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Causes and solutions for Acne |
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Solutions to Rosacea & Acne Rosacea - Treatments That Eradicate the Redness
Rosacea, or acne rosacea, is clinically defined as a chronic "acneiform" disorder which affects both the skin and the eyes. It's location on the human body is usually the most sun-exposed areas, such as the face and the chest. Rosacea usually varies in severity, and manifests in epsiodes of flushing and inflammation of the affected areas. Clinical research has shown inflammatory episodes to be triggered and/or worsened by the consumption of spicy foods, alchoholic beverages, and hot drinks. The skin lesions which can accompany rosacea (acne rosacea), differ from acne in that spots of inflammation do not swell with fluid and come to a "head" like acne vulgaris postules do. Rosacea is most common in adults between the ages of 30 and 60, and women are affected almost twice as often as men according to some studies. Although there is much medical speculation that rosacea and acne rosacea frequently affect fair skinned people of European and Celtic descent, there have never been any conclusive findings supporting this theory. So, if you are an individual who suffers from rosacea, what are your treatment options, and what actions can you take to relieve these symptoms? One course of action is to have a dermatologist prescribe a common rosacea medication, such as oral tetracycline, and maybe a topical ointment as well, like erythromycin. If you want to skip the doctor's office route, there are now some excellent herbal and all natural rosacea treatments available today that will eliminate rosacea just as well as, if not better than, their prescription counterparts. Regardless of the course of treatment you end up choosing to cure your rosacea symptoms, there are some guidelines you can adhere to in your daily life and skin care regimen that will also help alleviate your rosacea symptoms. Since rosacea and acne rosacea symptoms are caused in part by the dilation or enlargement of tiny blood vessels under the skin's surface, avoiding hot and spicy foods, alcohol, and hot beverages should become a general rule of thumb in your daily life. Also, a diet rich in multiple vitamins and minerals, especially vitamin A, has show to benefit rosacea and acne rosacea sufferers. If you are a smoker, it is imperative you quit. Smoking can aggravate rosacea, and causes problems with circulation, which can lead to other skin problems. Wear a good, non-irritating (PABA free) sunscreen at all times, especially on your face and chest. Be sure to use a gentle skin cleanser without harsh abrasives or other harsh chemicals/ingredients. Excessive alcohol and harsh chemicals abound in many cleansers, so be sure your cleanser is free of irritants. There are some great anti-redness masks, serums, and gentle cleansers out there for rosacea sufferers that will soothe and calm the skin, bringing back it's normal color and balance. The good news is, Rosacea is a very treatable problem now, and there are some great natural products available to those who can't afford a dermatologist, or simply have an aversion to doctor's visits and man-made medications and prefer to "go natural". With these high-tech nutreceuticals, your skin will be back to it's calm, gorgeous self in no time! Danna Schneider is the webmaster of CosmeticsGalore.com, a cosmetics and cosmetic correction and enhancement product review site. Rosacea treatment product information can be found at http://www.cosmeticsgalore.com/acne-rosacea-treatments.html The site features the latest information on the newest technology in the cosmeceutical and nutreceutical field, as well as advice, reviews and customer testimonials.
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Acne Prevention Tips ? Maintaining the Skin You Deserve Acne is an embarrassing and upsetting condition, and long-terms sufferers of the skin condition look forward to the day they find their own acne solution, perhaps courtesy of a few well placed acne prevention tips . There are a multitude of products available to help in clearing up the condition, but information on keeping it at bay can be more difficult to locate. Here are some acne prevention tips to help you keep the clear skin you have worked so hard to obtain. Acne Rosacea - A Blush You Can Do Without What do former presidents Bill Clinton and Boris Yeltsin have in common? A condition called acne rosacea, a chronic inflammation of the blood vessels in the skin, which causes a ruddy complexion and small acne-like eruptions on the cheeks, forehead and nose. Popping Pimples ? Is it worth it? Everyone, it seems, has a different opinion on popping pimples, and for every magazine article you find that urges you to keep your hands away, you'll find another that says it's no big deal. And when you have a huge quivering mass on your nose that seems as though it's threatening to take over your whole face, popping that pimple can seem like the best way to get rid of the thing. Anyone who has ever suffered with acne can tell you that popping pimples is one of the perverse pleasures associated with the condition, and can become almost addictive. But beware ? popping is not always the best way to get rid of pimples overnight, and can in fact make the whole thing a lot uglier. Heres Your Acne Cure Harry Potter Even though Harry Potter's magic wand could not cure the acne breakout he and co-stars Rupert Grint, (Ron Weasley) and Emma Watson (Hermione Granger), are experiencing, their special effects man could. According to a leak posted by Thomas Crosbie Media, producers for Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire had to "employ a special effects man to go through every frame clearing up their complexions." How to Brush Your Skin to Relieve Acne Brushing your skin with a brush or cloth is an excellent way to improve the appearance of your skin. If you have acne, this brushing will help to eliminate toxins through the skin and reduce the toxins that accumulate in your acne. Dairy Products and the Possible Effects Related to Acne Continuing research into the causes of acne has brought to the forefront information related to diet and acne. There is new evidence that confirm the old wives tale of dairy and acne breakouts. Recent science now believes it is possible that milk, and dairy products in general, can contribute to acne breakouts Acne and Skin Problem Myths Debunked Isn't skin a wonderful thing to have? Help! I Need Acne Skin Care Products! If you suffer from acne, you may need acne skin care products. There are lots of acne skin care products on the market. Which acne skin care products are best? The following list was put together by Teen Advice: Acne Treatment It is presumed that around seventy percent of all teenagers and young adults suffer from some forms of acne. However, men and women in their mid ages can also suffer from acne. Though the exact cause of acne remains unclear, more is known about how the spots and blemishes which are part of acne form. Of late, there are innumerable numbers treatments to help deal with this distressing condition. Different Types of Acne, Different Treatments ? Cystic Acne Treatment Acne can range in severity from a relatively small number of whiteheads, to a proliferation of cysts and nodules, which can be as physically painful as they are psychologically upsetting. Severe cystic acne needing cystic acne treatment can be resistant to most treatments, and in fact cystic acne treatment can produce side effects that are as upsetting as the condition itself. For the many sufferers of this kind of acne however, refusing treatment is not an option, so here are some things to be aware of before undergoing your cystic acne treatment. Home Remedy for Acne Home remedies have always been most preferred way to solve any kind of problem. It is because they are truly natural and reliable. They generally do not require extra expenditure; only the things that you already have in your refrigerator or kitchen. They are quick and more effective. A Look at Laser Acne Treatment Laser acne treatment has been around for a few years now, and it is quickly replacing more traditional forms of acne removal and prevention. As antibiotics become increasingly ineffective due to overuse, more and more people are opting for this new technique. During laser resurfacing, a doctor holds a laser pen just above the acne or acne scar tissue and waves the concentrated beam of light back and forth, vaporizing only the unwanted tissue and creating a new surface for skin cell growth. Thus the term "laser resurfacing". New collagen actually forms after laser treatment. (Collagen is a protein in the skin's connective tissue that helps give the skin its texture.) War of the P Acnes While "War of the Worlds" sets a new sales record for Paramount, this Hollywood blockbuster sends a healing message as old as time itself- bacteria are lifesavers. Even though most microorganisms are invisible to the human eye, life, as we know it would be utterly impossible without ubiquitous bacteria. We can all enjoy the blessings of photosynthesis, digestion and the formation of natural gases thanks to the innate power of bacteria to break down substances. Ironically, much of the anti-acne industry is built around destroying the widely misunderstood yet biologically necessary bacteria known as Propionibacterium acnes, or p acne bacteria. All life forms strategize to survive and procreate. Weeds, worms, birds, fungi and bacteria all work to sustain their own lives on this planet. In fact, we humans survive because of the biological games constantly unfolding in our mist. P acne bacteria are no different. They want and need to survive. Skin bacteria perform an important function. Bacteria use the secretions of our sweat and sebaceous glands (sebum is the oil that makes our skin look shiny) as nutrients. P acnes that are in balance with your body prevent colonization by more harmful bacteria. P acne bacteria only encourage acne formations if the production of oil on the face is excessive. This surplus of oil of prompted by hormonal, nutritional, environmental and/or psychological changes in the body. So to prevent acne, you do not what to kill bacteria per se, but keep the amount of bacteria on your skin at an optimal balance. You optimize your oil secretion by understanding and controlling your response to hormonal, nutritional, environmental and/or psychological changes. If we upset the balance of bacteria in our bodies by taking antibiotics, our resident flora is upset and this enables harmful bacteria (such as Staphylococcus aureus and Acinetobacter baumannii) to colonize on our skin. In short, using antibiotics on bacteria is a battle amongst intelligent parties involving the bacteria, the body and the human mind. If we fail to appreciate the bacteria as bodily maintenance workers and continue dousing them with antibiotics or antibacterial soaps the bacteria just become more resistant to our antidotes. The bacteria are practiced at playing dead as a tactic for survival. Even people who have used the strongest acne drug on the market, Accutane, have witnessed the cunning behavior of bacteria as zits reappear some months after using this course of acne treatment. These people have discovered that bacteria do not die; they silently and strategically multiply. If you do not want your bacteria out of balance, do not provide them an environment conducive to acne. It's true that bacteria have managed to wipe out entire populations of people. Now, Hollywood comforts us with knowing that even aliens will fall prey to the ever-plotting or is it ever-knowing bacteria. I'll just leave you with this thought: Is that anti-bacterial soap making p acnes smarter? Remedying the Silly Ways Women Get Acne When Applying Makeup and Moisturizers Women spend thousands of dollars to create a flawless face. Yet faulty or uninformed uses of moisturizers and makeup can lead to inexplicable breakouts for women. Whats The Real Cause Of Acne? Most acne medications only mask the symptoms of acne and does nothing to stop the real cause of acne. This is why people buy acne products month after month (year after year). And every time they stop using the product acne would come back again and again. Deep Peels for Acne: What it feels like to get burned There I was. I had paid just under $400 dollars to get a bright, clear, zit and scar-free face. My appointment for a deep herbal skin peel had arrived. As my cognizant and trusted Russian aesthetician, Dana, glided me onto the spa bed, she warned, "This his going to hurt a lot, you must be strong." 5 Tips To Cure Your Acne Reports show that over 90 percent of all adolescents and almost 25 percent of all adults are acne sufferers. And although acne affects about 50 percent of all adult women, acne does affect males and females worldwide, regardless of nationality. Teenage Acne Revisited - A lot has been written about the causes of teenage acne and still there does not appear to be consensus on this topic. However, it is becoming clear that it is a problem that needs to be treated from the inside as well as on the outside It is therefore necessary for the teenager to find products that treat the condition both internally and externally, How To Use Fish Oil To Help You Stop Acne If you want to control acne breakouts, you need to supplement your diet with fish oils which contain omega-3 and omega-6 oils. These fish oil also contains EPA and DHA fatty acids which are necessary for creating prostaglandins. Cystic Acne and Some Natural Treatments More severe cases of acne tend to be characterized not just by the presence of pimples and blemishes, but also by the formation of nodules or cysts. Acne that involves the development of cysts is called cystic acne. ![]() |
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