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What To Do When Youre Short On Time And Long On Need!
Everyday life can present us with opportunities to make us squirm. Countless numbers of tasks that we are juggling can cause dead lines to make that big swishing sound as they go flying by us. So, the next time you find yourself short on time and long on need, don't take a long walk off a short pier. Try this instead. That's The Way The Ball Bounces! Have you ever wondered why? Words! Yep, that's it, those tiny little stinking no good for nothing, words that you don't even remember saying; Maybe two months ago, maybe a year ago, maybe last week. You might not want to hear this; but, words have a creative force inside them. They create whatever meaning they contain. They are like a seed planted in the ground. They will bring forth whatever they are. You plant an apple seed you gonna get apples. And I don't care how much you wish it was bananas; it ain't gonna happen. Now, we all know this is true and no one with half a brain will argue with it. A Backhanded Compliment! But, isn't it amazing how we go around saying junk like; "that's just my dumb luck", "I think I'm taking a cold", "they're not ever going to give me that raise", etc. And then we are shocked beyond belief when life slaps us upside the head with a dead fish. We say, "Wha'd I do? Ah...don't even try to figure it out. It's long gone now and the words have already done their damage. You see, most of the time, we don't pay any attention to the words themselves and their repercussions. But, try this on for size; you are actually creating your entire world with the words you speak. Proverbs tells us that, "life and death are in the power of the tongue". So, don't get mad at me, I didn't say it, Proverbs is a lot older than I am. :>) Bone Of Contention! Another way you could say it is; success and failure are in the words we speak; poverty and prosperity are in the words we speak; health and sickness are in the words we speak. That's not always a comforting thought, to think that we might have some responsibility for some of the junk we've produced. Right now, ask yourself this question! "How do I feel emotionally at this moment"? Do you feel up? Do you feel down? Do you know why? The words you speak on a daily basis are the ignition switch directly to your emotions. Your words are like a generator; your emotions are like a receiver. Every time you turn your generator on, you send signals to your receiver that will respond in kind. Send positive words, you'll get a positive emotional response, send negative destructive words, you'll get a negative response. Just By Word Of Mouth! You can make yourself sick with words; you can make yourself well with words. You can make yourself afraid of your own shadow with words. You can even kick a gift horse right in the mouth with your own words; I know I've done it. If you need to make some drastic changes in your life, start paying attention to the words of your mouth. Many times in a difficult and challenging situation, your head will tell you; you're sunk, it can't be done, your goose is cooked, and all sorts of garbage. The only reason your head says that is because you've said something sometime damaging with your mouth. Your head would not have known to say that to you if your mouth had not taught it to your head. By retraining your mouth, you by default, retrain your head. Then your heart will begin to send up the words that you retrained it with. Your heart will say things like, "I'm more than a conqueror!" And, "no matter what happens, I win!" Time For An About Face! "Vegas, are you telling me that I can make things start going right in my life by getting rid of my foot-n-mouth disease?" Absolutely! In fact, it's the surest way when you find yourself short on time and long on need. You see, when your emotions receive words that heal and uplift, then you will feel energized and empowered. You will feel a stirring down in your belly that you'll want to keep. And, the way you keep it is by putting a watch over your mouth. Anyone who has never experienced what I'm talking about is truly living on the short end of the stick. You really have to experience the feelings that take place in your emotions to fully understand what this can do and what it's all about. Down On Your Luck? I don't care how beat down someone is or how bad their circumstances may be. By retraining your mouth you can experience emotions that you never thought you had, beginning in only three days. But, don't be one who makes excuses rather than taking control over your mouth. I will tell you this; it's not easy to retrain your mouth. Not because it's hard in and of itself. What makes it so hard is; people have a hard time believing that their mouth could cause them so much trouble. So, they look for other solutions that seem to be more believable. Solutions that are hard and complicated. Like getting "even" when someone has wronged them. Better To Forgive And Forget! Well guess what? During the time they're planning their vengeance; their mouth is talking about what they'll do. And, all that garbage is being funneled down into their emotions to cause future problems. And, even if they're not verbalizing audibly what they'll do, they're meditating on it which is creating bad vibrations that are being sent to the emotions. And, the emotions can't resist it because our emotions are just a receptacle. Another thing you can do is; stop trying to know that every thing in your life is as it should be. Relax your mind, your emotions, and your body. It's when we're thinking of only our self that we face our greatest struggles. Serious As A Heart Attack! That's when we see nothing but grief darkness and failure. No one, not even God can change you or your circumstances as long as you insist upon looking at and thinking of and worrying about yourself and your problems. Your problems may be severe, but your mind will make them much worse than what they really are. And, then your emotions will make you feel like life is just a series of disappointments followed by death. There is a part of human nature that seems to thrive on making us focus on "us". Especially when we are focusing on the troubles and challenges we are facing. In fact, there is probably nothing our human nature would rather think about than "us". So Hungry I could eat a?. So, on the lighter side, let me leave you with this; if you feel that things are really bad right now; then try eating one live toad first thing in the morning and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day. I promise. :>) Richard Vegas � About The Author Richard Vegas is a popular recording artist and internet marketing professional. He invites you to subscribe to his FREE weekly ezine "Wing-Tips" Teaching The Success System That Never Fails, at: http://www.1-work-at-home-based-business-opportunities.com. You may also hear some of Richard's free music at: http://www.richardvegas.com.
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Nurturing Your Soul Number Yourself: Count yourself as an important individual. You are important. You need to be counted and acknowledged especially when you are helping others. One way that you can do this is by taking proper care of your self (having enough sleep, food, exercise and relaxation). Then you will have enough energy to help others and live the rest of your busy life. Sounds too basic? It's supposed to be. It's the basics that hold daily life together. 10 Ways to Take Back Your Time I've divided my tips into two sections - 5 ways to manage your time and 5 ways to take back your time. Both offer daily or regular practices to try out in your life right now. Low Tech Time Management A simple kitchen gadget is transforming my life. I don't know why I never thought of it before. It wasn't my idea. It was a side comment made by nationally recognized life coach Alicia Smith, at the beginning of the Coachville teleseminar Understanding the Dynamics of Adrenaline Addiction. She said she "lives by timers." 10 Time Management Tips for Busy Professionals If you feel like your life moves faster than a Nascar race, you're not alone. We are living in a time where dual income families and single parent homes are the norm, a sharp contrast to the happy sitcom families we grew up watching on TV. Boost Your Productivity with Sixty Minutes A Day How you spend the first sixty minutes of your day will affect your productivity and achievements ? everyday. Time Management: Which Advice to Follow? There are so many books on Time Management published every month that it is difficult to find the time to read and digest them all. What happens to most people is that they buy a book on time management, read it, decide that some parts of it may suit them, but then fail to adequately integrate the system into their lives. This is partly due to inadequacies in the system itself, and partly due to the inherently difficult nature of learning a new system - the equivalent to learning a new habit. What the books don't tell you is that each different time management system is not necessarily suitable to all people or for all uses for which people need them. Finding the right combination of the basic methods is entirely individual depending on both the nature of the tasks that are required to be done and the nature of the individual who is implementing the strategy. Time is Money? Not 1 in 10 people can tell you where money comes from, what it is and what it is good for, let alone how and why we get it. Put Yourself First Are you too busy to put yourself first? If a plane loses oxygen pressure for any reason, oxygen masks will drop down from a small overhead compartment. If the oxygen masks come down in a plane and you have children, you are always advised to put yours on first before helping your children. Work Smarter Not Harder To work smarter all you need is the consciousness of the present. This is possible only when you cast off your emotional bindings, this helps you relieve your prejudice. This is key to work smart. This combined with your "common-sense" completes the puzzle to work smart! I know it is hard to believe that these factors will help you work smart. Try for yourself, the next time you get angry over a shoddy work of your sub-ordinate. Time Management is Cause Control Recently I've experienced a barrage of time wasters. Everything you can imagine, most of them unexpected, many of them self inflicted. It's amazing how fast you can go through minutes. What is ?Life Balance? and How Can You Attain It? We all face decisions that involve doing things that affect competing priorities. We all have three different lives or worlds that compete for our attention, energy and activity. These are our personal lives, our work related lives and our family lives. Our personal lives consist of our health, our inner private likes and dislikes, our inner beliefs, and our spiritual feelings. Our work related lives consist of what we do to earn an income to provide resources to live and prosper. Our family lives consist of our relatives and friends and our relationships with each person. Time Management is Life Management Many of the clients I work with in success coaching can relate to the following example. Sprint Through Your Workday, Even if Youre a Marathoner Whenever you have projects that can't be done in one sitting, they have to be broken up into steps. Some people are marathoners and work best when they can spend long, uninterrupted hours on their projects. They hate to stop working because of piddly considerations like eating or sleeping, and they look forward to their next sessions. They're motivated by their goals, and they enjoy the process. That keeps them on track. Just Remind Yourself This is one more article on "Organizing and Enjoying Your Life". Much has already been written about this in magazines, books and on Internet. In this article, I am summing up the important points; some of which are from my practical experiences and remaining I have read. 24 Time Management Tips Where does your time go? We all know we are busy, yet we feel behind and don't get to do the things we really want to do. Making More Efficient Use of Your Time You can lose, damage or waste some things in life, and then, get them repaired or buy them again. With time, you cannot do that. Once time has gone, there is no way to get it back! If you realise that a certain period of your life was less productive, or was lost in one way or another, there is no point in dwelling on it negatively; the best thing you can do is to learn from any mistakes, thus turning them, and therefore your time, into a positive use. Let Someone Else Do It When you decide to become self-employed, you automatically become the "Chief, Cook, and Bottle Washer." Looking At Time With A Capital T I keep a fossil on my desk at all times. Whenever I feel rushed or find myself creating a sense of urgency, I pick up the fossil and caress its polished surface. It's over 200 million years old. Suddenly, returning that phone call or meeting that self-imposed deadline doesn't seem nearly as critical. My ancient arthropod reminds me that, in the scheme of things, this moment is indescribably insignificant. I find that remarkably comforting. Have You Got a Minute? Such an innocuous little phrase, yet when you are hard at work, really focused and engrossed in what you are doing this seemingly harmless request can be a nightmare distraction. Save Yourself Hours of Time in One Easy Step If you have spent any time at all working at marketing on the web, you will have a long list of affiliate programs and membership sites that you have joined. You may also have a long list if websites that you run. Believe me, if you don't yet, you soon will. Other lists that you may have are search engines or article repositories that you work with. ![]() |
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