Weight Loss Information

Weight Loss During Holidays: What to Do With Leftovers?

If I Want to Lose Weight, What Can I Do With Leftovers?Okay, tell me if you've ever done this: It's Monday late afternoon. You decided yesterday that starting today you were going to 1) eat right, and 2) start to get regular exercise, and 3) give up all your bad habits.

A Personal Trainers...Holidaze

Rules of day to day no longer apply as you surrender to the hearts and minds of those closest. Conversation, food and wine are intoxicating.

Waist To Hip Ratio

Your health is affected not only by how much body fat you have, but also by where most of the fat is located on your body. Waist to hip ratio (WHR) analyzes the relationship between your waist and hip measurements to help you understand your body-type and current health status.

Maximize Your Fat Burning Potential

Do you compete in sports for weight loss or fat burning? Are you frustrated by that stubborn fat that seems to stay with you no matter how hard you train?Many athletes are in the same boat. They train hard, lose some weight, but then hit a plateau and the fat loss stops.

Resistance Training First; Fat Burning Second for Weight Loss

Most men and women that I have trained over the years that were interested in weight loss, before meeting me their routine always included the bike or treadmill for 15-20 minutes or so, then proceeding on to the weights for some resistance training. Approximately one out of ten did both, and most either did one or the other.

Negative Calorie Effect in Foods

Negative Calorie Effect in FoodsWhatever food we eat, our body has to work hard to digest it and absorb. Some foods need more energy than the others in the process of digestion.

Fake Weight Loss Claims: Identify Them

Its crowded..

The Miraculous Claims of the Zone Diet

One way of recognizing a fad diet is said to be the promise of multiple miraculous effects upon health. And Zone diet promises a lot.

School for Overweight Teens

Getting Kids Moving - Help for Overweight TeensA residential school program for overweight teens comes with a hefty price tag (some in excess of $5,000 per month). These programs rely on the same formula for weight loss as is commonly recommended; strict eating guidelines and increased activities.

Your Words Affect Your Weight Loss - Stop the Struggle

Are you Telling Yourself It's Too Hard to Lose Weight?Telling yourself you have to "struggle with this weight issue for the rest of my life," is as good as telling yourself there's no point in trying. "Why bother? I'll just gain it right back.

Weight Loss Program: Do Your Expectations Sabotage Your Success?

When women talk about their biggest obstacles to successful weight and health management, we often hear about hurdles like not enough time or knowledge to prepare healthy meals. Or frequent social occasions that involve food.

Holiday Eating: Party Hearty Without Putting on the Pounds!

The holidays are definitely a special time of year. These days, however, many women wonder whether "special" means happy -- or stressful.

Learn the Secrets the Weight Loss Industry Doesnt Want You To Know About Weight Loss Diets

All weight loss diets make you FatThat's right, because on all weight loss diets, you always gain it back, and usually with a few extra pounds as a bonus, so why diet?What's the point in losing 20 Lbs, and gaining back 25?Are you fed up with being overweight, and sick and tired of going on diets?Why go through all the struggles of dieting, the starvation, the cravings, and the ultimate struggle with willpower, only to gain it all back?When you consider the damage this does to your health, it's simply not worth it, however..

Making Healthy Lifestyle Changes that Last - A New Look at New Years Resolutions

Would you run out of fingers, and maybe even toes, if you used them to count your tries at adopting a healthy lifestyle? Many of us would. The reason? Often it's that we need to change how we try to make changes.

Tracking the Elusive Calorie - Weight Loss Tips

Why Making Small Changes in Your Eating Habits Adds up to Big Results in Your Weight Loss EffortsFirst, get started by tracking your eating for at least a week or more. I carry a little purse sized notebook and just jot down what I eat during the day.

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