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What We Can Do To Guarantee Our Own Success
There are so many internet marketing schemes out there so it's really hard to follow the right advices. Do be perfectly honest this article will not get you richer or more successful then you are right now. Why bother to read this article then? Well, what few people realize is that success in any endeavor is determined not by what we do, how smart we are or how much information we can accumulate but by something that's already inside of us. Let's call it the power of intention. In a few short months or weeks there will be people out there using these resources and succeeding. Why are some of us going to succeed and others fail if everyone is using the same resources? The cause of failure can't be the information they are studying. If the material we are studying doesn't produce results then we are going to have a 100% failure rate, this is not going to happen. Those who succeed will prove that by applying what they have learned there is a potential of a 100% success rate. We actually can predict our future. Neither success nor failure happens by accident. The choice is up to us.If you visit your neighbor for instance he/she will tell you that they believe that they are results of their circumstances. Some will say that they are glad for the opportunities they've been given, some are going to complain not having the ability to get educated others will complain not being at right spot at the right time. No matter who you talk to you will face these two scenarios about people claiming that there life is what it is due to the circumstances they live under. There are people amongst us that came from very hard circumstances who made it big time, whilst other's had the greatest opportunities in front of them and still failed? How could that be? Are there any extenuated circumstances that are beyond our control or affect the outcome of our life or success? Who or what is responsible for our lack of success? Is it our parents or our education? There is one important reality. Those who fail to achieve their desires fail because the consciously or unconsciously intend to fail. Their intention or point of focus is on what they don't want instead of what they want.Those who succeed are doing the exact opposite, their point of focus is on what they want and that does never change!! Once you understand how this works you realize that no matter what happened in the past or no matter where you are right now you are not a victim of your circumstances,you're actually the creator of them. The principle is very simple, whatever you give your dominate attention to and focus on shapes your personality creates your circumstances and determines the ultimate destiny of your life. What also separates the man/woman succeeding is that they never focus on a problem they focus on a solution! I recommend that you do the same. Why focus on a problem that you can't do anything about? What you experience in your life is directly connected with this inner state of you mind, it's not what is going on around you in your physical world or your circumstances.The most important thing that anyone can learn about success is that the cause which is the thought and effect which is the results of the thoughts are one. You can't separate the two! A person does not suddenly end up bankrupt or in jail, anymore then they simply wake up rich and famous. All these circumstances are the results of thousand of little decisions which are reached as a result of the thoughts you give your dominant attention to.This means that our circumstances and life's needs to change in order to have something to happen. If you spend you life feeling that extenuating circumstances are keeping you from what you want others will just go on with their lives and you'll be left behind.What you focus on expands. The more your focus on the things you don't want the more you get them and vice versa.Most of us live in fear not thinking of what our minds actually can do. Unconsciously we think of things we are afraid of such as failing. If we think a hundred thoughts on negative things it's very hard to take them away with ten positive thoughts. No matter how positive we are we still go on with our problems since we do not have the right intentions. Money is a big issue that could be related to success. If we since childhood think that money always is a problem then it eventually gets to be a problem as adults. What can we do to actually re-program our selves? We need to be aware of what we think so that we don't go by autopilot as we often do.For example if you drive a car then you don't think too much about driving you just do it. With all the stress we live with today we often forget to focus on what we actually think.The mind runs away with us without us even thinking. If you next thought is focused on the right things then you sure will attract the good things you want in life. You have to have 100% self-esteem on that your thoughts can create a difference. Set up 3 main benefits that you want in life. If you can't come up with 3 things then you really need to re-focus in order to get the motivation to create the good intention.Most of our choices are done unconscious so it seems like we have a lot of choices but since we don't make the choices consciously nothing happens. Does it make sense? Our mind is set to default (survival mode) we are actually hurting our selves by not thinking consciously. Every single thought we think does affect our lives. So, how to change things? ? Create an intention! (What do you want, this week, this month or for years to come?) ? Stop trying. Intention does not mean trying. Trying is one of our big lies, if you keep on trying this will be the only thing you will achieve. Start doing instead of trying. ? The thought you create must be corrected in the same moment it appears. Be conscious this week and re-focus on each an every thought when it's a negative thought, and watch them. You will be amazed about how much you are disoriented and thinking of things you should not be thinking. The mind only knows the past but this is the present so you need to focus on the present. Think of these 3 bullet points as a train with no brakes and start your journey on the path of success. Set a small goal thinking of a success. It doesn't mean that you need a big goal those will come eventually. Just make small test with this one and you will se that you will succeed!! "Conscious thinking helps you getting the actual results you ever wanted with the right intentions" Don't forget to rate this article. :0) Best regards Oliver Troll
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Personal Excellence: Whats Your Motivation? (Part 1 of 3) I was in the gym, pushing my adolescent muscles to their limit. The other dudes where there too, getting their various degrees of "pump" on. And there he was, the one we called "Pec Man" This cat looked like all he did in life was work his chest. His twin peaks of manhood bulged and glistened before us as he paused every 5 seconds to admire his life's work. Awe and envy filled the space whenever we beheld his mountainous presence. Helpful Tips to Overcome Procrastination Many among us, on many instances, have the habit of putting aside to a later time or day some things that needs to be done or acted upon like a project, work, job, or duty. For purposes of discussion, we will confine ourselves to procrastination on repair works typically at home. It equates to other circumstances as well. The Art of Adapting to Change One of the main reasons that may hinder us from reaching our innermost goals and desires is our inability to be flexible. Sentenced to Success I once heard a speaker use the statement, "I have been sentenced to success!" I heard that almost twenty years ago, yet it still sticks in my head. Can You Think Your Way To Riches? I am going to tell you something you already know but actively ignore. 90% of the time, 90% of what you think is complete and utter drivel, useless background chatter, and recycled subconscious tape loops. Tiger Woods Secret to Success Did you see or hear about 'The Masters' golf tournament this past weekend? A Vision for Success Do you know that there is a formula for attaining material success? Indeed, there is. Success Involves Ignoring Critics Critics can destroy or inspire you. Your own self critic is often the most deadly critic of all. I was thrown out of the school choir at the age of 8. The teacher said someone was growling. She walked along the row and announced that I was the growler! The BIG Secret to Success in Anything You Do There is one big "secret" to success that can help you achieve anything you want. It's the one skill that all ultra-successful people have. If you can master it, you can have or become anything you want... often in a very short amount of time! So what is this incredibly powerful skill? It is the ability to concentrate. In other words, the ability to focus all of your mental powers on one important task until that task is completed, and completed well. The 80/20 Success Secret Have you ever wondered if there was a way to apply the Pareto Principle or 80/20 Principle to success or rather becoming successful? Natural Laws of Success Jim Rohn wrote in his book The Five Major Pieces To The Life Puzzle, it is by an intricate design of nature that success is a condition that must be attracted and not pursued. We achieve rewards and we make progress not by our intense pursuits, but by what we become, for it is what we are that finally determines the result we attract. "To have more we must first become more" is the essence of his personal development philosophy. The Amazing Success Secret Anyone Can Start Using Today However there is one success secret that costs nothing. And we can all use it today to get ahead more quickly. I am talking about cultivating exceptional people skills in a way that puts you ahead of the crowd, in a way that respects and honors the people you deal with in your life. Becoming a Success Giant! Introduction Self Improvement and the Power of Concentration One the most important Self Improvement skills to develop to ensure our success is the ability to concentrate. The Seven Deadly Roadblocks to Success When traveling down the road it is always good to beware of roadblocks! You don't want to crash and burn do you? The same is true in our journey toward success. We need to beware of those things that will keep us from our destination! The Other F Word - How Failure Can Be The Key To Your Success Thomas Edison has done it. Naomi Watts often jokes about it. Sylvester Stallone mastered it. Billy Joel did it with his piano. Even Abraham Lincoln earned a name for himself for doing it many times over. In fact most of us experience it fairly frequently. Some more than others. It's known as the other 'f' word. The difference, however, between the mega-successful and the rest of us ordinary folk is a simple matter of interpretation. I'm talking about 'failure'. Wait! Stop! It's not that bad I promise! Awaken to Something New in Your Life: Conscious Change What do we want most from life? Certainly, we all want to have POWER in our lives - the power to: Adaptability as a Key to Success Do you ever stop to consider how much we change and grow as people? I'm not talking so much about "maturing" or physical growth. What I'm driving at is the changes that occur inside of us; the changes in thought and self perception. We are constantly bombarded with an incredible amount of information. Our grandparents didn't get nearly as much stimulation in their lives as we get in a single day. We are exposed to more ideas, more lifestyles, more ideologies every week than our great grandparents ever heard of. So given this fact it is imperative that we learn good coping mechanisms and a strong sense of focus. Chinese Gooseberries and Oprah? Oprah and Harpo Productions, consistently reap awe-inspiring progress and record-breaking profits even after 25 years. While Oprah consistently soars with stellar growth, the rest of the industry seems to stumble, tumble or even disappear. So, just what is it about Oprah that has her consistently reaping hilacious growth for more than two decades and still remain fresh and vivacious as ever? Oprah Winfrey has reinvented herself so smoothly, so successfully and with such precision, very few have consciously noticed! I believe Oprah is aware of the fact that annuals are-by nature-dormant for seasons at a time. She innovatively capitalizes on this truth and remains a "perennial classic." The True Key to Prosperity To have a high probability of becoming prosperous, you have to start with one very important decision! ![]() |
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