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Software Engineering: An Introduction
Software Engineering is the Systematic Approach for analysis design implementation and maintenance of Software .It involve the use of Case tools. Computer software is the product that Software Engineers design and develop and virtually every one in the industrialized world use it and is important because it effects nearly every aspect of our lives and has became needy in commerce, culture and our every day life. The Steps involved in building a computer software like you build any successful product ,by applying a process that leads to a high quality result that meets the needs of people who will use the product . There are different steps involved in developing the software and generally there are three phases involved in software development. Definition , Development and Support phase. The first phase is of definition which every thing about the software is gathered and each and every information which is needed to develop a software is gathered. In short a proper road map is prepared and in which key requirements of the system and the software are identified. The second phase which is the Development phase, that is a software engineer attempts to define how data are to be structured how function is to be implemented within a software architecture , how procedural details are to be implemented how interfaces are to be characterized and how the design will be translated into a programming language.The method applied during the development phase might vary but the three technical tasks should always occur that are : Software Design , Code generation , and software testing. The Third and the last phase focus on changes which occur after the development of complete software this phase is associated with error correction, adaptation, enhancement and prevention of the software. In addition to these activities there are also some activities involved in the development of software and these activities are used throughout the Software development these activities are called Umbrella Activities. These activity include : Software Project tracking and control. Formal technical reviews. Software quality assurance. Software Configuration management. Document preparation and production. Reusability management. Measurement. Risk management. There are many phases of software engineering and it is a very deep field of software development and all the things discussed above is a part of the introduction. Fahad Ahmed doing Software Engineering From Karachi University fahadahmed_3310@hotmail.com
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The Truth: Netzero 3G We've all seen the ads on TV for Netzero 3G. You know the ones, "speeds so fast you sworn it was broadband" Well if your using it, you may not think it really is. We're going to break down the truth behind, Netzero 3G. Brief Notes About Mainframe Software Pricing We don't think about mainframe software pricing anymore, we just go out buy a server hardware/software "package" from Microsoft, but did you ever tink about how they got their ideas for the usage licence, it all started with IBM and the introduction of Cmos logic technology in 1994, simnce then mainframe software pricing has steadily became disproportion to the comparatively minute hardware costs, which has been stated to be "typically four to five times the hardware cost" in terms of the system budget. SyncUp ? A File/Folder Synchronizer For Windows SyncUp, a file synchronizer is designed to assist the home and advanced users. The product has a simple and familiar windows explorer type interface for easy file handling. Further, the Scan Results provides a detailed preview of the files for synchronization. Microsoft Great Plains Upgrade ? Things to Consider and FAQ If you have Microsoft Great Plains and support it for your company then you need to know some technical details about Great Plains version upgrade and what is going on behind the scenes, which options do you have in case of Dexterity, VBA, SQL customization, additional complexity comes with migration from ctree/Pervasive to MS SQL/MSDE. Microsoft Navision and Crystal Reports - An Overview Microsoft Business Solutions ? Navision is an integrated solution for small and midsize companies looking to expand their business operations without much interruption to its existing processes. Microsoft Navision enables businesses to alter as much or as little of its existing system, integrate add-ons and vertical segments of its development. It integrates every aspect of your organization, from customers to suppliers, from accounting to supply chain, increasing your productivity and competitive edge. Microsoft Navision has an open environment architecture making it fully customizable and easy to use and maintain. It can also be implemented rapidly so that there is only a minimal disruption to business operations. Preventive Maintenance Software Companies Several software companies design programs for preventive maintenance. Most of the preventive maintenance software companies produce programs for facilities and businesses. Because many programs are adaptable, they can be used for different types of facilities. Some of the best know preventive maintenance software companies are SMGlobal, Inc., Sigma Data Systems, Inc., and Smartware Group. Introduction To ISDN, Part II In the previous ISDN article, we looked at how and why one router dials another using ISDN. Just as important is knowing what keeps the link up once it is dialed. Groupware and Online Collaboration: Collaboration Series #4 This article is the fourth of a series of articles exploring specific aspects of groupware. The brief informational articles in this series discuss some of the technologies associated with groupware, as well as some of the characteristics of groupware. Some of these characteristics may go hand in hand with business collaborative needs. Other characteristics go beyond what some groupware providers have to offer. The purpose of these articles is to equip the groupware user or investigator with helpful knowledge about the product in order to enable more effective use or to lead the investigator to the groupware service he or she is looking for. This fourth article explores the ability of groupware to facilitate online collaboration. Microsoft Great Plains Logistics & Warehouse Management ? Implementation & Customization Highlights Logistics automation is often considered as barcoding extension to Sales Order Processing, Purchase Order Processing, Inventory Control modules. Software extensions makers may disagree with this simplification, but budget solution works exactly like barcoding extension and is usually done via Great Plains Dexterity, Modifier with VBA and SQL stored procedures. If your company is looking for implementing automated inventory bin/item pickup and conveyer ? then you need specialized software. However if you just envision your warehouse workers with barcode scanners ? then read this article to understand your options with Microsoft Business Solutions Great Plains. .NET :Solving the Multiple Inheritance Issue Under .NET Platform .NET platform does not support multiple inheritance. Do not confuse multilevel inheritance with multiple inheritance. With multiple inheritance we can have a subclass that inherits from two classes at the same time. Four Desktop Tools To Drastically Increase Your Productivity Sticky Notes Microsoft Great Plains Chemicals & Paint Industry Implementation & Customization Notes Microsoft Great Plains fits to majority of industries, in the case of Chemicals & Paint you should consider implementation with balanced approach of utilizing existing Great Plains standard module and light customization and reporting with Great Plains Dexterity, MS SQL Server stored procedures, Modifier/VBA and direct .Net publishing from Great Plains Company database. Let's consider industry requirements and their implementation in Microsoft Great Plains: Microsoft Blues With the advent of 'Service Pack 2' for Windows XP operating system, Microsoft have really made the forums hum. Great Plains Customization ? Programming Auto-apply in Accounts Receivable Microsoft Great Plains is one of three Microsoft Business Solutions mid-market ERP products: Great Plains, Solomon, Navision. Considering that Great Plains is now very good candidate for integration with POS application, such as Microsoft Retail Management System or RMS and Client Relation Systems, such as Microsoft CRM ? there is common need in Great Plains customizations and integrations, especially on the level of MS SQL Server transact SQL queries and stored procedures. What To Do When Windows Wont Boot When Windows fails to boot it is normally caused by you installing a program or device and it has caused a conflict with one or more other programs. OLAP, An Alternative Technology Over Spreadsheets Are Spreadsheets Robbing your Enterprise of Competitive Advantage? Bill of Lading ? Custom Reporting for Microsoft Great Plains ? Overview for Consultant Bill of Lading is required report for Logistics and Freight Forwarding companies. If you are looking at Freight Forwarding software, targeted to automate transportation business ? Bill of Lading with multiple custom forms should be present there. However if you need the extension to standard ERP/Accounting application ? you may be looking at the option to customize the system. Microsoft Business Solutions Great Plains might be considered as ERP platform, ready for customization. Let us give you customization highlights. Microsoft CRM or Siebel Siebel is traditional CRM market leader, however and mostly due to recession 200-2003, Siebel lost sizable portion of CRM market to new tiger, such as Microsoft CRM. Microsoft CRM s recent (2001) CRM answer from Microsoft and attempt top get market share from traditional vendors: Siebel, Oracle, Onyx. Now it is targeted to the whole spectrum of horizontal and vertical market clientele. It is tightly integrated with other Microsoft Business Solutions products such as Microsoft Great Plains, Solomon, Navision (the last two in progress). MicroWorld Releases New Version of MailScan Ver. 4.5 - Antivirus and Content Security Software MicroWorld Technologies, Inc. the leading solutions provider in the area of Anti-virus and Content security, has announced the launch of its new version of MailScan Ver. 4.5, the antivirus and content security software for mail servers. Microsoft Great Plains 8.0 Brazilian Version ? Overview For International Consultant Microsoft Great Plains has substantial mid-market share in the USA plus due to the marketing efforts of former Great Plains Software (now part of Microsoft Business Solutions) in Spanish Speaking South America, South Africa, United Kingdom, Middle East, Poland ? we see strong position of Microsoft Great Plains in these regions (on these markets MBS promotes two mid-market ERP: Great Plains and Navision). ![]() |
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