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Stress Managment and Mastery: 7 Ways to Take Yourself Off Restriction
Q. So many times in my life, I seem to hold myself back from what I want to do. I make great plans and have great intentions, but then end up holding myself back in some way. Do you have any suggestions for changing this? A. When you were a kid, did you ever do something wrong and get put on restrictions? You know, no TV, stay in your room, can't play with friends, for what seemed like an eternity? What would it be like if we were still on the same restrictions from when we were kids? It would seem kind of silly, would it not? And yet we tend to keep ourselves "on restriction" in so many areas of our lives. These restrictions tend to fall into certain categories. See if any of these fit for you. 1) I can't: Ask for what I want. Be successful. Get the right job. Stand up for myself. 2) I shouldn't: Go for what I want. Act selfish. Say no. Think for myself. 3) I'm only: Good at one thing. A young person. An old person. 4) I don't have: The right genes. The right connections. 5) I have: Too much against me. A bad attitude. 6) They said: I couldn't do it. I wouldn't make it. 7) I'm too: Young, old, fat, thin. If you recognized yourself in any of these restrictions, don't despair. Look at it this way. When we were kids, parents could put us on restrictions and take us off. But now we are adults. We can take ourselves off restrictions. How? There are three steps. 1. Question the restriction. Here are some questions to ask: Does this make sense? Does this fit in my life? Does it help me meet my goals? Does it help me to feel and act the way I want? If you can't get a yes to any of these questions, it's time to discard the restriction as no longer useful in your life. 2. Make fun of the restriction. Have you ever gently teased yourself about something in your life? I don't mean in a negative or mean sense. You need to be able to laugh at your own self-imposed limitations. 3. Replace it with an ability. Here's a general rule about changing restrictions: Never remove a restriction without replacing it with a belief that strengthens you. Take, for example, one of the statements above: "I can't ask for what I want." After you have questioned and laughed at the restriction, simply replace it with "I can ask for anything I want, I just need to learn how." See the difference? Visit SecretsofGreatRelationships.com for tips and tools for creating and growing a great relationship. You can also subscribe to our f*r*e*e 10 day e-program on how to enrich your relationship today, from relationship coach and expert Jeff Herring.
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How To Cut Down On College Stress Probably the least appreciated form of stress is college stress. This is mostly due to the fact that adults simply see a lot of college students sitting on their rear ends playing video games and drinking, instead of seeing students who are under pressure to succeed all the time. In addition to classes, homework, research, reading, paper writing and problem solving, there are now the problems of how the heck to pay for college and whether there will be any jobs waiting after graduation. Thus, with all these forms of college stress weighing students down, it is no wonder that things tend to get ugly when they "blow off steam". Top Ten Ways to Reduce Your Stress at Home Top Ten Ways to Reduce Your Stress at Home 5 Ways to Create Reserve Energy Everyday Did you ever feel like your "get-up-and-go" got up and deserted you? Has a stressful situation left you feeling drained and unmotivated to perform the simplest tasks? The Art of Worrying I am worried. I have been biting my nails for weeks and now there is not much left (skin doesn't taste very good) on my hands and feet to chew on. I have been bent over the sink retching, I am constantly nauseated with pounding headaches beating out a death march in my skull and yet, life goes on. To say I am worried is placing the situation into a category far above its position ? I am sick with worry. I am worried to death and I am sick of being worried about nothing. I am even tired of being worried about being worried about nothing - and I worry about that as well! Social Phobia Imagine going through your whole life in the constant fear of worrying about the others' opinion for you, saying only such things which might approve you in the peer group and scared to go out in the public to escape the scrutinizing eyes of the people. Create Reserves for a Stress Free Life One of the ways I have avoided a lot of stress the last two years is to have a stockpile of birthday and all occasion greetings cards in my filing cabinet. When you work at home like I do, you try to have the least interruptions to your day as possible. These cards have saved the day on many occasions. I get them when I am out shopping, I look for the ones I love and sometimes I am able to make the most of sales and cut price items by buying them in bulk. Of course I make sure I also have a big reserve of stamps to go with them. Stress Management: Are You a Diamond or a Lump of Coal? "Do you want to be a lump of coal or do you want to be a diamond?" That's the first question I ask to begin my stress management seminar called "A Diamond is Nothing More Than a Lump of Coal That Handled Stress Very Well." 8 Practical Methods to Remain Empowered During Stressful Times 1. Acknowledge that requesting support, guidance and partnership is not the same as being needy. Allowing someone else to give freely to you primes the pump in the universal law of giving and receiving. There are as many blessings to the giver as there are to the receiver: being open to receiving invites flow as well as empowerment for all. Stress Management Have you ever said the words, "This job/my life is so stressful!" Or something else along those lines? Conquer Stress and Anxiety Naturally With This Safe and Effective Method Rhodiola Rosea is the latest natural remedy to join the arsenal of natural anxiety and stress reducers. Understanding Your Stress Levels In order to understand stress better, it is a good idea to understand that there are different stress levels. These levels vary in the form of stress they take and they can often provide an indication of how to treat the stress. Furthermore, there are tests available that can help people understand their own, particular brand of stress and, with this knowledge, they can also understand themselves better. Then, with this information, a complete stress management method can be constructed. So, when you examine your own stress, keep these stress levels in mind so that you can come to grips with yourself and learn the proper methods for keeping your mind balanced. 3 Easy Ways to Reduce Stress Stress, America's #1 health problem, is a leading cause of major illness. In fact, heart disease, high blood pressure, and depression are just some of the harmful effects of stress. Research has shown that releasing stress and learning how to relax promotes a healthier, happier, and more fulfilling life. How To Put An End To Loneliness Loneliness and separation are the real illness of our times. While we urgently need true communication, instead we often find withdrawal, games and lies. This is so widespread it is taken as the norm. So often we come away from one another filled with misunderstanding, wondering what really went on. Although we may not realize it, this confusion arises because we do not know who we really are or who the person we are with is either. Quiet Mind; A Powerful Tool That Gives You More Time, Creativity, And Productivity And Takes Just 10 The National Center for health statistics reported that in 1997, doctors made two million diagnoses of "Acute reaction to stress" when patients were seen for check-ups or complaints of headaches, stomach problems, immune system disturbances and some heart problems. These were usually a direct result of chronic stress and overwhelm, patients were trying to do it all with no time just for themselves, the resulting complaints were making it harder to get things done and causing lasting health problems. Slow Down, You Move Too Fast "Slow down, you move too fast, you've got to make the [moment] last!" Stress Management: KYFM - Keep Your Feet Moving One of my favorite stories about change is the story called ``The Room of 10,000 Monsters.'' Stress Management: How to Avoid the Ruts and Holes of Life Have you ever noticed how we keep falling into the same holes and ruts in life? We know something doesn't work and yet we keep doing the same things over and over again. How to Stop Stress and Overwhelm Quickly! My work often deals with proactive, preventive means to Overcome Overwhelm & Achieve Your Desired Results. During our transitions, overwhelm can still come up from time to time, so we need to have the tools to stop stress and overwhelm quickly when it does arise. Stress Management: Are You a Chooser or a Loser? Author and speaker H. Stephen Glenn has said, 5 Easy Ways to Pamper Yourself Life is so busy and as mothers we spend so much time tending to the needs of others and pampering others that we sometimes neglect to pamper ourselves. ![]() |
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