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A Stop On the Road of Life
With three kids, a business, a husband with a business, a house, a yard, and a very close extended family, my time is at a premium. This means I�??m usually running as fast as I can to keep up with everything�?"and sometimes failing miserably in that endeavor. Recently I was caught between two major obligations, driving from one to the other, and late again. In my mind I was ticking off all that had to be done when I got home: make supper, give the kids a bath, help with homework, straighten the house, lay out clothes for the morning, pay the bills, reconcile the bank statements�?� when suddenly the pickup in front of me put on his blinker and veered over to the empty lane beside us. I hit the brakes and then realized why he had stopped. A funeral procession. Instantly although my first thought was, �??Oh, no! I don�??t have time for this!�?? I, too pulled to the side of the road, turned off my radio and stopped just as the policeman and the hearse passed. I looked beyond them to see how many cars with lights there were and realized I was going to be there for a while. Turns out, I had no idea how long �??a while�?? would be. Because the procession was actually coming around a corner up the road, I couldn�??t actually see the whole thing, which could easily have been 200 cars or more. Nonetheless, as I sat there in silence, perspective began to fall around me. Here we on this side of the road were, living our lives, driving in the fast lane to get what we had to get done, seeming to have no time as it was, but when we needed to�?"out of courtesy or obligation�?"we stopped. Life stopped so that we could all take a moment to recognize not only the grief of one family, but so that we could recognize that we, too, will one day be at the head of that funeral procession. See, death and 24-hours, are the two great equalizers in this lifetime. We each have 24-hours to live our lives each day. You cannot buy more time. You cannot will more time. You cannot even strong-arm more time. You and the wino on the street have exactly the same amount of hours in ever day. The only difference is in how you choose to use that time. However, here is a sobering thought�?"you and the greatest doctor on the earth also have the same number of hours in each day. He has used his brilliantly. How have you used yours? Death is our other greatest equalizer. No matter who you are, where you are from, who you know, or how much money you have, one day you, too, will be laid out and leading that procession. The question is, how long will your procession be? As I watched this person�??s procession, it became clear how this person had chosen to use those 24-hours a day that God had granted. Well. Very, very well indeed. The cars just kept coming and kept coming, rounding that bend and lining up until there was a mile of them, and they were still coming. For one moment that day I stopped on my harried trek through life to really consider where I�??m going on this road we call life, what it all means, and whether or not I�??m head in the direction that I want to end up. Truth is, it was well worth the stop. Copyright, Staci Stallings, 2003 Need more inspiration? Sign up for the monthly newsletter by Staci Stallings, the author of this article. Insights, quotes, inspiration and even a free novel by Staci sent two chapters at a time! To sign up, send a blank email to: [email protected] You'll feel better for the experience!
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Jim Rohns Eleventh Pillar of Success: Accelerated Learning, Part One - You Are a Genius Hi, Jim Rohn here. This month we focus on accelerating our learning processes. How exciting! First, understand we possess the ability to improve and accelerate our learning curve. And second, this creates the potential of what we can continue to become. Wow! So let's get started. Here is an overview of the month. To Succeed Greatly, You Must... (1) Climb up from under the limitations of circum�stances and conditions Make The Second Half The Best Half Something happens when you come to the intersection called mid-life; you can look back in retrospect and see your life from an entirely different context. For many this mid-life review brings about a sense of urgency that ignites what is formally called "the mid-life crisis".� It's where we can trace the effects back to causes that were initiated by our own poor decision, our inattention to important details, our recklessness, our fear, our misplaced priorities, and our ignorance.� It can be a pretty bleak experience to really understand, maybe for the first time, that your life really could have been much better if you only knew then what you know now. � Ah but there is a subtle sweetness in enduring the emotional upheaval of a mid-life review and that is the fact that you can decide that the second half will be the best half.� You can garner the lessons from your past life by taking the knowledge and the wisdom, and leaving the rest behind. You may also experience grief, regret, anger, and blame. Whatever gut-wrenching emotions you feel should be acknowledged and then gently released. You can choose rather you will continue down your current path or if you will choose a new direction for your life. By consciously deciding how you will live the rest of your life, you can create a life that is extraordinary.� � It's a mighty sweet deal when you think about it but how do you make it happen? � Here is a 5-point plan that you can customize and implement in 2 to 5 years that will make the next 40 mean more than you could possibly imagine. � Step 1.� Create a life vision, not fantasy, that is worth living into that includes personal, professional, and spiritual growth, leveraging your abilities, gifts, and life experiences, contributing to others, having accomplishments that take you beyond lifestyle and status, and building relationships that are life-enhancing. � Step 2.� Form alliances with those who walk in front of you, beside you, and behind you. There are those who will be teachers and role models in your life, those who will be companions and friends, and those who will be students. Honor each type of relationship for they will all help you advance in life. � Step 3.� Remove barriers to success by installing new personal qualities, beliefs, habits, skills, and relationships as required. Learn to observe your sticking points, your hot buttons, your negative patterns and work to dismantle them one by one with the understanding that this is a lifetime commitment that requires diligence, patience, and self-care. � Step 4.� Learn to fan the fires of your own burning desire.� Replenish and renew yourself in healthy ways and learn to balance the various aspects of your life so that you are left feeling whole. � Step 5.� Stay in the game and expect to win. Know that the Universe is on your side and life embraces and supports evolution and you are playing a critical role in your own personal evolution. � Why should you expect to spend at least 2 years in this redesign process?� � Society has programmed us to expect glorified results instantly but upon closer examination, it becomes obvious that the value of a microwave life is commensurate with the investment of time, energy, and resources.� The value of life is not just measured by outcomes but also by the process that produces those outcomes.� In other words, the joy of living?is living. In 2 to 5 years you will discover aspects of yourself that reveal your true brilliance.� You will shed many false perceptions that have restricted and confined you. The rigorous work you will do will be accompanied by a manifold of rewards; expected and unexpected.� � Of course, it could happen in less time because the time it actually takes is totally dependant on how much you resist change and how willing you are leave the your herded existence behind.� You see, a great life is available to the masses but the masses will not forsake their average existence to claim their inheritance. To create an extraordinary life requires that we learn from our mistakes and our victories and continuously reexamine our personal paradigms adjusting them as needed.� When you are making the second half the best half, you will find that you will be in a constant state of personal evolution.� As you move toward your life's purpose your envisioned life will become the master plan that will guide your life's choices if it has been carefully designed to holistically reflect your individual uniqueness, which is woven into the expression of your values, contributions, and priorities. � � Your Own Worth Should be Worth Success 1. Always know exactly what you want and allow your whole being to strive, without wavering, to follow the path to fulfilling your plan. If You Compare, Beware! Picture this scene: Little Johnny's mother places a large piece of chocolate cake on his plate. He's pretty happy with it -- until he glances over at his brother's portion and notices that it's even bigger than his own. Suddenly Johnny is no longer satisfied with what he got. He starts to pout and complain, and may even resort to throwing his cake on the floor. Defining Success I'll be the first to admit that everyone has his or her own definition of success and what constitutes living a life with greatness. Advance Your Enthusiasm and Determination for Success Imagine being firmly committed to your deepest ambitions. Imagine feeling energetic and enthusiastic about your relationships, career, and all the things you want. Envision a future as bright and promising as any you have ever imagined. Balance: Flow and Faith In so many areas of life we must always be vigilent of our mental, emotional and physical health. Getting involved or caught up in too much of one thing can create a multitude of problems in life. Out at a networking event recently, I had missed dinner but in true form to the crowd and socializing I purchased my first of many beers. I hadn't intended to stay as late as I did and nor had I intended to carry-on afterwards at a friend's place. A little excess can be a good thing once in a blue moon. The Secret Weapons of Success There are two things that will determine your success or failure in business. Actually, they will be the source of your rise or fall in life whether or not you choose to make money online. Success Means Never Ever Giving Up Persistence is the foundation of success. Although there are many ways to describe success, there is only one definition of failure ? giving up. Whatever your meaning of success, you will only achieve it through persistence. As Long As You Try Your Best, There Is No Such Thing As Failure I always say to my children, as long as you try your best, there is no such thing as failure. I believe this one hundred percent and it is a philosophy I am trying to install into my kids. Back-Planning For Success Coming up with new dreams and passions can be fun, easy and inspiring - at least until you sit down and begin trying to sort out how to actually accomplish these wild goals. Suddenly, what seemed like such a clear and well-marked path takes on the aspect of an overgrown and thickly brambled wilderness of dangerous, unseen pitfalls and endlessly branching and unmarked trails. It's enough to make you want to crawl back into your boring old life and forget the whole thing ever happened. But let's try something a little different, first, and see if we can't tame that overgrown jungle. Reach Your Goals - Give Back Give back What if You Fed Your Mind as Often as You Feed Your Stomach? Many people consider reading books a waste of time. It is just so easy to switch on the television, put the brain into neutral and accept everything that is shown to you. Some even boast that they have not read a single book since they have left school. That is definitely something that I would not be proud to admit. Learning How To Fall: You Have To Learn To Fall Before You Can Ride With Confidence! About a month ago, I was hit by a car while riding my motorcycle. The car side-swiped me and took off. My bike bounced off the car, shot out from under me, and I rolled under the car. Amazingly enough, I stood up, picked up my bike, and got to the side of the street without any problems. All I had was a small bit of road rash on my elbow. I was lucky! Creative Destruction This past Memorial Day weekend I decided to revisit my bookshelf to poke around and reminisce with books I'd read over the last decade. You see, I not only like to collect great books, I also date each one to remind me of when I read it. My 'invisible finger' guided me toward a book I read seven years ago titled, "Wealth and Freedom" by David Levin. Wealth and Freedom (I know?sounds boring) is a great read on political economy for non-economists?like me. Believing in a Better Lifestyle How many of you have ever thought about the link between believing in yourself, and getting a good income? You would think that your income is based entirely on your skills, wouldn't you. Well, we know how true that one is. So what does play a part in deciding what you are worth in money terms per year? The Dynamics of Competitive Mentality Life is not a competition. NORPS I thought this was unbelievable, but it's true. Achieve the Success You Want: 7 Reasons Why People Dont Change is one of the biggest concepts facing today's society. We are all confronted by how fast the world is changing and how we must change to keep up. We should view change as exciting! ![]() |
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