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L-tyrosine and Your Health
L-tyrosine is a protein that the body produces from phenylamine, thus making it a non-essential amino acid. L-tyrosine is available from natural foo sources including: - cottage cheese - yogurt - cheese - milk - bananas - lima beans - turkey - peanuts - avocados - almonds - pumpkin seeds - sesame seeds L-Tyrosine supplementation is especially needed among hard training athletes and obese or those significantly overweight. Low levels of l-tyrosine have bee associated with low body temperature, low blood pressure, underactive thyroid, and depression. L-tyrosine has many important roles in the body. Bodybuilders favor it because l-tyrosine helps alleviate stress and fatigue that comes from intense training, retain muscular protein, and increase energy levels. L-tyrosine helps with stamina enameling athletes to workout for longer periods of time. L-tyrosine also has been useful for a treatment for cocaine abuse and withdraw. Some using l-tyrosine have also said that it helps with withdraw from caffeine and nicotine. Those who suffer from phenylketonuria use l-tyrosine supplementation as a treatment. Health care providers are able to determine if your need a tyrosine enriched diet and how much would be required. Regarding l-tyrosine supplementation in those who are depressed more studies are needed in order to come to a conclusion if l-tyrosine can benefit those who suffer from depression. People with kidney problems should not take l-tyrosine. Daily use is also not recommended. L-tyrosine should only be taken as needed and under the supervision on a health care provider. Josie Anderson is a personal trainer in SC, USA and is the owner of http://www.weight-loss-program-101.com providing weight loss resources to help with many weight loss goals.
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To Supplement or Not to Supplement; That is the Question Some fitness adherents are supplement crazy and spend money like a Vegas drunk with a big roll trying to impress girls he barely knows. I know lots of folks who admit to spending hundreds of bucks each month on the newest, latest dietary or supplement craze. A subtler shade of this same affliction is the cutting-edge Elite who also purchase lots of supplements and spend lots of disposable income on nutritional supplements of some type or another, the newer the better for this crew. Both ends of the fitness feeding chain are seduced by supplements that promise everything and deliver very little. There is something intrinsic and rooted deep in the human psyche that eternally searches for a miracle pill, potion, compound, substance or procedure that will do one of three things: make you lean, make you muscular and make you look and feel decades younger than your actual chronologic age. A Guide to Herbal Sleep Aids Difficulty sleeping can affect many aspects of life. People who don't get the recommended amount of sleep for their age groups can have a myriad of negative affects. Colostrum May Help Prevent Upper Respiratory Tract Infections A 2003 study by the Health Sciences Department of the University of South Australia suggests that taking concentrated bovine colostrum supplements could reduce the incidence of upper respiratory tract infections. Neugenisis Reviewed - Is It A Truly Effective HGH Releaser? Some say that the benefits of this all-natural HGH releaser far surpass any HGH product available currently. Taken nightly, Neugenisis is a special formula coated specifically to withstand the acids of the stomach in order to completly absorb into the bloodstream. Countering claims from popular sprays, NeuLife Labs indicates that they went the tablet route with Neugenisis because they simply don't believe that sprays work. The concern over administering proper dosages of the key ingredients sublingually, drove the company to produce Neugenisis in the more common, time tested, safest form of supplementation. What If You Could Turn Back The Clock To When You Were healthy? What if there was a solution to protecting and restoring your health. What if you could turn back the clock and return to when you were healthy. You wonder why we have such horrific health problems, yet its right in front of your eyes. You all know that nutrition is important, but do you know why. What if given the right nutrition your body could heal itself of anything, and I mean anything. What if this was true and all you needed to do was give your body the right nutrition. Sports Supplement Sports Supplement ? what is it? Ganoderma Lucidum - The Wonder Herb One of the most apparent influences modern times has brought to people is their realization of going back to the basics, to the natural, and to the organic. Although the advances brought by technology has made life easier to people, many are still looking for better organic alternatives that are proven to be more effective in their most natural of form, like Ganoderma Lucidum or commonly known as "Ganoderma." Minerals for a Normal Life Minerals are essential nutrients that serve the body in many ways. So important in the function of the human body that insufficient supply, or even over supply, of these can lead to numerous health problems and complications not to mention a disrupted life. Minerals have good effects to the body individually but for them to give out the best results they must therefore work in partners and even in groups. Most minerals complement each other thus serving as cofactor to each other in the body's most essential processes. Vitamin E - The Wonder Vitamin Vitamin E is a family of eight related molecules known as tocopherols. Alpha-tocopherol is the most biologically active form and therefore the most useful to the human body. Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant, which protects the body against chronic diseases. Know Your Bodybuilding Supplement - L-Carnitine L-carnitine is synthesized in the body from the amino acids lysine and methionine but it can also be found in nutritional sources such as red meats, dairy products and avocados. Its main role in the body is to help metabolize food into energy. L-carnitine does this by transferring long chain fatty acids into mitochondria where they are oxidised to produce energy. Not all Antioxidants are Created Equal! The growing numbers of health conscious people today living more vibrant lives owe much to the efforts and research of certain pioneers who braved ridicule, for without them, many of us now wouldn't be aware of the general benefits of taking antioxidant supplements. Omega 3 Fish Oil That Will and Omega 3 Fish Oil That Wont At the moment we are in the grip of an omega 3 fish oil revolution, just this week in the uk another scientific trial using high grade fish oil has been completed and the results have been published. The scientific trail in question was performed in the south east of England on a group of random school children. Glutathione - Your Brains Master Antioxidant Defense Free radicals and oxyradicals play an important role in the development and progression of many brain disorders such as brain injury, neurodegenerative disease, schizophrenia and Down syndrome. Too Many Books, Supplements, and Programs If I read 1 good valid murder mystery book, would I really want that to be the ONLY book on the subject? If my 8th grade history book was considered to be accurate by the majority would I really want to be limited to only knowing one author's thoughts on the subject? Or how about browsers and music players? Do I just want to use IE? It gets the job done well enough. The Importance of Taking a Multivitamin Supplement It's absolutely crucial that your body gets the nutrients it needs to function effectively and efficiently. The daily stress of pollution, fatty and processed food, and stress deplete your body of nutrients and it's up to you to replace these nutrients. You can do this through healthy nutrition, or even better, through healthy nutrition and proper supplementation. Selenium: Activates Antioxidant Glutathione for Protection of Cells Selenium is a type of trace mineral which supports healthy activity within your immune system, functions as an important part of the potent antioxidant glutathione, and is necessary for good thyroid health. This formula uses SelenoPure high, yeast free selenium for ultimate immune support. Using Antioxidants in Your Weight Loss Program If you're smart, you should not only be focused on your goal to lose weight but to maximize your weight loss program to its full extent by getting some health benfits out of it as well, and make them priority #1. Supplements, Diet and Exercise for Healthy Aging Recently a television health expert was discussing the topic, "How to stay young looking" for the post-50 set. It was pretty much the standard 'take good care of your skin, eat right and exercise' list until the last item. He stated, "Take your drugs every day. One of the best ways to look younger is to stay healthy". Wait a minute! When did the use of prescription drugs become a mainstay of a healthy lifestyle in this country? Nutritional Vitamin Fiber Supplements ? Which One Is For You? Nutritional vitamin fiber supplements come in a variety of types, and you will find that each of the different types offers a variety of benefits. Despite various fallacies about taking such supplements, fiber is essential to our bodies for healthy functioning, and you will find many articles and much literature that will enable you to learn more about the benefits of such supplement products. One thing to remember about nutritional vitamin fiber supplements ? or any other vitamin supplements such as vitamin C ? is that they should be taken as directed in order to enjoy the maximum benefit. Revealed! The Secrets of Mangosteen Do you spend at least some time in your day thinking about your health or that of a loved one? Do you also find the subject is frustrating, mainly because there is a lot of confusing and sometimes contradictory information out there? ![]() |
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