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Microsoft Great Plains: carpet, textile, fabric, felt distributor ? implementation overview
In this small article we will show you the possible way of deploying Microsoft Business Solutions Great Plains for the market niche of large, mid-size and small reselling and distribution business in carpeting and floor covering, textile & fabric. We will not be talking about fabric production, but rather cutting for the end-user or small retailer. Microsoft Great Plains itself in our case should be considered as a platform for light customization and modification. We'll describe industry requirements and the way them to be implemented in Great Plains ? Variable Length Rolls. Usually, when you place and order through your supplier ? there is no way to know exact length of the roll or bolt. It might have 75 yards or 80 yards ? you typically know the average length, say 77 yards and this is why you know what to expect in yards if you purchase 10 bolts ? Inventory in Yards. When you receive the roll ? you need to place it into inventory in exact yards. Typical method is to assign lot number to the bolt and then associate the exact initial length in yards with this unique lot number. This is Great Plains Dexterity customization, which provides parallel unit of measure, associated with the lot number ? Light Assembly. Bill of Materials would be probably too complex for cutting the fabric. This is why we suggest to deploy automatic inventory decrease and increase adjustments ? you decrease number of yards in the roll and increase your finished good in the number of units assembled ? Meter / Yard challenge. If you purchase from the supplier in China, Mexico, South East Asia or Europe ? they measure their rolls in meters, not yards ? so you need to implement automatic unit of measure translation and conversion. You resolve this on the level of your EDI ? electronic document interchange ? Cut-beds tracking to original roll. If you are assembling/cutting something like billiard table beds ? you would like them to be tracked to the original roll in the case of customer complaint. This means that you will have to assign the same or modified lot number to the cut-bed ? Inventory Count. You need to track what is the current length of the bolt/roll. This is realized via custom Dexterity table, having Item Number, Lot Number, Initial Length in Yards, Current Length in Yards ? Customization Tools: Great Plains Dexterity ? this is Great Plains Dynamics programming language and development environment; Modifier with VBA ? will allow your modify Great Plains forms and attach VBA scripts to your custom buttons; SQL scripts and stored procedures ? low level database programming, excellent for the professional with profound GP tables structure and data flow knowledge. Good luck with implementation, customization and integration and if you have issues or concerns ? we are here to help! �If you want us to do the job - give us a call 866-528-0577 or 630-961-5918! [email protected] � Andrew is Great Plains specialist in Alba Spectrum Technologies ( http://www.albaspectrum.com ) ? Microsoft Great Plains, Navision, Microsoft CRM Partner, serving clients in California, Minnesota, Illinois, Washington, Florida, Arizona, New York, New Jersey, Virginia, Georgia, Louisiana, Texas, Canada, UK, Australia, Brazil, Germany, Russia
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If you have teenagers in your household, it's imperative that they know the dangers of using these programs as what takes 2 minutes to download and listen to, can take a good few hours to remove the damage left behind after being infected with spyware. Can You Calculate Complex Financial Calculations? Are you a whiz at calculating financial information? Not the easy personal stuff, like figuring out your monthly mortgage based on a fixed interest rate for x number of years, or how much money you have available each month after all your bills are paid. (You can probably use your fingers to figure that one out!) Looking for an Alternative to Microsoft Office? You Should Be! Now is the time to look at an alternative to Microsoft Office. Free Preventive Maintenance Software While several preventive maintenance software manufacturers offer free trials for their products before charging a fee, some companies offer their products for free. Free preventive maintenance software is rare, and is sometimes less thorough than software that must be purchased, but it can be a good solution for a new or struggling business. Artificial Intelligence And Intuition The intuitive algorithm. Great Plains Custom Development: Dexterity, VBA, SQL, Crystal, eConnect ? Overview For Programmer Microsoft Great Plains is main Microsoft Business Solutions accounting package for the US market. It has multiple customization/modification/reporting tools. Currently there is upgrade campaign to version 8.0 and due to the discontinuation of the technical support for Microsoft Great Plains Standard on Ctree and Pervasive SQL - we see substantial increase in migration needs: migration from ctree/Pervasive to MSDE/MS SQL Server. This in turn increases interest to customization and customization upgrade. Microsoft Great Plains Implementation in Russia ? Overview for Consultant Microsoft Business Solutions Great Plains is very popular ERP platform in the USA, Canada (including French speaking Quebec/Montreal), U.K., Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Middle East: OAE, Egypt, Arabia, Latin America. Former versions ? Great Plains Dynamics/eEnterprise was also popular in Europe: France, Poland, Russia. When Microsoft acquired Navision Software ? and handed it out to its subdivision: Microsoft Business Solutions ? we saw some geo-strategy changes. Navision, the leader on the European mid-market and successfully overcoming such localization barriers as language translation, adaptation to country-specific taxes and payroll taxes ? was chosen as preferred or the only recommended solution for emerging markets. In Russia we saw dramatic situation, when multiple Great Plains Dynamics/eEnterprise resellers went out of business. At the same time, Russia is huge and lucrative market for ERP/MRP applications and we envision large number of multi-national companies, having GP as their Headquarters chosen solution and who needs Great Plains to be implemented for Russian subsidiary. Here are the implementation highlights for you: Software Automation Helps Increase your Bottom Line When you own a small business, time is money. And every time a task that should be automated is handled manually, it wastes your time and your business loses money. To make matters even worse, performing these tasks manually, in front of clients or prospects, projects the wrong image. Microsoft Great Plains Customization Tools ? Overview Former Great Plains Software Dynamics/eEnterprise, and currently Microsoft Business Solutions Great Plains was initially designed in the earlier 1990th as the extendable and modular application with its proprietary tool: Great Plains Dexterity, written in C programming language as a shell. This was popular tendency those days ?compare with SAP ABAP or Navision C/Side. Great Plains has additional ideas ? database platform independence and graphical platform independent interface (initially targeted to both Apple Macintosh and Microsoft Windows with good chance that one of them will take market over ? and it did happen, including the acquisition of Great Plains Software by Microsoft). In this small article we'll give you revised overview ? you can find previous publication in the last year posts. Performance Tuning of a Daffodil DB / One$DB -JDBC Application This article illustrates the best practices to improve the performance of Daffodil DB / One$DB JDBC Driver. This article focuses on how to improve the performance of a Daffodil DB / One$DB JDBC application using Statement, PreparedStatemnt, CallableStatement and ResultSet interfaces. Choosing the right statement interfaces and right methods according to your SQL query plays a vital role in improving the performance of a JDBC Driver. Configure Windows Indexing Service for Performance The Windows Indexing Service provides you with the ability to perform advanced searches on directories located on your computer and on shared directories on the network. The Indexing Service was introduced with IIS (Internet Information Services) and is now installed with Windows 2000 and Windows XP. Microsoft C# vs. VB.Net Hi, Guys, These Items Are A Must Before Making The Decision To Purchase Any Off-The-Shelf Software 1. What determines the software price? Is it Per Seat or Per User or Per Processor? Who?s Watching What You Type? If someone entered your home, uninvited and installed numerous cameras and listening devices in order to monitor your activities, you would quite rightly be outraged. While such a situation, unless you are living in the Big Brother House, would be considered ridiculous, the same cannot be said for the humble home computer. The Software 2005 Conference - A Review The Software 2005 conference is now a wrap. This conference, presented by M.R. Rangaswami and The Sandhill Group, is now an annual event and attendance increased 35% this year over 2004. It is an ideal opportunity for those in the enterprise software industry to see what's new and what's coming, as well as to catch up with old colleagues and make new connections. It is also a perfect forum for startups to gain exposure as well as solicit funding and key partnerships. eConnect: eCommerce Development for Microsoft Great Plains Microsoft Business Solutions Great Plains has several options to enable web ordering. Traditionally Great Plains Dynamics/eEnterprise had eOrder ? this is ASP pages based ordering application, enabling you to place or retrieve your Sales Order Processing (SOP) Sales Orders over the web. There were several drawbacks however with eOrder. You should be the customer in Great Plains company database to be able placing the orders. Also if you were planning to customize eOrder ? you could only do cosmetic style changes only ? if you wanted to alter scripts on the ASP pages ? then you would have very serious eOrder upgrade issues. Upgrade simply wipes out your custom scripts and you had to reapply your customization to new version enriched ASP pages. Instead of following the way to move eOrder to ASPX or .Net platform ? MBS introduced eConnect, enabling web designer to "connect" eCommerce site to Great Plains backend. This is very elegant module and solution, however we are hearing a lot of complaints from developers on eConnect restrictions. Microsoft Great Plains implementation: Restaurants Supply Chain Management Example Microsoft Great Plains serves majority of US based horizontal and vertical markets. Being relatively flexible and customizable ? it can fit your specific business requirements with light or deep customization. You can have portion of the system customization done by your in-house developers (such tools as Modifier with VBA, MS SQL Server stored procedures, Crystal Reports do not require unique expertise) and the most critical and difficult part could be subcontracted ? especially Great Plains Dexterity. In this small article we would like to give you good example of customization scenarios, where client needs warehouse management, random weight purchasing and by-pond resale to end clients, barcoding. Microsoft Great Plains eCommerce: overview for developer Microsoft Business Solutions Great Plains was designed back in the earlier 1990th as first graphical ERP/accounting system for mid-size businesses. The architects of Great Plains Dexterity ? this is the internal mid-shell, all Great Plains was written on, designed it to be easily transferable between graphical operating systems (MAC, Windows, Solaris ? potentially) and database platforms ? initially Great Plains was available on Ctree (both Mac and PC) and Btrieve, a bit later high end version Dynamics C/S+ was available on Microsoft SQL Server 6.5. But the idea was to catch or switch winning/losing database platform ? nobody could predict if MS SQL Server, Oracle or DB 2 become a dominant DB platform, like Windows among OS. All these trade-ins for being potentially cross-platform application make the life of nowadays eCommerce developer difficult. ![]() |
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