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Reach Your Goals - Have A Pitch Party
Have a "Pitch Party" Invite friends and work together to haul out all the old stuff in your life that no longer works with your new direction.� For example, if you have lost a substantial amount of weight, drag out all those too-big clothes, the ugly sweats you slouched around the house in and anything else that belongs with the "old you" (diet magazines, weigh-in charts, etc).� If your goal is more esoteric or offers less tangible reminders of the changes, such as completing a training course or becoming a mother, buy a stack of brightly colored index cards and use markers to write down, one item per card, whatever in your life is getting "tossed out", such as a low paying job because you weren't certified, or pining over pictures of happy families in magazines because you didn't have a baby. Now gather up all the old stuff and ceremoniously destroy it, with lots of laughing and cheering! Have a bonfire, if that is permitted in your area, and throw everything onto it.� Or burn the cards in a big ashtray or tear them up and fling them off a mountaintop.� If the items are valuable, or you think someone else might find use in them, you can decorate your vehicles with streamers and window paint and have a festive parade to the local Goodwill or other "offloading" spot, then go out to dinner afterwards.� Keep nothing in your new life from your old life that brings you down, holds you back or detracts from your success. (c) Soni Pitts ABOUT THE AUTHOR Soni Pitts is the Chief Visionary Butt-Kicker of SoniPitts.Com. She specializes in helping others reclaim "soul proprietorship" in their lives and to begin living the life their Creator always intended for them. She is the author of the free e-book "50 Ways To Reach Your Goals" and over 100 self-help and inspirational articles, as well as other products and resources designed to facilitate this process of personal growth and spiritual development.
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