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Success; So Close, Yet So Far Away!
Have you ever had this feeling? You're standing in front of a huge safe; in this safe, is all the wealth, happiness, success, love and health the world could offer. This safe has a combination lock on it and you know all the numbers to open it, except one. :>( Just one lousy number! And, if you knew that one number, you could open the door! What we need is a "safe" bet! I Don't Have A Clue! Often the difference between success and failure is a missing ingredient; most of the time, just one. If we only could get our hands on that one number, all our prayers would be answered. And, that's the way it is for most of our endeavors, just one missing number that makes all the difference. Well, here is what happens most of the time. I don't want to oversimplify this, but let me make an analogy. Let's say you have a project almost complete, you've studied, planned, or pouted, and laid out the slickest dog and pony show even you have ever seen. And, now it's ready for the moment of truth. You have all the numbers of the combination laid out, but the success button just doesn't seem to work. You have gone through them over and over and the door still won't open. Is it because you've gotten into something over your head? Nah! How many times have you knowingly tackled something you knew you couldn't do? If we think we can't run with the big dogs, we'll just keep our pretty selves on the porch. Here's the reason: It's because there is a missing number. But, instead of looking for that missing number, we keep going through the same steps we've already been successful with, hoping that will somehow cause this sucker to work so we can forget about the missing number. Well, Just Between You And Me And The Fence Post! We didn't know what to do about the missing combination anyway. So, it would suit us just fine if that missing number would take a hike. Well, I tell you from lots of personal experience, that missing number ain't going to take a hike to make your life easier. But, one thing that missing number will do; is cause this project to bow to your commands and cause your success to come shinning through. I am firmly convinced that success is easy in everything we attempt. Now don't get all choked up. :>) Although I know it seems to be sometimes impossible during the heat of battle. I can hear somebody saying to me now; "boy, you are just a few fries short of a happy meal". Stay with me now. Ok, hot shot, why do you say success is easy? Well, what makes it seem so difficult is; we are continually going back through the same steps we discovered that works, and the project is screaming find the final number. We know something is missing, but we don't know what it is. So, we keep doing the same things over and over pretending the final number doesn't matter hoping for a different result. Someone said; that's the definition of insanity. Consider this: think about a huge success you have achieved sometime in your life. Think about how difficult it was while you were working on it and before it was completed. Now, think about how easy it would be right now to accomplish that same task from zero. Piece of cake. Why? Because you now know all the numbers in the combination. Remember the first time you tried to ride a bicycle? Or, roller skate? Remember how your rear end felt the first few times skating? I bet if you went out today to ride a bicycle you wouldn't fall. Why? Cause you remember what you learned. And, you would do it the same way. Now, if you retry something that was really difficult in the past, and do it the very same way you did it when it succeeded, it would be just as easy as the first time if you had known all the numbers the first time. Other Things Being Equal! Success is not really that hard, it's just sneaky. It's like playing "hide n seek" when you were a kid. And, success is always the one doing the hiding. It won't run from you, but it sure will make you work to find it. And, when you do find it, it will have been like that proverbial snake that was so close all the time it could have bit you. On the other side of this coin, if you could see yourself going through the exact same strategy the second time around, that you followed the first time around, it would be just as difficult the second time. In fact, it would be an instant replay of the first scenario. But, don't let the inner voice inside your head talk you into lowering your goals so low that it virtually guarantees success. It is nice to succeed but, that kind of push over success leaves our inner sense of accomplishment feeling as ugly as a mud fence. Every objective will have a series of combination steps that have to be taken in order to assure success. And, in order to have success guaranteed in all cases, you would have to know all things before you start. How often has that happened for you? In the process of achieving your objective, you will have thoughts about yourself and you will say things about yourself. Those things will determine your mental attitude. If you have a worthwhile objective think earnestly for the one reason why you can do it, rather than the hundred or so reasons why you can't. The first and foremost combination number is always this! The right attitude. It amazes me how I ever thought I could succeed at anything in life with a lousy attitude. And, I've learned that to be consistently successful, I have to work on "attitude" more than all the other parts of the goal. To unlock the combination of success, you must find all the relevant numbers. The whole combination is solved much smoother when the number one combination is right. Do This Bright And Early! If you want to see major failures turn into major successes, and who doesn't, work on the big 3 first. Attitude, attitude, attitude. Once these three are in line, you will be amazed at how easy the remaining combination numbers show up to open your safe to success. Richard Vegas � About The Author Richard Vegas is a popular recording artist and internet marketing professional. He invites you to subscribe to his FREE weekly ezine "Wing-Tips" Teaching The Success System That Never Fails, at: http://www.1-work-at-home-based-business-opportunities.com. You may also hear some of Richard's free music at: http://www.richardvegas.com.
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