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Brain Diet : Right Diet prevents Memory Loss
These days, when people have become so conscious about what they eat and how it affects their body, they don't realize that eating same food helps their brain to grow and make it more healthy. According to studies, right diet can help prevent memory loss. Studies say right amount of diet is far more affective in memory-enhancement rather than all those expensive supplements. Here is how it works! As the brain ages, it gets more prone to inflammation and oxidation which allows damaging free radicals to attach themselves to cells. As a result, it kills brain cells which in turn is responsible for memory loss. Scientists have proven the fact that right diet increase the immunity of the brain towards inflammation and oxidation. Also it helps brain cells to communicate between them easily. One important area of research in this subject is the role of antioxidants, potent chemicals in plant that protect against free radicals which are responsible for damaging brain cells. Food with high value powerful antioxidants are just the right diet for your brain. Many fruits and vegetables occupy their respective space in this prime list. Antioxidants, not only slow oxidation but also act as anti-inflammatory agents, serve dual purpose. Hence they make brain less vulnerable to amyloid plaque. Also they improve communication between neurons and allow the brain to regenerate. Curcumin which is a spice known for its anti-inflammatory effects helps a lot in preventing memory loss. Curcumin is basically that spice which gives yellow curry its bright color and is frequently used as natural food dye. Vitamins B such as niacin and folic acid are vitally important to brain function and help keep mind sharp. Here is a list of few food items which helps Brain in a huge way Antioxidants : 1) Plums 2) Oranges 3) Red Grapes 4) Blueberries , Blackberries , Cranberries , Strawberries , Raspberries 5) Onions 6) Brussels sprouts , Alfalfa sprouts 7) Broccoli 8) Cherries etc. Some Vitamins B which are part of Brain Diet: 1) Dairy products 2) Wheat Germ 3) Seafood 4) Whole grains 5) Carrots 6) Leafy Greens 7) Nuts and Seeds 8) Asparagus Some Omega 3 fatty acids: 1) Salmon 2) Bluefish 3) Tuna 4) Sardines 5) Mackerel A Piece of Advice : Giving up alcohol helps brain : A new study suggest that there is a burst in new brain cell development during abstinence from chronic alcohol consumption. When used in excess, alcohol damages brain structure and function. Keep your mind free of Depression and other mental illness here. Also know how Depression is becoming the largest illness in the world and learn what are the symptoms and how to prevent and fight against Depression at http://www.weightloss-health.com/Depression.htm About the Author Jasdeep : for http://www.weightloss-health.com your complete and most comprehensive family guide on Health. Also get free tips and tricks on weight loss and a chance to go through other informative articles targetting various health issues at http://www.weightloss-health.com If you wish to reproduce the above article you are welcome to do so, provided the article is reproduced in its entirety, including this resource box and LIVE link to our website.
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Stand tall, smile, talk to your neighbor, give them the acknowledgment just like you want and deserve whether it's one minute or more. Stress Management Have you ever said the words, "This job/my life is so stressful!" Or something else along those lines? ![]() |
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