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Discover the Biggest Trading & Investing Online Mistake
Any online investor / trader seeks an excellent off or online future trading career opportunity. Despite this goal, did you know 95 percent of all traders go broke within the first two months? Why do investors lose vast amounts of wealth in one or more of the following markets ? option trading, forex trading or currency trading, stock trading, future or commodity trading etc? in such a short amount of time? Most online investors / traders interact in devastating forms of thinking, which convinces the mind to the point where the trader believes that an educational enhancement ability that develops superb market research skills is not important. On the contrary, if trading is not treated as other business opportunities, the new sales and trading job will cripple the trader. You must develop a purposeful or industrious undertaking to learn how it works. Would you conduct business as a brain surgeon with out a college or university degree? I do not think so; similarly, the same course of action holds true for trading success. The secret of my success required an earnest and conscientious effort on my part. This action accomplished something to the point of pure boldness; in other words, no matter how boring or non-important you think learning how to trade may be, it must be done to insure a success story. Every successful company needs a business plan. Yet, when most people take a gamble on the securities industry, they fail to put a trading plan into place. In other words, they end up going on an emotional roller coaster, governed by how the market performs. Without a trading plan, the majority of traders approach the financial market in an inconsistent manner - i.e. they follow their whims. The typical pattern may include the following: Day 1 - experiment with option trading
This example is meant to look confusing. Similarly in the illustration above, this trader may use one set of indicators one day, and the next day they will throw these indicators out the window and take on a completely set of new rules. Unfortunately, with no consistent approach, your trading decisions, governed by emotions, are doomed to failure ??? here is why. When faced with losing money in the market, what do traders do? Usually, they end up rationalizing to hold on to a losing stock. The driving force behind this is that they do not want to be wrong. They let their ego get in the way of making profits. LOOK! Let us set the record straight. THIS IS A FIRM FACT - not every trade will be a winner. You will not make the maximum profit out of every trade. There is no Holy Grail trading system! You just need a trading plan, which matches your personality. When I say trading plan, I am not talking about fundamental analysis or technical analysis specifically, I am talking about setting up a simply a set of guidelines to follow regardless of what stock selection method you use. In fact, through a study of successful traders, I found there are many different trading methods for entering a security. I have seen people use technical analysis; fundamental analysis even astrology to determine when to enter a trade. Despite these varied entry methods, one component remains the same among successful traders? they all have a trading plan that suits them. In fact, successful traders have a written plan and my friend this is the essential component to their success. I guarantee that investors who stick like glue to a trading plan are the ones who make NOT LOSE MILLIONS of dollars in their activities of online investing. -=-=-==-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
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Historical Briefing: Stocks, Finance and Money The World Bank claims that some two billion of the world's citizens live on $1 per day or less! That fact absolutely shocked me. With this statistic in mind it becomes important to focus on all of the things that have served as money over the history of civilization. Aztecs used Cocoa beans, Norwegians used Butter and dried cod, many Indian tribes used animal skins and some of the early colonists used grains. It's worth thinking about this the next time you pick up your paycheck. The word "salary" is derived from the word SALT, which is what was the key currency of the North Africans for hundreds of years. SALT was a key commodity substance used for preserving food. You Don?t HAVE To Be Trading As a novice trader, you'll often feel the need to trade. Whitewater Stock Market Ever done any whitewater rafting or canoeing? Long periods of tranquil river followed by short periods of terror. Suddenly the water grips your vessel and you are pushed and shoved by massive currents over which you have no control. Missing boulders you paddle as hard as you can. You almost lose everything and think to yourself, "Why didn't I portage that last rapid?" Mousetrap The spring-loaded rat catcher is the ultimate low-tech device invented more than 100 years ago and remains the best demouser in the world. It is so simple anyone can master it and best of all you can keep on using it year in and year out. It always works. Bargain Basement - Finding Stocks That Go Up Have you been listening to the talking heads on CNBC-TV? Or those talk radio stock experts? Getting all those good recommendations on what to buy now. Now? Stock Chart Reading As an investor you will want to check out any equity before you buy it. Many investors go to Morningstar which is one of the largest providers of mutual fund information in the world. It is assumed that their information is correct. After all that is what you are paying for. Oil Stocks CHK WLL - What Is Their Worth? (1) CHK stock price $16.74, NAV $32.5 Buy and Hold Investment Strategy "Buy and hold" is one of the most heralded investment strategies promoted today. "Buy and hold" is also one of the few investment methods where you are guaranteed to lose money 2 out of every 5 years...so why do it? NASDAQ 800? In November of 2000 when the NASDAQ was trading at 3000 I wrote in this column that the NASDAQ Index would fall to 1500 and I got lots of heat for saying it. Microsoft had fallen from $129 to $60 per share. You know where they are today. Staying Sane While Wall Street Crashes Everybody is riding the Wall Street Roller coaster. Even if you are not invested, the headlines scream out one word: PANIC! What Are You Waiting For? Do you own any mutual funds? In an IRA or 401K or wherever. Privately or at work. The Surgeon General The Surgeon General of the United States says that smoking cigarettes is harmful to your health. It is printed on every pack of smokes you buy. When was the last time a smoker read or paid any attention to it? Investing in the Stock Market - When To! Is really not as important as to how you invest in the stock market. And how you invest in the stock market should take into consideration what goals you are setting for that stock market investment. Evaluation I An insane person cannot evaluate an insane evaluation system. Understanding Stock Market Indexes A stock market index is a statistical measure of changes in the securities markets. An index represents a portfolio of securities traded on the market that is considered to be reasonably representative of the market as a whole. Each index has its own method of calculation. It is generally expressed as a change from its base value. For a better understanding of the stock market, an index should be read not at its absolute numerical value but at the percentage change in its numerical value. One cannot invest in an index directly. However, you can invest in index related mutual funds. How to Find Value in No Load Mutual Fund Investing What are you thinking when it comes to your no load mutual fund selections? Are you saving pennies and sacrificing dollars? Mutual Fund Expense Lies When purchasing mutual funds we are cautioned to read the prospectus, look at past performance, check out the fund manager's record and see what their expense ratios have been. Good Stock Market Tip; Good Return! Forget making a profit; instead focus on the income provided from your stock portfolio. That's right! Forget making a profit. The burden is now lifted - no more pressure on making a buck in the stock market. (Instead of trying to bend the spoon, that is impossible, instead just think of the spoon as ? omigosh! - I'm in the Matrix!) When you focus on the amount of money your holdings are providing in dividends ? and when those companies selected have a history of raising their dividends each year ? a lower stock price allows the dividends that are being rolled back into the stock to accelerate your income. The total value of your portfolio may go lower, but your income from that lower priced portfolio would increase dramatically. Profit by income! Wall Street Paradigm In 1960 an engineer working for a watch company in Switzerland discovered that a small crystal would vibrate at a constant rate. He found this was so accurate that it could be used to calibrate time so he took it to company management and said it would make an entirely new kind of watch that had no springs and no gears. They could not imagine who would want such a thing. Swiss watches dominated world commerce. They did not even bother to patent it. Prosperity It has fallen upon the consumer to make our economy strong. All the politicians, economists and talking heads on TV are telling him (that's you and me) to get out there and spend your money. Buy that new car, build a new house and fly off to some remote place for an expensive vacation. ![]() |
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