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Thinking About Changing to a New Web Hosting Company? 5 Steps to Plan Ahead for the Move
Perhaps your web hosting company has a technical support group that never answers their email, or their control panel is difficult to use. Maybe your website has been having more downtime than uptime. Whatever the reason you are thinking of switching hosts, make sure you have your ducks in a row before making the move. Here are five things to think about as you transition your website: 1. Make sure you have all of your website's information backed up on a disc or cd. This way you can be assured that nothing gets destroyed in the move. 2. Shop around for your new web hosting company. Look to make sure they meet your needs and to make sure that you won't run into any of the problems that you had with your old company. Don't be afraid to email or call them and ask as many questions as you need to ask. 3. Once you have chosen your web hosting company, upload your website (or websites) and check to make sure that everything is working as it should. 4. Change your Domain Name Server so that your web address is now pointing to the website with the new host. 5. Once you are sure that all traffic and email is going to the newly hosted website, you can now cancel your old hosting account. Keep in mind that this can take a few days or more. About The Author Stacy Tabb is the publisher of http://www.aa-cheap-web-hosting.com, a website focused on resources for both personal and ebusiness websites to include hosting, templates, domains, personal web pages, and ecommerce hosting.
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Demand Unlimited Auto-Responders with Your Hosting Accounting AutoResponders are nifty scripts that run in your web server 24/7 serving immediate email responses to questions, support and sales. Think about this, your customer comes to your website and spends a round 200$ to get your product. And after the payment they don't get back any response for the next 10 hours, would they like it? No, and this is more damaging if they have requested some additional pre-sales information and don't receive any notification in the next 1 hour. In this Internet world, your competitor is just a click away. Your customer goes back to the search results and clicks the next website that gives a similar product. Lost sales, and more money in your competitor's hands! This is twice the loss as the competitor is going to spend a percentage of the money in advertising the product or building a better product. Auto responders help reduce this possibility by carefully scripting the follow up messages based on the incoming queries your pre-sales information can be safely and securely delivered without delays. This translates into better sales. Choosing Your Web Hosting Package General rule of thumb is not to sign up for yearly web hosting plans. Instead, get monthly plan where you can unsubscribe from on the second month when you are not happy with the service. That is, if you ended up with an unreliable web hosting company in the first place. How to Choose a Web Host - Frequently Asked Questions In this article you'll be provided with helpful information about how to choose a web host. There are several things to look for when choosing a reliable web host. Below, you will be provided with frequently asked questions and the answers to common questions. Q. How reliable is the service of a web host? Managed Hosting Services - Who Benefits from It? Managed Hosting Services are used primarily by companies that either don't have staff with the expertise to manage a dedicated server or don't have staff with the time to attend to the needs of managed hosting. In either case the option of having the host manage the server can be of great value to firms that have such needs. Bound To Your Old Expensive Web Host by Fear? You're not alone! Many people are bound to the old web host they've used for years because they're afraid of the hassle of switching. Customers will pay rates three or four or even ten times greater than what they have to, just because they're terrified that switching will be too complicated or that they'll end up losing their site altogether. Web Hosting Providers - Find A Newbie Friendly Web Site Host If you're about to set up your first web site and are completely new to running a web site, a dependable web hosting plan with stellar customer service is an absolute must. You'll want to choose a web hosting provider that can be of assistance from the moment you choose one of their web hosting plans. You need a company that offers more than web space with their hosting plans. Here are a few extra perks you should look for that will make your life as a newbie webmaster far. far easier. Types of Web Site Hosting First of all we must determine the meaning of the word "hosting". Benefits of Web Hosting and Choice of a Web Host Well let me start this way, a lot of people don't know why we need web hosting packages, some people feel web hosting ids just another Internet thing, while others feel web hosting is an opportunity for some people to make out something i.e. money making. Free Or Not Free -- Its Your Choice The internet is one of the world's top sources of information, products and just about anything else you could possibly want. And, if you have spent any amount of time online, you must have noticed that much of it is free. Does Your Host Fight Spam? Virtually anyone with an email address knows what Spam is, and has, perhaps, considered giving up the speed, convenience, and simplicity of email because of it. Those who have their own websites are more vulnerable than the average person with a single work or home email address from their company or Internet Service Provider. Email addresses visible on a website can quickly become Spam magnets, as automated programs, similar in form to search engine spiders, roam the web, looking for addresses to which new broadsides of Spam may be fired. Website hosting companies generally provide their clients email accounts for use with their domain, but are you with a host that provides those email accounts with Spam and virus protection? How to Find Good Web Hosting for Your Site! When building your first site the main things that you will probably think about is what types of content you will be adding to your site, how you are going to get visitors to your site and how you are going to generate good revenue from your site. Choosing the Right Web Host So you've decided about your website design and now you are ready to have your website hosted! Are Free Webhosting Accounts Really Free? - 5 Critical Things to Consider Before Choosing a Free Web Many free web hosting accounts are free to use, however they will cost you a lot of money, time, and customers as well if you have a site that is meant for business purposes and is more than the simplest site imaginable. Consider the following items as to why free web hosting might cost you more than you had bargained for when you signed up. Web Hosting Service ? What you Need to Know to Change Web Hosting Providers When service at your web hosting company is lacking, or your web site grows in traffic so much that you outgrow your current account, you may find yourself needing to change hosting providers. It can be scary to think about everything you need to do. Here are some things you should keep in mind that will help make the transition to the new host much easier. The #1 Factor New Webmasters Forget to Consider when Choosing a Web Hosting Plan The Problem Top 5 Mistakes that May Drive Your Visitors Away in Less Than 2 Minutes You took the leap. You set up a website to display your important message. Congratulations! As in life, first impressions are important on the web. Web researchers found that you have about 2 minutes to make that first impression a good one. Visitors will judge your site in those few seconds on its professionalism and appropriateness to what they are looking for. Attracting Extra Web Hosting Customers By Targeting Cities, i.e. New York Web Hosting These searchers are looking for a hosting company in a particular city, state, or country, but given the proper message they can often be convinced to try your hosting company. Afterall, given the nature of the web hosting industry, the actual location of your web hosts is not that important. The datacenter they use and the support team are really the 2 most important items. Will All The $1.95 And Free Hosts Survive? The main thing wrong today with trying to find a host for most individuals and businesses is the shear number of them. Their prices range from free to hundreds of dollars per month. When you go out on the web today and do a search for hosting you will find page upon page of hosts. Some are well established companies with solid reputations and business plans that make sense. Yet some are beyond belief that anyone would host with a company that offers you a 100mb website for $.99. Yes I said that right $.99. How to Choose a Right Web Hosting Service? Indeed, choosing a right web hosting service for your website is not an easy task especially when there are thousands of web hosting providers all offering almost identical web hosting packages. Therefore, it is important to know few major considerations even before you start your web hosting search. Below are three major criteria for web host seeker: First Web Hosting Experience Well? you've purchased a domain name? created a pretty design? filled it with content? what now? ![]() |
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