3 Fast Weight Loss Tips That Work

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Looking to lose some pounds quickly? Fast and safe weight loss is possible - but only if you do it right. Just keep in mind that we're only talking about losing a few pounds here. 5, maybe 10, within a few weeks. No matter what anyone tells you, you're not going to safely lose 20 lbs. of fat in 2 weeks. It's just not possible. Plus, long-term weight loss success usually only occurs after many months of slow, steady body fat reduction through increased exercise and healthier eating. It's also important to remember to check with your doctor before starting any intense weight loss program.

That said, there are some proven steps you can take to lose a few pounds quickly, without hurting yourself. In fact, the following fast weight loss tips will probably improve your health. Sound good? Then here you go...

1. Eat a lot of food - Yes, you read that right, eat a lot! The process of eating and digesting food requires a lot of energy (calories) and significantly boosts your metabolism, especially when you eat small meals every 2 or 3 hours. The key is to eat the right foods... and none of the wrong foods, at least while you're on your fast weight loss program. The "right foods" include things like:

- lean proteins (especially low-fat chicken and turkey)

- fresh, uncooked vegetables (especially greens)

- beans and legumes (cooked without added fat)

- unsalted, oil-free nuts and seeds

- small amounts of olive oil and flax seed oil

- lots of pure water (not a real "food" but extremely important)

The "wrong foods" - what you should definitely avoid while you're trying to lose weight quickly - is pretty much everything else, but especially:

- foods and beverages with sugar

- white flour

- breads, pastas, cereals, etc.

- white rice

- potatoes

2. Avoid cravings - The most difficult part of any weight loss program is dealing with food cravings. When you stop eating the high-fat, high-sugar, high-calorie foods you're used to eating, your body rebels. Your brain tries to force you to go back to eating those unhealthy foods. But there are ways to deal with this natural response. One of the best strategies is to use distraction. Basically, whenever you feel a food craving coming on you get up and do something that takes your mind off of eating. Get out and do some exercise. Read a good book. Listen to your favorite music (fast-paced, heart-pumping music is often the best for this). Talk on the phone with a friend. Play a video game. Just do whatever it takes to distract your brain. After awhile your cravings should lessen.

3. Increase your cardio exercise - If you're already exercising on a regular basis, do more cardiovascular training to burn more fat. You don't have to do A LOT more, just enough to burn a few hundred more calories per day. Combined with your healthy fast weight loss diet it should be enough to drop a few pounds quickly. If you don't exercise regularly, you should ask your physician to recommend an easy "beginner's" exercise program that includes walking and/or light jogging. Also, try to do activities you enjoy. If you don't like running on a treadmill, don't try to force yourself to do it. Instead, go hiking, ride a bike, play some basketball/tennis/soccer/etc. Just make sure it's something you enjoy... and you'll keep doing it until your waist is a little smaller and your several pounds lighter!

John W. Lewis is a health and fitness writer for several popular web sites. To learn more about fast, safe weight loss visit the Real Fast Weight Loss Blog at: http://www.realfastweightloss.info.


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