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Prosperity Practices
By popular request, I thought I would put together this little list of simple things you can do to increase cash flow ...sometimes, the most absurd and smallest practices seem to work better than a ritual that you have to make into a big dramatic production. I have tried these ones and they have at one time or another worked for me... Every time you see a coin on the floor you are to stomp on it and go 'Money on the floor, money on the door!' Then pick it up and put it in your wallet. Always keep a bowl of small change, (foreign or odd coins are best) in a bowl by your front door. Antique or old keys also bring money too. Buy a jade plant. This is that small dwarf like plant with the big fleshy leaves. Put it by the front door, or in the northeast corner of your home... it also is helpful in the office. Keep the leaves clean and free from dust. Write a cheque to yourself for the total amount of money you need and the date you need it by ...It helps if you use gold pen and make the cheque look as official as possible. It is also good to anoint the cheque with Money Drawing Oil, which can be bought commercially, or if you don't have that -- bergamot, vetivert, cinnamon or orange oil. Then fold the check eight times and put it in a dark place. (This one once worked for me. I needed to make $120.0000 in one year. I made $80,000 and someone lent me another $20.000. So the Universe let me have one hundred thousand of it ...I figure my lack of faith accounted for the shortfall.) This is an especially good one to do at New Year's, on special holidays or your birthday. Make a money tree. This is done usually at Christmas ... but you could do it any time of the year. You find an old tree branch, which looks relatively like the body of a small tree and you actually attach money to it with clothespins. The idea is that whatever you attach is worth ten times as much. For instance if you attach a five dollar bill, it actually represents five hundred dollars. Don't have any money? You can use monopoly money or even attach green slips of paper with the amounts written on it. I know it sounds nuts, but I have had surprising results with this one. Short on cash? A quick fix is to buy a head of iceberg lettuce, sprinkle it with olive oil and salt, and eat the whole thing raw. Each time you take a mouthful, you think about all the green you need coming to you. All three ingredients represent security, money and stability. Keep little pots of rosemary, sage, parsley, thyme and basil at your front door or on windowsill. These herbs are thought to draw money to you... as long as they are kept healthy and alive. Make a God Box. Find a beautiful box, any size will do...but just make sure you really like the box. Decorate it with images that you really like, and that will represent how serene you will feel once you are out of debt. I made a little gold one and put stars on it. (Actually this is a great project for you if you have kids because the God Box can be used for other requests besides money.) Make a little slit in the top, so it becomes like a suggestion box. If you find yourself in need, you write your request on a piece of paper and drop it in the box. I once did this, and after the end of a year, as I looked at my requests I was amazed at how many of my wishes were taken care of... about ninety percent. I think this works because once you write it on the piece of paper, it causes you to detach from anxiety about the matter or its outcome because you are giving your problem to a higher power to take care of. Ok, this one is my favorite, because it is just such a joy to do and it always puts me in a great mood. Fill your pockets with all the shiny spare change you have ...then, at night, preferably when the Moon is going from its New to Full phase, you sneak out to the playground and hide the coins at the bottom of the slide, under the swing set, in the sandbox...in the wading pool...anywhere where a delighted child might possibly find the coin. Don't let anyone see you do this. It is supposed to be a secret. This practice plays with the laws of circulating prosperity and somehow, I find, that the child's surprise and delight somehow becomes your own, in your own life, thanks to the benevolent cosmic law that says that what you put out comes back to you tenfold...a found coin is such a treasure to a small child, maybe the Universe will bring you a treasure as well. Samantha Steven's articles have been published in many high-standing newspapers and she has published several books. If you wish to buy Samantha's books about metaphysics click here http://www.insomniacpress.com/author.php?id=110 You can meet Samantha Stevens at http://www.psychicrealm.com where she works as a professional psychic. You can also read more of her articles at http://www.newagenotebook.com
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The Clich�s of Success The problem with writing about success is that almost everything ends up sounding like a clich�. It has all been said before. It has all been read or heard before. There are no new secret formulas; no new tricks to creating success or being successful; nothing new to write about. Patient Persistence Pays Off in a Big Way! Energy and persistence conquer all things. - Benjamin Franklin 7 Tips for Success In this article we mention 7 tips for your success. That's not to say these are the only ones, nor will every successful person use all these. But using these tips will help you succeed. Reach Your Goals - Get Your Act Together Get your act together Why Balancing Your Polarity Can Make Life Better Driven by cultural imperatives and inner promptings, we drive ourselves into a frenzy of action day after day. Clues for Success: Finding Answers Right in Front of Your Face An old fable tells about a religious man and a flood. As the water began to rise, the man's neighbor came by in a boat and offered to take him to safer ground. He politely declined, "God will save me." When the water had risen up to his second floor windows, authorities came by in a rescue boat. They shouted impatiently at him to get into the boat, but he sent them off, saying, "God will watch out for me." Later, as he sat on his roof with water lapping at its edges, a military helicopter hovered above him; a rescue officer was lowered to bring him up into the aircraft. Again he refused . . . and later drowned. When he reached heaven, he was furious and demanded a meeting with God. Reach Your Goals - Make A Game Out Of It Make a game out of reaching your goals Set Your Mind For Success Did you know you can literally program your mind so your thoughts will move you toward success naturally? Think about it. Through repetition you learned what you know now whether positive or negative. It only makes sense that through repetition you can intentionally learn anything. Effective Strategies for Stopping Procrastination You will have the greatest success if you read the first newsletter and take some time to observe your own procrastination patterns. Once you have accomplished that, choose a few of the strategies outlined here. Keep working at it until you understand what you need to do to stop putting things off. Manifest Away The sun crept over the horizon and lodged itself above the coastline, bathing the beach in a comfortable, morning glow. Life Versus Lifestyle There is a difference but what constitutes a life and what constitutes a lifestyle is pretty ambiguous.� One thing that seems pretty clear to me is the lifestyle is observable while a life can have many internal aspects to it.� A lifestyle can include people, material things, environments, how we spend our time, energy, and money.� A life includes things like our beliefs, our values, our commitments, our soul's dream, and our vision.� If you choose a lifestyle first you could wind up with an empty fortress.� If you choose the life first, you will design your lifestyle to support the life.� � Since most of us already have a lifestyle, and a default life, we usually have to do some redesign work.� Choose a life and then redesign our lifestyle. It is possible that the lifestyle you currently have will never support the life you truly want to live.� It is possible the lifestyle you currently have has many supporting structures and only minor renovations need to occur.� It is possible that you are a highly intuitive person and your lifestyle is in perfect alignment.� I know very few people who fall into that category.� My dad does but what I notice about him, is he and my mother made a conscious decision to structure their lives around their spiritual values.� They made that decision early in their marriage and lived true to it. Now it's interesting that my parents are actually old enough to be my grandparents, (my mother is no long living) and I noticed that many earlier generations were not given to having transformational conversations so learning was a very different process then than it is now.� The fact that we have e-courses and teleclasses and magazines and tons of books that are created to help people learn to live more meaningful and personally fulfilling lives represents a shift from how things use to be.�� � As we evolve we begin to look at various aspects of our lives for congruence to our values and commitments.� The disparity shows up with exclamation marks behind them and sometimes our response is discouragement and self-disappointment. We act as if we should have known better when the truth is how could we have known better?� So the first thing to get over is "I didn't know"� and then after we get over that we come to "but I know now?now what?"� It takes a courageous person to see this and then set their intentions on bringing integrity into their life so that their lifestyle gives them a life that serves their higher self.� You will notice some people trying to work around it, pretending it doesn't matter that their lifestyles don't measure up to their core values.� � The real problem is once you see the inconsistency, not doing anything actually makes things worse and you lose ground really fast.� It cost you big time to keep that inconsistency in place.� You can't be with yourself and be at peace in your life.� It wears you down like water will wear down a mountain over time.� Your life will devolve instead of evolve.� If that is not a price that's too high to pay, I don't know what is.� Just think about it and choose wisely the path you will follow.�� The 80/20 Success Secret Have you ever wondered if there was a way to apply the Pareto Principle or 80/20 Principle to success or rather becoming successful? 3 Keys to Boosting Your Inner Confidence I've been coaching for a few years now, and the biggest thing I've learnt - both for me and for my clients - is that inner confidence is the key to it all. Looking for Harvey Weinstein - The Book and the Business Two Immigrants Live The American Dream Identify Those Things That Have Prevented You From Being Successful And Learn How To Avoid Them Now Have you been struggling for years to accomplish some goals without success? Are you wondering why you haven't been able to lose the weight you want, be more energetic, earn more money, learn new skills, be a better communicator, or accomplish whatever desires and dreams you have? Better Instead of Bitter I have been studying several books lately that deal with subject of attracting prosperity, well being and abundance to oneself -- partly as a refresher course for myself, but also partly because I was searching for answers for some of our clients in the Realm. Lately in the chat rooms, the issue of how to overcome bitterness or loss is a big topic. How do you be 'better, instead of bitter' when life hands you what feels like a terrible blow; whether it be to your heart, to your pocketbook or the very core of your soul? Double Your Brain Power Do you think you have an "average" or perhaps an "above average" mental capacity? Success Through Short Memory Normally a long memory is an advantage but not if you keep programming your mind with 'tapes' of past failures. Top 6 Business Success Strategies "The principal purpose of business is to create a customer." --Peter Drucker Belief And Action Succeed For centuries Protestant Christians have argued that you can reach heaven through faith (belief) alone while Roman Catholics have argued that both faith and works are necessary for salvation. However, both groups agree that faith and works are essential in the life of the true Christian. ![]() |
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