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What Makes One Person Succeed While Someone Else Fails
What characteristics are common among successful people. If you analyze the success stories of history, business or your own personal experience you'll find similar habits and patterns among successful people. You'll find these people to be persistent, hard-working, continually educating themselves and able to adapt to certain situations. You've heard the old adage don't work harder work smarter or you've heard the one the exceptional salesman makes a habit of doing what the ordinary salesman doesn't do. These two saying are fine but you need to remember each of them says simply if you want to make it you will have to do more than the next person. Please keep in mind this does not require you to become a slave to your own business or organization. Through out history we seem to find the people that stand out most and are remembered as doing similar things. You can have the best idea or the greatest product and still not succeed. People often seen to under estimate the value of others throughout history. You often have your local libraries and the Internet to help you find information to compensate with the abilities that you lack. The Internet is a well of extraordinary information. If you go to Google or Yahoo and type in what you're looking for exactly you will often find something close to it and if you look long enough on the Internet there is a very good chance you will find what you're looking for. Throughout history successful men and women have used other people's minds that are well educated and their fields. They have gathered information from libraries and newspapers. Keep in mind the information is often within an arms reach that you are seeking. Information is going to be the gold of the 21st-century. There are successful people in your field that you can learn from and educate others in your business to become productive. Let's take Henry Ford for example. He was not considered a well educated man scholastically yet he revolutionized the car industry with the assembly-line. Henry Ford did not come up with the idea of an assembly-line it was already in progress throughout the world. Henry Ford adapted the assembly-line from other businesses to his own industry. Henry Ford used another persons idea to create a successful business of his own. A question was once asked to Thomas Edison how many times he had fail before he had invented the light bulb. His reply was simply I now know 2000 ways not to make a light bulb. Through persistence Thomas Edison with help from others invented the incandescent light bulb that we now use to this day. Thomas Edison once said to become successful you need to have 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration. Majority of business people often fail because of a lack of vision and persistence. If you look back throughout history you'll find most of these successful people weather in business or other fields have often over come obstacles through persistence. If you want to become successful in business you will need to examine carefully other successful business people. Like I said earlier in this article you can go to your local library and the World Wide Web to find a wealth of information about successful people. Most of these people are no different than you or me. If you would just spend a little time each day writing down your ideas setting goals and gathering information on what it is you desire. You will soon find yourself wanting to learn more. If you could just take a few successful people in your field or business and start studying their working habits there is a good chance you will be able to pick up some useful tips to increase your productivity and success. Study the habits of successful people around you and soon you will become successful. Greg Vanden Berge has been involved in personal success for over 35 years. He has educated himself through everything you can think of almost :) He has written a top selling book http://startlivingyourdreamstoday.com and is currently working on creative ways to educate people on how to become suceesful in business. http://100moneymakers.com
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Success is making the world a little bit better because you existed. And success begins with purpose. Like A One-Eyed Cat Peeping In A Seafood Store Want to be successful in whatever it is you choose to do? Then you need to be focused--just "like a one-eyed cat peeping in a seafood store!" The Formula For Failure and Success (Excepted from the book The Five Major Pieces to the Life Puzzle by Jim Rohn) ![]() |
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