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Performance Funds
Mutual funds are doing more and more to discourage investors from leaving them and taking their money to a better performing fund. What does better performing mean? It has nothing to do with who the manager is, what the expense ratio is or how well they performed over the past 5 or 10 years. Remember the old one, "What have you done for me lately?" That is the ONLY thing that counts. If you ever expect to make money in the stock market you must take the time to find the best performing no-load, no-redemption fee funds that are going up the fastest during the past 3 and 6 months. Usually any fund that has done well for a year or more has just about run its course and once it starts weakening in its upward movement, goes flat and starts down it should be sold and replaced. This can easily be seen in a chart on your computer or at the library at www.bigcharts.com. There are many funds that will advance at the rate of 1% per week. Yes, per week, but you must find them. It is certainly worth the effort. There are services you can buy such as No-Load FundX; however, there are many free areas on the Internet that will locate excellent funds such as Bar Charts (http://www2.barchart.com/funds.asp , Bloomberg http://quote.bloomberg.com/apps/data?pid=mutualfunds and Yahoo www.yahoo.com/finance as well as Investor's Business Daily newspaper that lists the best 3-month and 6-month performers each week. Be careful to check with the fund or your broker that there are no hidden fees. Those that charge a commission do NOT outperform those that have no loads (commission). Most full service brokers will not sell you no-load funds so you will have to own an account with a discount broker such as Ameritrade, Scottrade or Brown & Company. Many of the well known discount brokers such as Fidelity, Schwab and Waterhouse have adopted hidden fees. Brokers and financial planners will tell you not to switch around, but that is because they have not learned their trade. It also might mean they are too lazy to do their job. If you remain with a weak fund you will have a weak return or even lose money. I may sound too harsh in my criticism of brokers and financial planners, but I have hired more than 300 brokers when I owned a brokerage company and I know that only about 1% (yes, one) know how to make money and protect capital. You have to find a good one or take charge yourself. There may be times when very few, if any, funds are going up. Then you will be in cash in a money market. CASH IS A POSITION. Performance also includes not losing while the market is going down. Knowing how and when to switch will double or triple your returns and most importantly you will not lose profits you have made. Stay with the best performers at all times. Al Thomas' book, "If It Doesn't Go Up, Don't Buy It!" has helped thousands of people make money and keep their profits with his simple 2-step method. Read the first chapter at http://www.mutualfundmagic.com and discover why he's the man that Wall Street does not want you to know. Copyright 2005
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Where Is The Beef? Where is the beef? Or maybe it should be where is the bull? Market, that is? The chief investment strategists and analysts of the major brokerage houses have been promising us a new bull market. The Shadow The Shadow knows. There used to be a radio program called The Shadow where the hero, Lamont Cranston, the Shadow, would overcome the shadowy forces of doom by clouding the vision of those around him. "Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men" was their intro line. They were great shows and you can still find them on the Internet. Dont Lose All Your Money That sounds like good advice doesn't it? Don't lose all your money. Stuff I continually hear from economists, talking heads, other market letter writers, analysts and assorted "experts" that I need to know all kinds of "stuff" about the stocks and mutual funds I am going to buy and I should keep up with them on a regular basis. Dont Buy Worldcom! A Guide to Wise Bottom Fishing Over the past few months, several investment professionals have brought up the topic of the down-and-out company of the day and whether to buy now as a speculation. Last year, K-Mart was the big news, and everyone wanted to know whether this was a good stock play. Today the news is focused on WorldCom and its downfall. Thus, some people are pondering this stock for quick profit potential. The Club Yesterday I received my monthly issue of MONEY magazine. This issue has the special feature called "The Ultimate Investment Club" that highlights their picks for the top mutual fund managers. Let's see how their members made money for their shareholders. The Elephant Four blind men were asked to give a description of an elephant. They had not seen one or ever encountered such a beast. Stock Trading Secrets? How often have you come across an advertisement or e-mail proclaiming to "teach" you the stock trading secrets that Wall Street Insiders don't want you to know? Usually included in the descriptions of these trading products are claims such as "Make 10K monthly in minutes per day", or "Learn the secrets of Professional Stock Brokers", etc. etc. So what are these "secrets" that they are SELLING? Can?t Stand The Heat It seems that every day I turn on the TV and find a Poker game. Texas No Limit seems to be all the rage these days. I love watching it. When I discuss this with others, their response is always the same, "You should play." Ah, but what they don't know is I stay out of the kitchen. As far as risk to reward ratio. That's a gamble I'm not willing to take. I prefer to invest my money. Sometimes I gamble in the stock market, but as long as I stay within my comfort zone (long term), I don't mind. Being Wrong Buying Stock is Okay Being wrong is OK, but let's not carry it to extremes. That applies to everything, but let's limit our discussion here to the stock market. Why Stock Is More Risky Than Options! You probably have been told that options are risky. Even worse, that you can lose your shirt trading them! How Much Money Can I Make With Trading? What Account Size Do I Need To Start? What account size do I need? High Price/Earnings Ratios and the Stock Market: a Personal Odyssey After some forty years of banking and investments, I retired in 2001. But since I do not golf, I soon found retirement to be very boring. So I decided to return to the investment world after ten months. However, those ten months were not a complete waste of time, for I had spent them in trying to utilize my forty years of investment experience to gain perspective on the most recent stock market "bubble" and subsequent "crash." Chart Reading As an investor you will want to check out any equity before you buy it. Many investors go to Morningstar that is one of the largest providers of mutual fund information in the world. It is assumed that their information is correct. After all that is what you are paying for. Buy and Hold: How to Perpetuate Your Investment Losses A recent cartoon in my daily newspaper showed two guys sitting in a bar. One is saying to the other: "I did learn something from my broker...how to diversify my investment losses." The Secret to More Winning Trades is as Simple as Avoiding This Common Mistake If you're a normal human being, your need to feel good about yourself probably causes you to sell your winners too soon ? and -- your need to avoid feelings of regret, causes you to hang on to your losers too long. Overvalued & Underbought With all the bad news that has been dumped upon the economy for some reason the stock market is going up. Why? Option Trading Basics Options trading can increase the profits you make when trading Stocks if you understand how to use them and know what you are doing. Options can be a very useful tool that the average investor can use to enhance their returns. Analyzing Growth Stocks: An Important Focus For Any Investor Analyzing growth stocks is an important focus for any investor. This is especially important, since stocks are an irreplaceable part of any good investment plan, and since unbiased stock research is hard to find. Still, we need to look at the big picture once in a while. Since so much has changed lately, this may be a good time to "take stock". Many have reevaluated their investment strategies. The problem is that many of these reevaluations are moving people away from their goals. As the market has dropped, rather than moving toward buying at the cheaper prices, we've seen people move away from stocks, a strategy which has little long-term benefit. Whitewater Stock Market Ever done any whitewater rafting or canoeing? Long periods of tranquil river followed by short periods of terror. Suddenly the water grips your vessel and you are pushed and shoved by massive currents over which you have no control. Missing boulders you paddle as hard as you can. You almost lose everything and think to yourself, "Why didn't I portage that last rapid?" ![]() |
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