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8 Ways to Get Off The Success-Go-Round and Have a Consistent Flow of Success
Are you consistently chasing success? Once you achieve it, do you desperately try to continue the pattern of making it happen again? Isn't it time you got off the success-go-round? Here are 8 tips to help you make the transition from inconsistency to steady flow of success. 1. Know Your Core Values. What do your truly value in your life? If you're struggling to come up with an answer, then maybe it's time you reevaluated your values. You might know what values your parents instilled in you, but you need to be clear on what you stand for and what is important in your life. Do you value honesty, integrity or trust? By knowing your core values you will seek them in the relationships you form with others. List your top five core values and live by them. Start to examine if your core values match the goals you are trying to achieve. Your values are essential to success. 2. Be Honest With Yourself. Don't kid yourself about who you are or what you love to do. If you're trying to impress or win the approval of others by being successful, you success will be unauthentic. Is the "real" you showing up everyday? It is empowering to some to have a great job title or a prospering business, but if at the end of the day, you feel empty, tired or dissatisfied; it's time to be honest with yourself. You can't present yourself as someone in control at work, when you know deep inside you feel that you have no control over your life. Success is only temporary when you are not living a self-actualized life. Passion for your life and your work makes you thrive. Only when you are honest with yourself about who you are and what you really love to do can you start to experience a steady flow of success. 3. Don't Let Your Emotions Run the Show. If you're happy when life is great and going as planned, but fall apart when you are faced with challenges and obstacles, you allow your emotions to run the show. If people can clearly tell when things are not going well for you, it's time to get your emotions in check. Life is not predictable. Plans will not always run as smoothly as expected, but it is important that you maintain your composure during these times. Don't let your beliefs have power over the situation. If you allow sadness, anger or fear to take over, you will find it more difficult each time to bounce back after a set-back. Get to know your emotional triggers; what makes you angry, sad or afraid and then create a plan for coping with them when they arise. 4. Be Flexible With Your Plans. Being too rigid and unwavering with plans can lead to disappointment. While setting plans and goals are ideal for making success happen, you have to accept that sometimes you may have to alter those plans. It's a good idea to have a back-up just in case things don't go the way you expected. Don't allow minor setbacks to make you cancel your plans altogether, but have faith that you will find another way to get things done. Take detours if it is necessary. Be open to ideas and suggestions from those you trust. You will find another way if you are willing to receive what is being offered to you. 5. Don't Let Success Be the Center of Your Life. Success should not be at the center of your life. There are many more important things that you need to tend you. When you neglect or postpone what is important in your life, you will find that you are chasing success just to have more time, more energy and more money to enjoy life. It doesn't happen that way. Set aside time to work on your career goals, business plan, life plan, etc, then continue with our life. If you're always on the look-out for success, it will rarely come. Have you heard the expression: "A watched phone never rings."? Be patient and don't try to rush success. Learn to let go and you will see a transformation in yourself and your success plans. 6. Share What You Know or What You Have. If you have a grip hold on success, but are not willing to share your knowledge, your time or your resources, chances are success will break free from you. Give of yourself and you will always be given. Don't be afraid to share your knowledge even with a competitor because it the long run, you will benefit more from it. Volunteer, if you have the time. 7. Ask for What You Want and Believe You Will Receive It. Do you state clearly your goals or desires? Depending on your faith or religious affiliation, pray, meditate and ask for what you want. Once you get it, don't stop asking. We often make the mistake of asking for what we want and then we either give up because it hasn't come in our anticipated time or we stop asking because we got what we wanted. You should never stop asking, because you are only halfway. When you stop asking you don't allow more blessings to come into your life. If you only ask periodically or when things are going bad, then you are asking out of desperation. Ask continuously, and ask with the conviction that it will come to realization. 8. Stay in the Success Momentum. The best way to keep from sabotaging your success is to stay in the success mindset. Giving in to financial or career blues can deter you from your goals. Keep away from people or situations that sap your energy or keep you stuck. Build a network of people that will challenge, support and motivate you when your outlook becomes distorted. Develop strategies that will help you to deal with rejections, disappointments and regrets. Lighten up and know don't be yourself up for every little mistake you make. Take charge of all your trying situations and know that "this too shall pass." Marie Magdala Roker is a Personal Development Coach an Author of Successful Thinking for a Successful Life: How to Banish the Unhealthy Thoughts and Habits That Limit Your Success. Her Successful Thinking? program is an affordable coaching resource that offers support and encouragement when there are roadblocks to success. You can find out more about the program at http://www.thinkandbesuccessful.com or sign up for her free Be Inspired newsletter at http://www.smartbeecoaching.com
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Reach Your Goals - Have A Theraputic Meltdown Have a therapeutic meltdown Reach Your Goals - Clown Around Clown around�Among the Plains Indians, heyoka, or sacred clowns, often purposely behave in strange or counter-intuitive ways, such as living their lives "backward" (riding facing the rear of the horse, drying off before bathing, etc.).� They also tell tales of sadness and woe during good times and spin gleeful tales during times of want.� This is done to teach the tribe's members not to take life too seriously, to remind them that all ups and downs are transient, and, on a more metaphysical level, to maintain the appropriate mental and spiritual balance of the tribe as a unit in relationship to the spirit world.� Heyoka are held in very high esteem and thought to possess very strong medicine (spiritual/magical power) to keep the tribe healthy and safe through these actions. 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