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What to Avoid to Make Your Website Design Effective
The effective design is this one, which is maximum simplified, conformable to your users because they are your main purpose. This one, simply and clearly announcing what is your website about. This one, quickly offering the users exactly what they are expecting to see on your pages without being troubled with insignificant information. The big mistake made by lots of web designers is to project their activities from their own point of view, without thinking about user. Factors, damaging the website design effectiveness ? Additional time needed for website downloading ? Badly written content ? Complex design, abundant in elements ? Difficult navigation, incomprehensible for user ? No validated program language Additional time needed for website downloading Your pages downloading time is extremely important. Your users will shut your website down very quickly if you make them wait more because of your slowly downloading pages. The other sites are on a mouse click away from them. ? Not important if you are talking about graphics, multimedia, scripts, applets - be cautious about their location on your site. Don't put them without judging their position, just because you or your designer had an idea about it. Design them small-sized, too. Badly written content The text that is ready for print has nothing to do with the text for the Web. According to Jacob Nielsen, Web usability guru, users have more difficulties in reading the information on computers rather than on printed editions. They rather scan it than read it profoundly. Huge text blocks are unreadable and couldn't allow them to do it. Means to make text more readable and effective could be effectuated by using: ? separate paragraphs ? titles ? subtitles ? indentations ? bullets ? bolds ? hyperlinks ? different fonts and sizes Complex design, abundant in elements ? Don't complicate users work by complex and abundant design making the website not to be clear in terms of its downloading and its appearance on their screens. ? Avoid frames. They could seriously damage your website usability. ? Having a site, made on FLASH you can't explain fast and clear to users what his content is about, what it would be useful with, what they could win, using your services, because only its downloading will take several minutes. If you insist however on including FLASH elements, much better variant is to insert them in a detached small file, with definite size, but inserting it, you have to possess some clear purpose. It refers much more to your home page, which is your website main portal. ? Don't leave your pages without comprehensible title tags, clearly explaining what is your page about (title tag is the page title you see on the top of the browser). ? Don't leave your site home page without text, explaining to your users who you are and what you are talking about on your site. Difficult navigation, incomprehensible for user ? Don't upset user by bad navigation, making him feel lost. He could enter your site by each of its pages, not only by the home page. If he/she enters by another one, he/she must understand what is his/her position on your site, where he/she could go by clicking the corresponding link. ? Don't leave your site without a site map. The site map gives user the possibility to orientate fast and easy on it. ? Always put on each of your pages a link to the home page plus the firm's name and logo, making them also a link to the home page. ? Don't allow the existing of a orphaned page, where a user could find lost. ? Don't change the default color of the hyperlinks, because users are expecting to see them exactly that way. When a text is blue, the user is used to thing it is a link, and if it is purple, that it is a visited link. The different colors from the default ones will throw them into confusion. ? Don't make blue a text that is not a hyperlink. That will also confuse them. ? Don't put a link that leads to the same page, except these that go to other page sections. No validated program language The code your site is written in is validated depending on browsers from different types and versions. ? Incorrectly written program code will make your site users close it immediately due to its bad appearing in their browsers. ? The correctly written code is the best way to ensure on your pages the properly appearing of as more as possible browsers. It includes old versions and versions that will be published. About The Author Veselin Andreev is one of the Svilaves founders - website design and promotion services, the quality and effect of which are aiming at the successful development of their clients business. Read the exact details of their services on the address: http://www.svilaves.com
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This may comes as a surprise to you but, if you're using popups on your website (which you should), then chances are you're using them all wrong. Almost everybody is. Web Design for Ecommerce Your website is your tool for showing the online community an image of your Drop Ship retail business. Whether or not your business succeeds depends heavily on your website. If your website design is user-friendly, more visitors will purchase your products or subscribe to your newsletter. This will ensure that you are not wasting the time and money you spent attracting visitors to your website. It does not pay to drive large amounts of traffic to your website and have 99% of them leave due to poor content and navigation. Tableless Web Designs: Why I Switched Since I made the switch 6 months ago to a tableless design on my main site, I've noticed some interesting things: My search engine rankings have dramatically improved My bandwidth usage has dropped about 50-75% I can now make changes to the look and feel of my site easily by just changing the one file, the stylesheet. Let's look at why my search engine rankings improved. Now that I have less un-indexable code on my pages, the search engines can now spider my site quicker. Less code, more content, therefore a better ranking. Makes sense, doesn't it? Bandwidth costs money, and unless you have a really good hosting plan with lots of bandwidth, then your larger files will take up more room on your server, and take a lot longer to load. Tableless designs use up considerably less bandwidth and are more accessible. Every once in a while I may want to alter the look of my site. I like to change font colors, link colors, menu items, etc?Before I started using tableless designs, these changes took me hours to do. Now I just open up my stylesheet, make the changes I want, and in a few minutes I have my site updated with the new look and feel. It's so easy! For a client who wants to make their own changes, tableless designs could literally save them thousands on tech costs. Most of my clients still want sites with tables. I now give them the choice of either style. After all, the customer needs to be happy, right? Some people have the misconception that utilizing tableless designs means having a boring and less graphical site. Nothing could be further from the truth. Take a look at one of my favorite websites: http://www.csszengarden.com/. At that site you can really appreciate what can be accomplished through css-based tableless designs. Beautiful! Make the switch to a more profitable, usable, and accessible website! 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Why Dot-Coms Fail - a Webmasters Perspective Everyday we hear that another company goes out of business. How To Get A Pay Raise From Your Web Site How many of the visitors to your web site take the action you want them to take? Whether you want them to buy something from you, sign up for your newsletter, enter your sweepstakes, or give you contact information to follow up on, you want them to do something. The percentage of visitors who actually do that something is called your "conversion rate." Database Driven Website The solution lies in creating a 'Database driven website', through which web pages are created dynamically which further gives a web site visitor an up-to-dated view of information stored in the database. When the information in the database is updated, site visitors will immediately see the changes that have been made. Choosing A Color Scheme When you begin the design of your Web site, one of the first things you need to do is decide on a color scheme. Although choosing colors seems like a relatively easy proposition, it's not easy at all. In fact, it's hard. Online Advertising: 10 Tricky Secrets To Keep Visitors Glued To Your Website And Increase Sales It is common sense. 7 Reasons Why Using CSS is a Must CSS is a new option for website designers that have been using HTML and tables for most of their web designing careers. Of course, it is a huge change and requires learning a new language and skill, however most people are saying CSS is worth it and it will give you more control, options, and is easier to edit. Consider the following 7 reasons why using CSS is a must and see if it convinces you to change your method of web design. Website Design: 10 Smart Tips To Improve Your Ad Copy Your website design may be affecting your sales in ways that you may not believe. Graphic Design Using Color Color is everywhere and conveys a message even if we don't realize it. While this message can vary by culture it pays to know what colors "say" in your own corner of the universe, and even what color means to your target market. 10 Web Site Design And Writing No-Nos 1. Don't load your web site with a lot of high tech clutter. Your visitors may miss your whole sales message. ![]() |
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