Proven Strategies to Effectively Burn Fat Out Of Your Body! Part 1

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It is much safer to your long term health to reduce weight by natural means rather than taking medication that poses a series of health threatening side effects. In order to attack the problem of reducing weight we must identify the kind of bodies we have. Here they are:

A prominent researcher discovered that there are basically three (3) main types of bodies. They are:

Endomorph- the larger and fleshier body. Attracted to physical comfort and warm relationships with others. Their challenge is to overcome physical inertia and overeating.

Mesomorph- the more muscular type. These are the athletic types, They prefer physical activity. They tend to be doers in the world and rarely sits still.

Ectomorph- the slender or lean body type. Usually high strung and sensitive. Handles a lot of intellectual stimulation. Generally intellectuals.

NOTE: These three types rarely show up as pure forms but rather as combinations.

Now that you know your body type, you must recognize why your body may be overweight. Here are some additional reasons:

[a]. Heredity:

Research has found out that we inherit genes from our parentage that makes us pre-disposed to certain diseases and health conditions. Since you cannot drastically change your body, you can make an effort, however, to manage it skillfully to keep it healthy and trim.

[b] Overeating

Given the caution in number one above, even if you do not have an adverse health condition, it would make sense to be careful with the food you eat if you have the body type that tends to get heavier when you eat excess food.

[c] Diabetes and other diseases

Any health condition that affects your mobility can quickly make you get heavier while you consume food that turns into fat over time. Your immobility does not allow the fat to be burnt up so you keep the weight on.

So, how do we propose to keep your weight in line with your body type and pre-disposition in order to stay healthy? Here are the 4 strategies:

[1] Burning Desire

First, you must have a burning desire to eat healthy foods and be conscious and careful about what you put in your mouth. You must establish the right dietary intake that is good for your body type. Second, you must also have a burning desire to keep trim by losing weight, if you already are heavy. Third, you must have discipline to identify the kinds of foods that are good for you and discipline and constrain yourself to these type of foods. Fourth, condition your mind to love these foods and imagine the good health they will bring to your life in terms of energy, vigor, zest, vitality and the wonderful feeling you would have when you do this.

[2] Consciously Decide-Discipline Yourself

You must decide to get your body mobile and limber, and exercise it, to burn off the excess fat, despite your health condition. You must select the right type of exercise that is good for you based on your body type to avoid injury and pain. You must actively perform a soul searching routine to condition our mind to achieve these attributes.

[3] Identification of Programs

Third, you must do some research and identify the kinds of fitness and exercise programs, based on your body type, that you must embrace and follow to attain the health results you aspire to achieve.

[4] Get More Knowledge

Learn all you can about how wonderful a machine your body is and treat it as a shrine. The better you take care of it, the longer you'll probably live and enjoy this world. Read literature about how you body works and you will appreciate the wondrous machine that no man can ever build. Fall in love with your body once you start conditioning it, to achieve a slimmer trimmer and healthier body so you can enjoy it for many many years to come.

In the next article, PART 2, we will discuss how to choose the type of exercise equipment for the three body types and how to get you on the fast track to a slim and trim body that would make your friends a family notice.

Meanwhile, you can visit this site: to get on the Fast Track to a Healthier Happier Body. Send your comments to me via an e-mail to: [email protected]

For every e-mail response I receive, I will send you a FREE E-COOKBOOK Recipe Sampler. That is: 38 Tasty Recipes. Keep you trim and fit for every occasion. Perks up your life. Soothes and comforts your whole body.

About The Author

The author is an advocate for healthier living through good diet, body fitness and conditioning. He is an avid researcher/teacher into the deep understanding of the human body, both in physical and psychological terms, and to pass this knowledge on to others who can benefit from the knowledge gained.


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Trevor Adheen

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