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Stress Management Information |
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Stress Impacts Your Health
Health Impacts of Stress Stress is a funny concept, try to define it - go on... I bet if all of you sent me your personal definition of what you perceive as stress, it would fill pages and you would all find that different things stress each of you differently. For example, some of you might find driving stressful, some of you enjoy driving. However, this does not mean that driving is not stressful, at least for some of you. So what is Stress? Stress is any situation or circumstance, which if ongoing over an extended period of time will cause your body's physiology to change. Basically there are two forms of stress "good stress" and "bad stress" - an example of good stress is sensible exercise, which is a stress on you body's physiology which will improve your overall health. Bad stress on the other hand is an activity that will do the reverse - for example: worrying about money, or rather the lack of it... That can keep you awake at night, create anger, resentment and usually negatively impacts your relationships with your family and friends. It can also be working a job you hate, but for reasons, known only to yourself, you can not leave the job and feel you have to put up with it. As a student of traditional Chinese medicine, during my course on Differential diagnosis, stress was listed as a cause for just about every disease known to man; and this right across the spectrum of medicine (orthodox and traditional forms). Think about this for a second - stress has the potential to cause, or contribute to causing almost every disease known to medical science.... That's amazing! There are lots of books and other information on how to help recognize and manage stress in your life, and I won't go into a lengthy how to manage and recognize stress session here. This article focuses on how stress will show up and affect your skin - especially your facial skin. Someone once said that your parents are responsible for how you look until your 30 - after that it's your responsibility... So are you smiling or frowning more often during the day...? Both produce different lines on your face - don't believe me - look in the mirror and smile, then frown - see. Which do you like better ? Frowning causes your neck and facial muscles to tense up and this in turn reduces blood flow to the skin, which is in part responsible for causing facial lines and wrinkles prematurely. Did you know that smiling requires a lot less effort and energy than frowning? And that it's better for you? Did you know that smiling can actually make you feel happier? Scientists and psychologists have found that the muscles around our mouth and jaw that allow you to smile actually stimulate a specific part of our brain which is linked to our emotions. When these brain cells are stimulated, they make us feel happy. So, even if you feel sad, irritated, angry or frustrated, just by smiling, it will make you feel better. Aside from this physical benefit of smiling, a smile to others often makes them feel happier. Picture this. If someone greets you every morning with a sullen and sulky face, it does not help you to feel any better, in fact, it will also dampen your mood. If you are met, however, with a cheerful smile and a friendly greeting, you easily catch the happy mood and you start the day with enthusiasm. This simple yet very effective technique of bonding and motivating others is an underestimated and undressed skill. Wouldn't it be great if we could train ourselves to smile instead of frown? To have a 'permanent smile' on our faces? We'd end up with happy lines on our faces and lots of other faces smiling back at us - good idea? Here's a very simple way that you can start changing the lines on your face and reduce the effect of stress on you body without buying anything, reading any books or spend any money. One way you can have this 'training' start right now is by asking someone you live with or a trusted friend to make an agreement with you - each of you agrees that when the other one is seen to be frowning, they get charged a frowning fee - say $0.50 and this is put into a jar. At the end of a month, you both get to go out and do something which will bring you joy or make you happy. That's got to be worth trying, No? Danny Siegenthaler is a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine and together with his wife Susan, a medical herbalist and Aromatherapist, they have created Natural Skin Care Products by Wildcrafted Herbal Products to share their 40 years of combined expertise with you. Join our Natural Skin Care Newsletter ? it's fun, free and Informative and you receive a free eBook on natural skin care. � Copyright: Wildcrafted Herbal Products, 2005
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Aromatherapy Candles Release Stress Have you been feeling so stressful and almost losing your patience over anything? Everything seems to be shattered and you think that you cannot handle it anymore. This is definitely the perfect time to lighten the burden! Aromatherapy is a great conclusion. Some scented aromatherapy candles will help you out! What are aromatherapy candles anyway? Let's find out about them in here. Is Worry Necessary? Who hasn't experienced "worry" at one time or another? Almost everyone I'm sure. As a result many if not all consider this to be not only a normal human "emotion" but also a necessary fact of life. I would like to show here that in fact "worry" is completely unnecessary. Everything You Always Wanted to Know About How to Get a Life, But Didnt Know Whom to Ask Question 1 Ease Your Stress ? Change Your Life! Feeling stressed? Who isn't!! In today's society, feeling "stressed out," overwhelmed and exhausted is the norm. However, moderate day-to-day stress takes its toll on our minds and bodies. Our constant doing, over-working, running errands, rushing here and there, and care-taking can lead to anxiety, depression, sleep disorders/insomnia, high blood pressure and diabetes. Stress Management and Creating Balance The World Health Organization calls stress "the health epidemic of the 21st century." Stress resulting in illness is the causative factor underlying more than 70% of all visits to the family doctor, medical doctors suggest. What is stress? We all talk about it but what does 'stress' mean and how does it affect our bodies? Stressed? Go on a Quick Getaway Did you know that taking a short trip, such as over President's Day weekend, or anytime, can have the same stress-reducing effects as a longer one? According to a Stanford University psychiatrist, David Spiegel, our minds shift into a more relaxed state during the first few days of a trip. When we have been away from home for long trips we tend to slightly increase our stress, or dread, coming back to home or work. Stress Management: Ditch Thinking or Destination Thinking Imagine driving down the road. You are driving with a great amount of anticipation, on your way to an important destination, a place you have always wanted to go. Stress Management Made Simple And Easy...Just Follow Cliff Kuhn M.D.s Foolproof Formula Stress management is a hot topic; stress-related illness and suffering is at an all-time high in America and increasing every year. Cliff Kuhn, M.D.'s work with the powerful natural medicine of humor has uncovered the primary culprit behind your unhealthy stress symptoms, as well as the solution to simple, healthy stress management. Worry: Is It Worthwhile Work or a Waste of Time? As tools for change are discussed, one tool - that you might not have thought of - attains a unique status. That tool is WORRYING. Yes, worrying. Most of us wish we worried less. But worrying might be a good thing, not necessarily bad. It's a brain mechanism that weighs alternatives. Even though by definition worry is one of the processes that weighs possible outcomes and consequences (usually with emphasis on the negative), nevertheless it's a decision making tool. Stress Busting Strategies Learn to have healthy relationships: What The Most Dangerous Job In The World Taught Me About Coping With Stress I just got through reading some troubling news in the New York Times this morning. Coping as a Tool of Enchantment Many of my readers write to me about the tensions of everyday life. Not only do people wonder how to relax, but people often ask, "How do I learn to better cope with what faces me? Can THE ENCHANTED SELF help with the overwhelming frenzy of everyday life? Can it help when I am really down or something really goes wrong?" Absolutely! Myth Busting: What Causes Mental Breakdown? I came out of a nightmare 5-year period of anxiety and depression and I did it without taking any drugs. What frustrated me is that despite advances in understanding as to why people become stressed, depressed and anxious, sufferers are still told numerous myths about what causes their illness. Stress Management: 12 Stress Busters for Speedy Stress Reduction Are You Too Stressed? The ABCs of Stress Management A while back, I was in a minor fender-bender accident, and as the police officer filled out the report, I gave him my business card with my name and phone number. When he saw "stress management" listed he said, "We've got to talk!" That's most people's reaction when they find out what I do. The Message Bill Heard Voice: Bill! Conquering Stress and Depression with Exercise One of the best ways to combat stress and depression is to make physical fitness a part of your daily routine. Aside from the proven health benefits of exercise, people who exercise regularly are more apt to deal with stressful situations more easily, handle physical work tasks better, and tend to be less susceptible to illness and injuries. Stress & Performance: How Much is Just Right? WHAT THE RESEARCH SAYS Stress Management: The Power of Expectancy On a beautiful summer day years ago, I went water skiing with some new friends. I hadn't skied in a while, and as I floated in the water with long pieces of wood strapped to my feet, here's what I remember thinking: Taming September: Avoiding Fall Frenzy When September rolls around, does it generally hit you like a ton of bricks? Do you feel as if that invisible being in charge of your life has suddenly ratcheted up the speed on your treadmill? WAY up? ![]() |
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