia, New Zealand, Middle East, South Africa, Latin America. Considering high number of new Microsoft Great Plains partners and the desire to subcontract occasional customization, integration and reporting projects, we would like to advise you on Microsoft Great Plains subcontracting guidelines, based on our experience in dealing with Great Plains VARs Candidates for subcontracting: How To Develop Software For Your Business Software development is a risky business. Reduce Pop-ups and Annoying Ads There is many things more frustrating than surfing a website only to have your screen suddenly full of pop-up advertising or a cascade of new windows opening. There are so many intrusive kinds of advertising on websites that there must be a way to deal with them. 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Let's look at your options: Microsoft CRM Integration with IBM Lotus Notes Domino ? Machinery Dealership Example IBM Lotus Notes with Domino email server is traditional document workflow management solution for large corporate business, where you need audit trail on approval cycle and decision making. Microsoft Business Solutions CRM is very cost efficient solution to automate sales process. It might be surprising, but we see good strata of clients who are willing to deploy and integrate both systems: MS CRM and Lotus Domino. In our opinion these clients are balancing ERP platform risks and trying to protect and deploy investments into Lotus licenses, while deploying new and already leading CRM solution ? Microsoft CRM. In this small article we'll give you the integration example ? European division of one of the well known machinery manufacturer dealership network. 10 Things You Can Do With Photoshop CS2 That You Couldnt Do Before Now Is Photoshop CS2 worth the upgrade? 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