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Online PowerPoint Presentation ? Convert PowerPoint to Flash
Although we don't know whether Microsoft ever envisioned such a big market about PowerPoint on its first release. Today this software is impacting profoundly on education and corporation's activities in the way that nobody could ignore. With a wealth of visual and audio effects people rely on it to express their ideas, plans more intuitively with more effective communication outcomes. One of most wildly PowerPoint application exists in education. With the booming of Internet, traditional education approaches have been eclipsing by various new emerging ways. And in spite of heavy promotion of supposedly new television educational approaches in recent years, from my point of view, the real innovation and revolution is taking place somewhere else: on the Web, where I truly believe the advantages of PowerPoint will be fully exerted again. Another great application undoubtly is for entertainment. PowerPoint2003 provides great transition effects and flash movie enable, narration record functions, people are now in favor to use it to make all kinds of brilliant slideshows as a way to store and highlight their precious memory. For businessperson, it's been an exclusive way to make their conception live for many years. However like any other softwares PowerPoint has its share of weakness. The final project's totally dependence on PowerPoint Software requires the Microsoft PowerPoint installed in any computer on which a presentation is running; And its bulky size make it awkward to distribute. In recent years, people come up with an idea to fix this inconvenience ? to convert PowerPoint to smaller, multi-platform supported flash files. We can include the merits of this conversion as following: 1. Reduce Size and Email Ready If you are using PowerPoint presentation frequently in your work, you must feel to be hindered by its bulky size every now and then, which holds you back from any distribution. Now with PowerPoint to Flash Converter, that kind of problem will be eliminated automatically. The converted flash presentation is absolutely a better option for emailing due to its smaller size; it will not clog your partner inbox. 2. Greater and Easier Accessibility for Viewers The converted Flash presentations can be easily viewed in any Internet Browsers. For most of Browsers have already had Flash Plug-ins installed, so you can email the convert Flash file to your friends directly without worrying whether they have PowerPoint Software installed on their computers. And thanks to its smaller, streaming media format you can just post it on websites or Intranets to share with other people. 3. Keep all original effects in PowerPoint presentation Convert PowerPoint to Flash will keep all original effects in your PowerPoint presentation without any distortion. After converting your PowerPoint presentation to flash files, you will be surprise to find that the result is amazing; all the original effects are remain unchanged. With this knowledge in mind, you can just go ahead and enjoy it! 4. Secure PowerPoint files are editable by anyone else who has PowerPoint installed on their machine. Not so for Flash files which allow you to maintain a higher degree of control on your content if you wish to. 5. Firewall Friendliness Flash-based content has no problem going through firewalls as it behaves just like standard Web content. There are already PPT to SWF softwares on the market, some of them are really strong. But they all priced at above average level (several hundred dollars) compared with other softwares, their target clients mostly are companies or organizations. From http://www.sameshow.com Susan Zheng
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Microsoft Great Plains Nationwide Remote Support ERP Consulting industry is on the way to serve clients nationwide and even worldwide, when the client is multinational corporation. There are several reasons to specialize in remote support. In this small article we'll give you these reasons and the advantages of remote installation, customization, integration, programming, reporting. How To Choose A Fire Wall Software Program In the real world a "fire wall" is a fireproof wall that is built to stop the spread of fire from one part of a building to others. In the Internet world a firewall has a similar purpose in that it stops the spread of harmful viruses and attacks from entering your home or office network. Fast Car Knoppix Small can be beautiful! Working with Knoppix for the past two years has been a joy. Two terms to describe this distribution, simple, elegance. See Knoppix is one of the many operating systems that runs from the CD, so it doesn't have the hardware conflicts associated with many instruction sets between hardware and software. Bill of Lading ? Custom Reporting for Microsoft Great Plains ? Overview for Consultant Bill of Lading is required report for Logistics and Freight Forwarding companies. If you are looking at Freight Forwarding software, targeted to automate transportation business ? Bill of Lading with multiple custom forms should be present there. However if you need the extension to standard ERP/Accounting application ? you may be looking at the option to customize the system. Microsoft Business Solutions Great Plains might be considered as ERP platform, ready for customization. Let us give you customization highlights. Microsoft Great Plains in Metal Distribution: Implementation & Customization ? Consultant Overview Microsoft Business Solutions Great Plains serves to the wide spectrum of horizontal markets and could be also considered as generic ERP/MRP/Accounting platform for light and advanced customization to fit verticals. In this small article we describe distribution sector with the example from metal distribution - Dealer/broker of industrial nonferrous by-product scrap, de-tins and de-oils industrial by-product scrap and finished parts. It might sound a bit complex ? but we think this is typical for this horizontal market niche. The language of the article is targeted to primarily technical consultant and in-house programmer/software developer. In our opinion ? ERP applications should be implemented with the leveraged help and support of internal IT people ? we are entering into the epoch of technical specialists and IT departments ? smile. Software: What Suits Me? Almost all new and major brand of PCs come with bundled software packages that can handle both business and personal needs. The Importance of Timely Timesheets Whether you are a small consultancy firm, a medium sized accountancy practice, or a code warrior for hire in a back room of your house then you have at least one thing in common: you are in business to get paid quickly, and for the work you have done. Timesheets are the usual method for tracking time you spent working and thus are the key to timely invoice generation. Timely invoice generation and despatch is important for two reasons: Design a Web Album Using Adobe Photoshop- Part 2 So let's begin crunching down these 300 images using Adobe Photoshop from start to finish. When I say 'crunching', to some 300 images may seem like allot, but it's not. I have done jobs for clients that have 100,000 plus images. When you have that many images to produce there are other programs I use that are designed for this. We'll cover that another day. Defining OLAP Solutions and Data Warehouse design This tutorial covers OLAP solutions used by Data warehouses and understanding Data Warehouse design. The enterprise needs to ask itself certain fundamental questions before actually launching on the process of designing the data warehouse. It must begin with a conviction that a data warehouse would really help its business and the return on investment will make it worth it. Microsoft Great Plains Accounting/ERP Implementation ? Finance Industry Customization Example Microsoft Business Solutions Great Plains is very generic accounting application out of the box and has multiple modules to address specific horizontal or vertical market requirements. At the same time Great Plains, now being moved on MS SQL Server platform allows you to deploy standard tools to customize and fit to these requirements, when you don't need rich custom functionality, just few touches. In this small article let's take a look at finance industry. Great Plains Accounting Migration to Microsoft Great Plains - Overview for IT Specialist This is a short article, written in question/answer/FAQ style to give IT Specialist/developer/programmer balanced top level information on Great Plains Accounting migration to Microsoft Business Solutions Great Plains. If you have Great Plains Accounting as main accounting and ERP system you need to know some technical details on the migration to Great Plains and what is going on behind the scenes. As of right now it is reasonable to upgrade to Microsoft Great Plains 8.0 Alien Intruders! You probably didn't casually invite, or extend a formal attendance request to, these undesirables known as viruses. Microsoft Small Business Manager eCommerce ? Overview Microsoft Business Solutions Small Business Manager is scaled down Great Plains Dexterity based version of Microsoft Great Plains or former Great Plains Dynamics/eEnterprise. Small Business Manager first release 7.0 and all the following version was available on MSDE (MS SQL Server 2000 with limited usage and database size ? 2GB maximum). It is nice situation on the market in eCommerce niche ? we see huge number of customers, who have purchased and implemented SBM for their small and mid-size businesses and then realized that customization options for Small Business Manager are very limited: in comparison to Great Plains SBM doesn't have VBA/Modifier, it has very restricted version of Integration Manager. These restrictions lead you, eCommerce developer to direct SQL programming. Again ? being scaled down version of Microsoft Great Plains ? Small Business Manager has a legacy of relatively complex tables structure. tom stored procedures way here: Ukraine IT Myths Dispersed While Ukraine is becoming a new popular IT outsourcing destination, there are still many myths about it and no clear understanding of the opportunities outsourcing to Ukraine can present. Let us look closely at some of those myths and find out whether there is any truth behind them. Backing Up And Restoring Your MySQL Database If you've been using MySQL database to store your important data, it is imperative that you make a backup of your data to prevent any loss of data. This article shows you how to backup and restore data in your MySQL database. This process can also be used if you have to move your data to a new server. What You Should Know About Installing Screensavers Do you remember that frustrating feeling when you find an interesting screensaver and can't install it on your computer? This article will help you to never have it again. MultiNational Corporation ERP Implementation ? Microsoft Business Solutions Great Plains If you look back to the history, you will see that ERP for large publicly traded company had to be built upon very reliable hardware (more likely non-Intel hardware: mainframe, Sun sparc, etc.), powerful database platform: Oracle, DB2, Ingress, Sybase and reliable OS: UNIX. 10 years ago Microsoft had Windows NT first tries, plus Windows 95 was kind of revolution, but not the one to stake on for corporate users. Nowadays hardware (from Intel side), Windows 2003 Server Enterprise Edition, WindowsXP Pro, and Microsoft SQL Server could be considered reasonably reliable plus it is certainly easier to support these products, because of the large pool of Microsoft-oriented IT professionals available Worldwide. Microsoft Business Solutions offers several lines of ERP systems: Microsoft Great Plains, Microsoft Navision, Solomon, Axapta. We don't want to state here that in the future Microsoft will be only ERP systems provider, but it certainly is and will be one of the major players on the ERP/MRP market. In this small article we'll consider the ways to implement large corporation required features in Microsoft Great Plains. Microsoft Great Plains & CRM in Transportation & Logistics ? Overview Microsoft Business Solutions Great Plains and MS CRM (client relation management system) are very popular in various industries and market niches. In previous article we described Microsoft Great Plains implementation for transportation & logistics company. Having more material, we would like to share with you how you can leverage Microsoft Business Solutions products to automate your business. We'll try to be both technical and business processes specific and be laconic to comply the rules of tiny article. Manufacturing Outsourcing: Microsoft Great Plains Implementation, Customization & Reporting Manufacturing in the USA is far away down from mid 20th century top of the hill or its golden time. However we are in very competitive business environment and we have to do what market tends us to do. Nowadays competitive offshore manufacturing labor cost outweighs custom clearance fees and forces us to have not full-size manufacturing, but rather final assembly facilities here in the US distribution centers, such as Chicago, Nashville, Los Angeles. We'd like to give you successful implementation/downsizing/outsourcing scenario of mid-size machinery manufacturer. 10 Things You Could be Using Photoshop For, But Probably Arent Most people don't use Photoshop to its fullest capabilities. Here are just ten uses to which you could put this highly versatile software. ![]() |
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