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Building a Web Site Requires the Right Software to Eliminate Headaches and Keep Money in Your Pocket
When most people build a web site, they think one simple thing. "If I build it, they will come". How further from the truth this is. Little do they know that they need to do some homework before constucting their pages. It's not a simple endeavor, but with the right software, the process eliminates all the headaches associated with building a successful web site. Let's start with the web site and what search engines are looking for. CONTENT! Good content will always do well with all the search engines for one simple reason. The web wants sites that are informative and lots of it. To get to the top, you need good content unless you are willing to pay your way to the top. Which by the way, is not viable for most folks. So how do I build good content? Good content comes from something you know. Write about what you know and be passionate about it. Than add some more! And keep adding more. Build a good content oriented site that offers good information that people are looking for. This is the foundation for your web site. Next comes the traffic. It does take a little time, but eventually the traffic will come if you have prepared your content the right way and have continued to build the site. You can push the traffic along with a cost effective click campaign that will deliver targeted traffic to your site. This is especially good if you are selling goods off of your site. Once the content is built, the traffic is starting to come around, than you are ready to presell customers to the final step of the sale. It's a simple process that most people neglect. They first want to jump to the end result before doing the necessary steps to lay the correct foundation for success. C-content, T-traffic, P-presell, M-monetize your site. CTPM! One of my previous web sites did not do very well because I did not take the time to use the right software, in the most cost efficient manner, with the right approach. However, even an old dog like myself can learn a few tricks! There is software out there that supplies a total package for the person who wants to build a successful web site. It makes building web sites very easy and the software does all the work for you. It eliminates all the headaches such as submitting to search engines, writing meta tags, and correct placement of keywords, etc. It even gives you updates on what is happening and what you need to do to correct any problems. The software is called S.B.I. which stands for site-build-it. It is by far the most useful software that I have ever come across on how to build a web site. 62% of all S.B.I. users are in the top 3% on Alexa rankings and 35% are in the top 1%! The software works for you so you can concentrate on building the content. With the right approach and the right software, you can build a very successful web site that you will be proud of and will enjoy for years to come. Bill Bathe- I am a former major league ball player who played in 1989 world series with the San Fransisco Giants. I also played in Venezuela and Japan. I have built a successful web site about baseball using S.B.I. After researching over the years how some web sites do well and some don't, it was an easy choice to use S.B.I. You can learn more about that software at http://www.pro-baseball-drills-and-equipment.com, than clicking on the 'Site Build It' link located at the bottom of the navigation bar. I did, and the results speak for themselves. Also, if you have any questions, just visit my website and send me an email.
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The Problem with Automated Accessibility Testing Tools An automated accessibility tool is a piece of software which can test a web page, or even an entire website, for accessibility. Automated accessibility tools are useful because they can save you a huge amount of time. Don't want to check images for alt text on each and every page on your website? Run the site through an automated tester and it'll do it all for you! Optimal Website Design Optimal website design is the art of logical navigation. What is Blogger.com? In the late 1990's three San Francisco based web developers came up with the idea of being able to share information about anything on the web. The terminology they used was called blog. It's use was considered a mix of web page / personal journal. It's original usages were vast and wide, but more and more people came to use them as a personal tool that is available anywhere the Internet is. The three friends would eventually create Blogger.com one of the largest blogger sites on the Internet today. Blogger, which stands for Web Logger, has increased in popularity over the past three years. There has been so much interest in what capabilities it holds Google.com purchased them. Eventually, Google assimilated their technologies and imported them into the popular plug-in, The Google Toolbar. Are You Losing Sales Because of These 4 Simple Website Mistakes? Losing website sales and traffic is sometimes simply a case of web usablity - your website just isn't clear to your visitors. By fixing these simple mistakes, you'll easily increase your conversion rate and make more online sales. Dreamweaver 8 Preview August 8 2005, Macromedia announced a release of Studio 8. Based on the feedback of previous users, Macromedia made it's already very powerful software even better. What is The Google Toolbar? No matter what browser you may want to use, you should consider using Google's toolbar. Google.com, the innovative, stripped-down, add-free search engine that has taken the web by storm has provided an innovative interface through most web browsers; mainly Internet Explorer. This toolbar has many great features for searching around the Internet as well as blocking those annoying Pop-up ads that scream "BUY ME!" every twenty seconds. Make Your Own Brand! There are millions and millions of websites on the Internet. You NEED to be different in some way from all of them! If you could get a visitor to your website, that means nothing. Only returning visitors must be counted. When they return the second time, "branding" starts to occur. Huge companies advertise not because they want to provide you with information about their product. They do that because they're trying to "brand" its name and image. Actually, it is the brand you are paying the money for when you buy something from "Adidas", "Nike" or "Coca-cola". People will actually be willing to pay for the brand they know, so make it as bright and memorable as possible. However, it is useful to remember that too complex logo will definitely slip out of peoples' minds. Planning A Usable Website: A Three-step Guide A website is like an information flow, with you as the provider and your site visitors as the receivers of the information. If you don't plan your website with this in mind right from the start, you could find yourself with a brand new website that solves all your immediate needs... but not those of your site visitors. A Beginners Guide to Server Side Includes An Introduction to Server Side Includes Do You And Your Website Have Credibility? I recently received an unsolicited e-mail from some company offering me their search engine optimization services for $199. Even though I had absolutely no interest in the offer, just out of curiosity, I decided to check out this company with the various search engines. 35% Revenue Increase? from Your Website! 2 Golden Rules for an Engaging Website PHP Redirect A PHP Redirect automatically transfers a web user from one URL to another. For example, typing foo.com in the browser automatically transfers the user to another URL bar.com. Is Your Web Site Talking to Your Customer? A while ago one of my clients approached me and mentioned that they were experiencing a serious problem with customer registrations (obtaining customer names and e-mail addresses), on their web site. They still had a lot of traffic, but were finding that the ratio between traffic and registrations had been dropping steadily. Learn What 98% of Targeted Visitors Do On Your Website Getting a Targeted Visitor to a website is a waste of time and money if you've got no idea what 98% of them do when they get there. How To Get Your Customers To Trust Your Website Research reveals three important facts: Ecommerce for Beginners Like most average persons, I wanted some extra money to supplement my regular income. I had considered a part time second job at times, but hated that option because it would take me away from the family, make me more tired and probably just pay minimum wage. I also wanted to be able to work from home. Why Every Small Business Owner Needs Two Websites Every small business owner knows that they need a website, right? Well the truth is what they really need is at least two websites. You Cant Just Build A Website And Hope It Works! Like any area of business your website needs some effort from you if its going to be successful. You'd be foolish to just build any old website and hope it works. Yet this approach, or rather lack of approach, is still widespread on the internet. Businesses still dont seem to understand what the internet can do to benefit them and their customers. They just dont get it. How Worldly is Your World Wide Web? The growth in Internet usage around the world is astounding - 146% in the five years prior to March 2005. And it's not just European and North American users on the Net. The fastest growth was found in Africa with an almost 200% increase in usage. I am often pleasantly surprised as to how fast the internet connections are in 'developing countries' like Indonesia - much faster than the connection at my parent's farm in rural Alberta in fact! Better Web Site ROI: Efficient Online Business with SEO, PPC, Split Testing, and Forums If you're looking for better web site ROI, chances are, the web is only one part of your business, you have a specific budget for your web site, and you want the site to not only carry its own weight, but why can't it make you some extra dough, too? ![]() |
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