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Candleburning 101
One of the questions that I am asked most often on the realm, is colour of candle should I burn for what purpose? And when ... As there is no book out there called Candle Burning for Dummies, I thought I would give you a quick crash course in the correspondences of colour candles to magickal purposes. As a practicing witchlet, the first thing you must do is learn how to a) pray your heart out and As far as I�m concerned, no spell is complete without fervent wishing and praying followed by a maniacal laugh (to seal the spell.) The second thing you must do is familiarize yourself with the phases of the moon. It is best to do most magic from the New Moon to the Full Moon period when the moon is waxing. During this period, cosmic or astral energy is building and this is best for if you want to attract something to you ... like a lover, more money, more gerbils or whatever. From the period of the Full Moon to the next New Moon is best for banishing spells -- getting rid of negativity, stalkers and the like. www.artcharts.com has a nice ephemeris on it that tells you where the moon is each day. This site also tells you when the moon is what is called �void of course�... you don�t want to start burning a candle while this is going lest your cosmic energy go astray ... of course if you have a question about whether a night is a good night to burn a candle, you can always email one of the psychics (Mary Helene, Ruella, David, Lydia and myself are good choices) to help you with the astrological aspects. RED candles burnt during the waxing mood period are used to attract more love, lust and drama into your life. They are especially good to burn during the three days leading up to the full moon to heighten the erotic tension. They can also be used during the waning moon period to drive a rival away (especially if used in conjunction with black candle.) However this is manipulative magick and could have some bad karma attached to it. ORANGE candles bring you love, joy, luck, happiness, feasting and luck with children and pets. Wanna go to more parties? This is the candle to burn. GREEN candles increase cash flow and bring steady work. They represent growth, fertility, abundance and opportunity. Combined with a black candle during the waning moon, they can help remove financial obstacles in your way. YELLOW candles are for both spiritual and material riches and help align your will with the heart. This is the colour to burn you are confused about your career or professional matters...this is the colour you want. It can also help you buy that new fridge or car. PINK candles bring tenderness, equilibrium and help you manifest the higher qualities of love in your life -- patience, faith and compassion. Like orange, this can also be a fun candle and bring delight and surprises into your life. For a real lift, trying burning a yellow orange and pink candle together. BROWN candles can help ground your energies to the earth, make you feel connected to reality. This is the candle to burn if you are feeling spacy or are suffering from feelings of low self esteem BLUE candles help you focus and find solutions to the problems in your life. Serenity, beauty, grace and self-control are summoned by this candle. It is also a candle that is associated with peace and mercy, so it is a good one to burn if you feel oppressed by creditors or picked on by people. PURPLE candles can be very decadent or very holy depending on what your intent is when burning ... purple is the colour of the eccentric, the bon vivante, as well as the colour of wisdom and royalty. This is the candle to burn if you feel like life has gotten a little boring lately ... it will bring you back into the sexy dance of life. VIOLET is the colour of the higher self, and is good to burn when you need to connect to your higher self. It enhances intuitive abilities and is a good colour to burn when you feel you need to let go of someone or something .. stare at the flame and throw all of your worries, concerns and burdens into the violet fire. Ask the angels to provide you a solution to your problem. BLACK. I rarely burn a black candle and I don�t know why ... black candles are grounding and often associated with negative rituals and energies...on the other hand they are also used for protection. They are the colour to burn if you feel threatened or sabotaged. As the black candle burns, picture all the negative energy melting away... WHITE candles are the all purpose candle. When in doubt, use a white candle. A white candle burnt with another coloured is said to clear the energies to allow the colour to resonate through space. Use them as �helper� candles. Alone they represent, peace, purity and the connection to the higher realms, in particular the angels and whoever percieve God to be... Remember that when you burn candles, it is your intent that matters the most. This kind of ritual depends on synchronicity, so make sure that when you make you wish, you picture or act out the scenario in your mind as vividly as you can ... and don�t forget to laugh maniacally when you�re finished. The cosmos likes a person with a sense of humour:) Samantha Steven's articles have been published in many high-standing newspapers and she has published several books. If you wish to buy Samantha's books about metaphysics click here http://www.insomniacpress.com/author.php?id=110 You can meet Samantha Stevens at http://www.psychicrealm.com where she works as a professional psychic. You can also read more of her articles at http://www.newagenotebook.com
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