Do You Need To Cut Down 100 Calories A Day? But Dont Know What 100 Calories Is?

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The difference between weight loss, and steady or weight gain, can be as little as 100 calories a day. Well, that is according to the American Dietetic Association, and it is very easy to believe the underlying truth in that.

Most overweight people in the US and UK put on weight very slowly over the years. A weight gain of 2lbs per year, which is about average, may seem very little. In fact, it is very little, if it stops there and you take it off again. However, a steady weight gain of 2 lbs per year for 10 years is 20lb. In 20 years it is 40lb. Now, that is a serious weight gain that can increase vulnerability to chronic disease. If you are in your 20's now, you can look forward to a weight drift upwards of 60 lbs by the time you reach your 50's.

That, for sure, is not a healthy trend. But the cause of that 2lb weight gain each year could be as little as an extra 100 calories a day regularly over the year. So, if you can cut out 100 calories a day, you may keep your weight under control over the years. Or how about doing that little bit extra that will use 100 calories per day? Neither task is that difficult; you just need to ensure you do it every day.

Examples Of Cutting Out 100 Calories Per Day Intake

Here are just a few examples of what 100 calories a day means, and how you may cut it out of your regular diet:

1. Do you drink non diet soft drinks? An 16 ounce can could add 250 calories, so if you switch drinks to a lower calorie drink, or just cut them out altogether, that's a significant saving in calorie intake.

2. Are you a beer drinker? Even a 12oz light beer is 100 calories or so, which means cutting out one beer will achieve your daily reduction need.

3. Are you a coffee lover? Do you drink your coffee with whole milk? If yes, you can save 100 calories a day by drinking two of your regular cups with skimmed milk instead of whole.

4. You think salads are low calorie? Maybe, but not if you plaster them with dressing. One packet of French dressing can have 160 calories in, so if you usually use the whole packet in a restaurant, try using just under half instead.

You will find many more examples of easy 100 calorie savings. If you look at your diet now, and then check the calories on all the items you think may be high calorie, you will soon find an easy way to reduce your calorie intake by 100 calories a day. That is not too painful a diet experience.

How To Burn An Extra 100 Calories A Day

Would you prefer to burn that 100 calories instead of cut it out of your diet each day? If so, here are a few ways to burn 100 calories extra:

1. Vigorous cycling on a stationary exercise bike should use up over 100 calories.

2. Swimming energetically for just 10-15 minutes should burn more than 100 calories.

3. Walking at about 3mph pace for half an hour should also use up more than 100 calories. You can burn up 100 calories in only 10 minutes that way.

4. Do some aerobics for 15 minutes. That alone could shed that 100 calories. Make it enjoyable by putting on some of your favourite dance music.

5. Do you like golf? Play more often if you can. Just half an hour of golf activity, carrying your own clubs, could help you shed 120 calories.

There are many more similar examples to the above, so make them as pleasurable and easy as possible. 100 calories intake or burn is very modest. Do it every day, and your weight may be under control. Start while you're young and normal weight, and that's a good investment for your future health.

This weight loss article was written by Roy Thomsitt, owner and part author of the Routes To Self Improvement website.


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