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COSMIC: A Small Improvement on the Symons Method
The COSMIC FP (function point) software quality metric, is no longer 'proposed' but an actual system in use and internationally recognised, whereas MarkII, like other older systems, is not recognised anywhere, and, even in the UK is in decline if not actually dormant, so this debate is already over. Historically, from my limited understanding of the situation, it seems that originally there were upwards of 35 variants of function point style metrics until the ISO developed criteria for a acceptable solution, ISO 14143: Parts 1 to 5 (1995-2002): The COSMIC group reviewed existing functional size measurement methods, namely the work done in the late 80's by Charles Symons in the UK. The aim was to improve on Albrecht's size index (IFPUG FPA) As stated in many sources, the most important feature of the COSMIC method is that, unlike Mark II, it was developed alongside the emergence of the newer software applications that did not exist when Mark II was devised, thus being compatible with modern software engineering concepts and unlike the previous metrics, this method was designed to be compatible with the ideas from structured analysis and design. Because of these two features, COSMIC has Full ISO recognition and is has inherent flexibility for a wider range of software, this flexibility also makes the metric less sensitive to mistakes during analysis than is typically the case with the Mark II metric which does not have the same ability to capture size from multiple viewpoints Function point style metrics estimation algorithms involve applying a set of rules and procedures to a given piece of software as it is perceived from the perspective of its Functional User Requirements. As size measures are not very precise, this gives a veneer of science to what is in effect a guessing game. The result being that while Mark II can be used for sizing of the GUI and real-time systems which did not exist when it was created only after extensive adaptation, but which itself creates difficulties of interpretation due to conflicting procedures and rules. An important issue with the Mark II method is that the "functional components of the method are difficult or subjective to interpret" 6, different measurers will get different results. The COSMIC method of sizing the functional requirements of software has been approved as an International Standard (ISO/IEC 19761:2003). and unlike the previous variations, COSMIC is the first method to be designed by an international team, as opposed to being the product of one academic or entity. This is a positive because it will help standardisation which will in turn improve repeatability of the measurement. The most important disadvantage to Function point methodology is that "it takes several days to learn function point counting and more time to become proficient. This hurdle has limited the pool of trained counters." 3 Many of the sources I looked at included warnings such the following "Function Point Analysis should be performed by trained and experienced personnel. If Function Point Analysis is conducted by untrained personnel, it is reasonable to assume the analysis will done incorrectly." 4 Function point methodologies are designed around the application of complex rules and procedures that result in a numerical "value of a quantity"2 representing the functional size of the software. Unlike the Mark II method, COSMIC requires an extra step to identify layers' before indentifying the system boundary, however this process enables the analysis to better account for the inner workings of a complex system and reduces the probability of missing functions. The general consensus from the materials that I have read is that fundamentally the measurement effort for COSMIC is similar to that needed for established sizing methods. However unlike the other methods, COSMIC functional size method is 'easy' or 'reasonably easy' to apply. This is in part due to the removal of the technical adjustment factors from the specifications and simplification of the transactional functions rules and terminology. Fore example, using Mark II "a function is not a point unless specific rules are satisfied"3. Where as COSMIC counting rules consist of "three core rules that establish which observations constitute a point"3. An important factor in general ease of use is the underlying mathematical framework for quantifying and summarizing function points but which involves a loss in information when summarized into unadjusted function points. Using COSMIC there is no separate counting of files (ILF and EIF) and is Ratio/Absolute. We would identify for each functional process, the subprocesses (entry, exit, read, write); The measurement Viewpoint allows "all functions to be included in the size measure" unlike in Mark II method, then apply measurement function as follows; FP Size = Sum(number of Entries ) + Sum(number of Exits) + Sum(number of Reads) + Sum(number of Writes) "The size of a functional process is the sum of its data movements (entry, exit, read, write) and the size of a piece of software is the sum of the sizes of all of its functional processes." 6. Due to the concept of data movements as opposed to Logical Files once per system used in the Mark II, COSMIC results in amore accurate size measure for the complexity of processing stored data. For example, in the given case above it is not unreasonable to expect the update inventory transaction input to the Inventory item entity to be output during the transaction and become part of the input the inventory_item entity this is information is lost. Under Mark II rules, it is counted as an input once when the data crossed the application boundary, but not as an input in the Invontary_item entity because the data does not leave the application boundary again at that point. For the update inventory transaction under Mark II we can a UFPI count of (0.58*9) + (1.66 * 4) (0.26*1) = 12.12, under CosMIC we would arrive at an equivalent count of 3+5+4 =12 In conclusion, the fact that function points are not (yet) a perfect measure of an application, COSMIC does represents an advance over the IFPUG and other '1st Generation' FSM Methods. Measurement of functional sizes can be more plausible, easier to make and repeatable. However functional size measurement technology must keep evolving to meet market needs. indeed I would think that this is too subjective to be counted as a "measure". For instance, I personally know over 120 software developers at 20 different companies, and nobody had ever heard of Function Points before I did. The addition in COSMIC of the concept of internal layers, for better identification of component to component interaction allows for more complete analysis, and is missing from MarkII. What is still needed is a defined standard for adequate precision and an effective way to describe the accuracy of the function points which could be achieved in fact through better guidelines. Due to the fact that COSMIC is free and accessible anywhere in the world it is more likely to survive and evolve, unlike MarkII which is UK only, and proprietary. Bibliography [2] Steve Neuendorf. (2001) Let Size A = X Function Points, Online, http://www.serv.net/~steve/Let%20Size%20equal%20FP.htm, October 22 2004. [3] Steve Neuendorf. (2001) Evolving Function Points, Online, http://www.stsc.hill.af.mil/crosstalk/2001/02/fischman.html, October 25 2004. [4] Symons, C.R., 'Function Point Analysis: Difficulties and Improvements', IEEE Trans Software Eng., vol 14, no. 1, Jan 1988 [5] Total Metrics. (2001) Function Points FAQs, Online, http://www.totalmetrics.com/cms/servlet/main?Subject=Content&ID=165, October 22 2004. [6] Unkown. (2002) Advantages of the COSMIC-FFP method, Online, http://www.cosmicon.com/advantagecs.asp, October 25 2004. I am the website administrator of the Wandle industrial museum (http://www.wandle.org). Established in 1983 by local people determined to ensure that the history of the valley was no longer neglected but enhanced awareness its heritage for the use and benefits of the community.
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Microsoft Great Plains: exchange & brokerage ? implementation notes If you company is small or mid-size special products or materials exchange broker, you probably have custom in-house made exchange application. Nowadays exchange is done over the internet, so you might have advanced web-based exchange application. Microsoft Business Solutions Great Plains could play the role of the backend: accounting, sales and purchasing ordering, backordering, allocation, collection. In this case we expect tight integration between your exchange application and Great Plains. In this small article we consider industry / market niche specifics and the ways to realize these requirements: Microsoft Great Plains Inventory Control ? Overview For Consultant Microsoft Business Solutions Great Plains is marketed for mid-size companies as well as Navision (which has very good positions in Europe and emerging markets where it can be easily localized). Great Plains Inventory control is pretty robust and here we would like to give you highlights on standard functionality as well as what could be added to its standard features. ERP Remote Support: Microsoft Great Plains Analysis ? Pluses & Minuses Former Great Plains Software Dynamics/eEnterprise and currently Microsoft Business Solutions Great Plains serves midsize and corporate clients as ERP system in the following countries and regions: USA, Canada, Mexico and Latin America, Brazil (where MBS actually promotes Navision and has GP for multinational corporations), Saudi Arabia, OAE, Egypt and the rest of Middle East, South Africa, Nigeria and the whole African continent, U.K. and Ireland, partially France and Belgium, Poland, Pakistan, South East Asia, Philippines and Pacific. The fact that Ernst & Young consulting subdivision was specializing in supporting Great Plains eEnterprise for clients in remote locations, such as Bermuda, having small offices over there and later on E&Y had to stop it ? due to the fact that Microsoft purchased GPS ? left large number of so-called orphan clients, who are still without support and using Dynamics, eEnterprise or even old DOS-based Great Plains Accounting. As the result ? there is very lucrative market niche for Microsoft Great Plains remote support. In this small article we'll give you pluses and minuses of GP remote support ? so to say optimistic and pessimistic points of view. Microsoft Great Plains international implementation ? USA / Mexico ? overview for consultant Microsoft Business Solutions Great Plains was purchased from Great Plains Software and Great Plains Software itself had strong international marketing plans and campaigns. If we look back to 1990th ? we'll see that GPS had Multilanguage support and Great Plains Dynamics / Dynamics C/S+ was localized and translated into multiple languages, including Spanish. Localization means not only the translation, but also adaptation to specific local country tax rules (Sales Tax versus Value Added Tax VAT, GST, specific payroll taxes, etc.). Let's consider typical case when we see international company with headquarters and distribution centers in the US and manufacturing and purchasing in Mexico Most Common Ways to Accumulate Spyware (where It is Downloaded to Your PC) It is possible that if one avoided all sources of spyware, ad-ware and virus infection that infection would be at minimal levels. Although I don't recommend using only this method as a form of fighting spyware, it can be a potentially effective mean. Used in conjunction with a virus scanning program (I recommend Avast), abstaining from visiting these web sites or using these programs will help your PC to fight off infections, infestations and slower speeds due to unneeded running processes. 25 Things Mapping Software Can Do For You 1. With mapping software you can create a report that tracks your retirement plan for you. Fleet Maintenance Software Reviews Innovative Maintenance Systems (IMS) is one company that offers solutions for companies in need of fleet maintenance software. One of their most popular products is Fleet Maintenance Pro�. According to the website and fleet maintenance software reviews, this product offers automatic calculations of maintenance, assists in tracking PM and repair maintenance, helps you analyze fleet costs over time and much more. This product is recommended for maintaining vehicles that are tracked by date, mileage, hours and etc. Prices range from $189.00 - $750.00 for single users, but networking capabilities are also available. Microsoft Great Plains: Service Business Customization & Integration Example Microsoft Business Solutions Great Plains might be considered as ERP platform, ready for customization and integration. Microsoft Business Solutions partner typically does one of the two things: specializes in the industry (in this case it goes for the nation-wide clientele) or specializes in the local or regional market. In this small article we'll consider the specifics of the services industry and how they could be realized in Microsoft Great Plains Downloading Spyware Removers: Think Before, not After Just imagine: you are walking, say, towards your car, and all of a sudden somebody comes up to you and begins? polishing your shoes. Or even better example--a guy you've never met before opens the hood of your car, says the engine is broken and tries to persuade you to add some gadget your car desperately needs--and now! What you'd do if such a crazy thing happened? Wouldn't you readily accept the help, paid for it and thank this unknown altruist for his generosity? Why not? Lots of people are doing exactly the same on their PCs. Huddle Up; Groupware on Three It could just be me, but my experiences with document collaboration remind me of a football game. It sounds crazy, I know, but working with a group and sending emails off to other members of the group caries with it that familiar uneasy sensation of Thanksgiving Day football games, where I often play quarterback and just as often wonder whether members of my family will catch the pass, and if they do, what they will do with the ball. Using groupware in document collaboration is similar to having a game plan that separates the "Turkey Bowl" family football team from the real competitors. Microsoft CRM for Large Corporation ? Security Microsoft Business Solutions CRM proved to be reliable solution in the whole spectrum of industries and market niches: transportation & logistics, education, recruiting & placement, supply chain management, pharmaceutical, oil & gas, aerospace & defense, manufacturing, wholesale & retail. When corporation is looking into CRM application to choose from ? one of the fist questions is security. In this small article we'll try to give you the highlights on the most typical questions we are receiving in the security area. Understanding XML Server XML Server can be a Web Server that stores the XML files in it and serves them on demand. The XML Server would have processing capabilities with an XML engine and to transform the XML document to other forms. Basically a server which hosts and serves the XML documents is called a XML Server. Best Practices In Choosing Network Monitoring Software Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Hawaii (HMSA) found itself with a rapidly expanding network and data center. Our network devices, servers, and software were all growing in complexity and we knew that we would have to leverage technology to gain better control of our IT systems and network. In the past, we confronted the same dilemma that systems administrators in all IT organizations face: weighing the value of simple monitoring solutions versus expensive, feature-rich enterprise solutions that require labor intensive maintenance. We attempted to implement a large-scale system and network monitoring package from a major vendor but found the product was never fully implemented or adopted by the users because of its overbearing complexity. We then quickly implemented an inexpensive, low-end package that provided basic monitoring ? but lacked much of the deeper functionality our organization required, such as performance and application monitoring. Is Your Family Protected? When you think about Security, what do you think of? We all have one device or another to assist in keeping us safe. We have pad locks and security systems to safe guard our home, alarm systems to protect the equipment in our cars, parental controls on our cable TV and satellite accesses. We even have ways to protect our loved ones from computer invasions. But are we protected enough, are we using the best devices to combat the unwanted and dangerous intrusions, not to mention keeping our family from stumbling across those out on the internet? Let's face it, without the proper soft ware to protect your computer, you are at risk every time you connect to the internet. There are the viruses, the Trojans and unwanted spam, not to mention the chat rooms where millions fall victim of on-line predators, and let's not forget the #1 problem on the internet, pornography. You may be saying, but I have the best anti- spy ware money can buy and my internet service provides parental controls. Here's the underlying question: How effective are they? Statistics show that 95% of internet users don't have the adequate security to prevent attacks or control the content the computer user can access. The average computer is scanned by online intruders on average of 12 times a day. More and more victims are realizing the importance of these safety devices. The newest trend for identity theft is to steal information and cash out, out side of the country making it impossible to trace and leaving the victims with nothing to replace the funds. What do I do, you ask? Let me begin with the basics. There are four steps to take into consideration. 1. Evaluate- There are diagnostic tools to find and identify dangerous threats to your computer. These tools are as simple as popping into you computer and scanning your hard drive. Threats are then identified with the proper recommended course of action to take. 2. Eliminate- Once the threats have been identified the obvious next step is to eliminate. These security tools help scan, eliminate and block threatening spy ware, annoying ad ware and cookies, damaging worms and Trojan horses. 3. Protect- Set up a barrier around your computer. This will keep intruders out and create a fire wall. This is the most effective way to defend you against hackers and avoid identity theft. 4. Control- This final step will create a peace of mind for you, with the knowledge that you can avoid potentially dangerous web sites. You can block undesirable websites as well as avoid ones that try to download spy ware onto your computer. So what's the next course of action? Find a security device that will cover these four steps and protect you from all of these hazardous things. There are even programs that will do this and automatically update every month to ensure added safety and avoid any new unknown danger. My advice, find them, get them on your computer to avoid any heartache that could happen. The average cost for these programs, to completely cover you computer, vary from $40- $120 depending on the collection of software you use. The products that will automatically update usually run $5 - $10 a month to give you the essential idea of, get it and forget it. Too many times we forget to update our securities and fall victim of these malicious acts. Don't wait, don't become a victim before you take action. What is the price for your safety? Corporate ERP: Standard vs. Rich functionality ? Microsoft Great Plains Traditionally we were considering functionally rich systems, such as SAP, Oracle Financials, PeopleSoft, JDEdwards as the fit for large publicly traded corporation. There might be multiple opinions for the future corporate ERP/MRP systems. We would like to give you our prognosis: high-end systems will be losing market to generic granulated standard functionality systems. Customization will be in high demand ? but it will be appropriate to go for light of medium customization versus purchasing high-end functionality system. It is not a secret, that nowadays multiple companies from Fortune 500 list use midmarket solution, such as Microsoft Great Plains as their corporate ERP. In this small article we'll try to defend our position and give you highlights on deploying Microsoft Great Plains for large corporation. Google Brings the Earth to Your Desktop Google Inc. has launched a new software package that allows you to see satellite images on your desktop. Why do Manufacturers Invest in Business Management Software? With many manufacturing shops heading over seas in favor of lower cost, it is tough to compete in today's marketplace. As a result, the goal for manufactures who want to compete going forward is to run leaner, faster and more accurately. Microsoft CRM and Great Plains Implementation: Freight Forwarding Business Automation Example Microsoft Business Solutions offers several ERP applications: Great Plains, Navision, Solomon and its own CRM solution ? Microsoft CRM. Targeting to automate all business operations, Microsoft CRM is now integrated with Microsoft Great Plains and in the close future it should have integration with Microsoft Navision. In this small article we'll show you business automation example, where Microsoft CRM and Great Plains are integrated and customized to fit Freight Forwarding business processes. Microsoft Great Plains Food Processing ? Implementation & Customization Highlights Microsoft Great Plains might be considered as ERP platform to build your own custom solution upon or as the assembly place for the existing modules. Microsoft Great Plains has Inventory Control (IV), Bill of Materials (BM), Manufacturing modules, coming from Microsoft Business Solutions directly, plus it has third party solutions, such as Horizon Light Manufacturing. In Food Processing industry, however the manufacturing itself is so-called process manufacturing, where with variable input you have variable output. It is opposite to discrete manufacturing, where you expect exact number of parts to be assembled into exact number of finished products. In our opinion ? you should first understand your options to automate business processes and if Manufacturing module is absolute must ? only then you should purchase manufacturing and implement it. Let's give you some highlights: Groupware: What Works the Way Businesses Do? Groupware ![]() |
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