Stocks & Mutual Fund Information
The Importance of Using Stop Loss Orders When Spread Trading the Financial Markets
A Guide to Using Stop Loss Orders
How to Short Stocks? How to Make Money when Your Stocks Go Down by Shorting
The stock market can present you with a lot of hot stocks every day. Many of them are new technology stocks that come from the nanotech, biotech, voip, healthcare, homeland defense or internet sectors.
Parachute Investing
Ever jumped out of an airplane? It?s OK if
you have on a parachute. Pretty dumb if you don?t.
Why Technical Indicators
The fight continues to rage among traders who
use technical indicators and those who prefer
fundamental information to establish new
positions and to exit current positions.
Mutual Fund Commissions
You have heard about a particular mutual
fund from a friend, saw it advertised on TV or read
about it in some publication thought it would be
a good buy. Next you call your broker to get his
advice before you buy because he is an expert
and is there to help you make money.
Jack and Jill
Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a
bucket of ?money. Money? They are continuing
to fill their bucket with stocks without any
consideration to the value of these equities.
They are not worried at all as they are buying
?safe? mutual funds.
KISS Formula
There are formulas for just about everything,
but it has been shown that the simpler the
formula or method of doing a particular task
the better it works. It has evolved down to
KISS ? Keep It Simple Stupid.
Why Investors Use Financial Planners
Do you have a financial planner? Does one of
your friends have a financial planner? Maybe you
take your advice from your broker. As I have
said countless times before a broker will make
you broker. And a financial planner won?t do any
better. I know. You thought they would.
Series 7 Exam
What is the Series 7 Exam?
If you are looking to become a licensed Stockbroker, you need to know about the Series 7.
The Series 7 is a 250 question exam that when passed, licenses you to act as a Registered Representative. Persons who receive this license are allowed to sell most securities. These securities would include: Stock, Bonds, Options, Mutual Funds and Annuities. The license itself is active while you are practicing it. Practicing with a Series 7 means that you are either employed or affiliated with a member firm. If you leave the business, your license will still remain active for 2 years after your last day with the firm. If you do not re-enter the business within 2 years, your license will expire. You would then have to re-take the exam again.
The Series 7 exam itself is comprised of many topics although not equally divided. Approximately 50 questions will be on Municipal Bonds alone. Other major topics include Options, Industry Rules and Customer Account handling.
The SERIES 7 is a multiple choice test graded on 250 questions administered on computer by an NASD testing vendor (Prometric Technology Center). 70% is needed to pass the SERIES 7 Exam. You will be given 6 hours to complete the exam in two 3 hour parts. Each question is worth .4 of a point. 175 questions correct will equal a passing grade. The score is not curved or rounded up so yes, if you get 174 questions right, you will get a 69.6% and you will fail. Each part also includes 5 experimental questions, which do not count on your total score. You will not know which ones are the experimental questions. Each exam is different, meaning if you take your test next to someone else, your test will not be the same. The percentages will be the same but the questions that each individual is tested on will be random. This applies to all Licensing exams but the difference between tests is less with smaller content exams like the Series 63.
You will be given a calculator to use at the center. Applicants are not permitted to bring their own. Scrap paper will be given to you as well for you to use during the test. Once the test officially starts you can write down anything you want (Formulas, Rules etc.). The computer also offers the student the ability to change their answers at the end of the first or second part of the test. Meaning, if you wish to change an answer to a question in the first half, you will have to wait until the end of the first half to do it. Once the second half starts, you will be unable to view your first half. Basically, you are taking 2 different 125 question exams. Even if you are unsure what the correct answer to a question is, you must enter something before the next question is shown.
Don't Cheat: Today, the testing centers require fingerprint verification when you take your test. A student was caught a few years ago on camera cheating in the testing room. This person had a tiny video camera device on his tie and a listening transmitter in his ear. He was actually filming his screen while someone else at another location was feeding him the answers. I didn?t believe this one at first but several people told it to me. Pretty amazing. Needless to say, he was nabbed and busted. Just study and you will pass....and maybe learn something too!
Good Luck!
Stock Market System ... ONLINE STOCK TRADING ... Beyond Day Trading Basics & Tips
Day trading is all about making buy and sell decisions. When you make a trade either your going to lose money or your going to make money, and some other times you will break even. When you win some body else will lose and so forth, but that's NOT what's important.
Different Ways of Buying Stocks
Let's say you are interested in this one company. You read its annual report, like what you see and your calculation indicates that the stock is trading way below its fair value. You are excited. It is time to buy! Hang on for a second. There are several techniques of buying stocks out there. Some are better than the other. Let me explore several useful ones.
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No Load Mutual Funds: Boost Your Portfolios Returns
Investors who exclusively use broadly diversified, no load mutual funds for their stock investments often lose out on opportunities to increase the reward potential of their portfolios. This article looks at two methods investors may use to enhance the performance of their portfolio of diversifed, no load mutual funds.
Trading Education: The Best of Both Worlds!
I made my very first investment in the stock market when I was
ten years old. Ever since then I have been hooked! Now I check
out hundreds of trades each year with the same excitement andenthusiasm, and each time try to find that one market at the
right time that could dramatically create wealth.
Shadow Bull
As one of my regular readers you know I have been a stock market bear for the past 2 years and have encouraged everyone to put their money into a money market account or a short-term no-load bond fund and for the more adventurous what is called a bear mutual fund that goes up when the market goes down. Just being in cash as outlined in my book would have saved 40% or more of your money.
Duck! No I don't mean a quack, quack. I meant get down, look out for a huge blob of brown stuff is heading your way.
Its Better
Question: How does it get better when it gets worse?
One of the basic laws of physics is that a body in motion will remain in motion unless disturbed by another force. What has this to do with the stock market?
Kick The Tires
Before you buy another car you walk around the lot, kick the tires, slam the doors and look at the mileage indicator. That's an odometer. I know. That is about all the "research" you can do other than what the car salesman tells you and I hope you know better than to believe him.
The spring-loaded rat catcher is the ultimate low-tech device invented more than 100 years ago and remains the best demouser in the world. It is so simple anyone can master it and best of all you can keep on using it year in and year out. It always works.
The Three Little Pigs Went to the Stock Market
Three little pigs went to the market to stock
up for the future.
How We Eluded The Bear Of 2000
The date October 13, 2000 will forever be embedded in my mind. It was the day after our mutual fund trend tracking indicator had broken its long-term trend line and I sold 100% of my clients' invested positions (and my own) and moved the proceeds to the safety of money market accounts. Some people thought we were nuts, but I had come to trust the numbers.
Overseas Investing: Going Against the Mainstream
TOO OFTEN, INVESTORS SIMPLY CHOOSE TO follow the crowd. This strategy works in the short term, but can lead to difficulty in the longer haul. It also prevents investors from finding the great opportunities that experts have missed.
Wall Street's watchword has always been diversification, but what does it mean and why do they say it?
Eternal Sunshine
There is a current movie entitled "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind". It is about a man who has had a painful love affair and will do anything to rid his mind of those pain thoughts of a former love. He sees an advertisement that offers just such a service. It seems his former lover has the exact thoughts and she goes through the same treatment. Guess what? They meet again, do not recognize each other, and fall in love again.
The Big Bad Bear
The big bad bear is stirring again. So far he has stretched, yawned and peaked out of his cave. After his almost year-long nap he is hungry. A nice big steak would hit the spot.
Losses, not Profits, will Stop You from Trading in the Market
Should the market turn against you, it is important that you design a system that will produce as much loss as you are prepared to take. This loss, known as drawdown, is the maximum amount by which your trading float will temporarily drop at anytime. Doing this in advance, will help you avoid nasty surprises in the future. This gives you the confidence to continue trading when the good times start once more.
Price Targets
Every day in any financial publication you will find the Wall Street mavens giving their predictions on many stocks. It was issued here and should go there. It is now undervalued and is worth that much more. Really?
Your Job
There are so many kinds of work that needs to be done and you are doing one of those jobs right now ? unless you are one of those two and a half million that have been laid off during the past 3 years. The press continues to blame China and India for stealing away all these forms of employment, but they don't have it right.
Cash Is A Position
I go to the Money Show every year to visit with
friends who have booths and are speakers. Then
when folks are filing out of lectures I listen
to their comments on what I know the speaker has
been saying.
9 Deadly Trading Mistakes!
The following are a list of nine things you want to avoid at all costs. Anyone of them can literally destroy your financial dreams and goals!
First let's see what protectionism is. According to Mr. Webster it is the advocacy, system, or theory of protecting domestic producers by impeding or limiting, as by tariffs or quotas, the importation of foreign goods and services.