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Causes and solutions for Acne |
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How Mental Attitude and Digestion Affect Acne
Mental attitude Acne is an expression of toxins in the body that are not being released through normal channels of elimination, so they come out through the skin. Since mental attitude and thoughts cannot be separate from the body, thoughts and feelings are also being expressed as acne. Negative thoughts and feelings produce chemicals that are toxic acids. Just like toxic acids created in the colon, the toxic thoughts need to be eliminated through the 5 elimination channels Acne can be an expression suppressed past traumatic experiences. As a child, when you were exposed to experiences that overwhelm you ? constant mental, physical, or sexually abuse, you suppress them. So now as an adult, as your defense system weakens, you're not able to completely suppress this information, so it becomes expressed as acne or other skin disorders. Of course, these suppressed experiences can be expressed as other diseases. Acne can also be related to the emotion of fear or anxiety. It can also be an expression of holding onto old junkie or unpleasant memories. It's a way of holding on to and burying the junkie or toxic memory into your face. It is these memories that are trying to surface and, in an usual way, asking you to face them. Many times, you and other people may not want to remember them or deal with them. To deal with them requires a lot of strength and help from a psychotherapist. Stomach Acid Your stomach uses Hydrochloric acid (HCl) to break down protein. It also has many other functions, * Kills pathogens and microbes and prevents them from getting into the colon and blood * Controls the adsorption of B12 * Controls the adsorption of iron calcium zinc, copper, magnesium and most B-complex vitamins * Controls the adsorption of vitamin C * Created indigestion * Prevents constipation When you have low levels of HCl chances are that you will be susceptible to getting acne. HCl can be increased by using a digestive enzyme that contains HCl. Pancreatic Digestive Enzymes When the food you eat passes the stomach and enters the small intestine, the pancreas releases digestive enzymes and bicarbonate to help complete the digestive process. The bicarbonate helps to reduce the acid strength in the food coming from the stomach. The digestive enzymes digest carbohydrates, fats, and protein. When the pancreas loses its efficiency and starts to release less digestive enzymes, less food is properly digested. This results in more undigested food reaching the colon. When this happens, the undigested food, if it stays to long in the colon, becomes a source for rotting matter and toxic material. This toxic material can get into your blood and cause skin disruption such as acne. A healthy pancreas, which provides the necessary digestive juices to digest the food you eat, is needed for healthy skin and for eliminating acne and other skin sores and eruptions. When you have acne or other skin diseases, they are created when there is an in-balance in your body and that includes many different organs and body processes and systems ? your thoughts, digestion, liver, kidney, lymphatic system, lungs, and pancreas. Rudy Silva has a degree in Physics and is a Natural Nutritionist. He is the author of Constipation, Acne, Hemorrhoid, and Fatty Acid ebooks. He writes a newsletter call "natural-remedies-thatwork.com" More acne hints and information on his acne e-book can be found at: http://www.acne-remedies.for--you.info
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Hormones and Adult Acne Are you experiencing problems with hormones and adult acne? Hormones and adult acne can be an annoyance but there are things you can do to alleviate the situation. Acne Scar Treatment Acne scars develop after severe cases or when the acne has been forcibly picked or scratched. There are many types of acne scars, each entirely treatable. How the Kidney, Lungs, and Lymphatic System Keep You Acne Free The kidney What Causes Adult Acne? For many people the question of "what causes adult acne" has been a tireless quest in search of an answer to a problem that plagues many individuals worldwide. For instance 90 percent of all adolescents and almost 25 percent of all adults are acne sufferers. In terms of gender approximately 50% of all adult men and 50% of all adult women suffer or have suffered from some form of acne. One difference in gender is where the acne outbreak takes place and the severity of zits and blackheads that form. Males more often have the severe form of acne rather than females, due to their hormones. Generally the infected areas that tend to break out most frequently (the chest and back) are unfortunately more difficult to treat. Distressing Acne and Its Probable Causes If you are on your teenage years, pretty good chances that you have some acne. About 8 to 10 preteens and teens have acne along with many adults. It is but a common skin problem that is considered to be a normal part of puberty. Apparently, it does make teen or any individual uncomfortable and it doesn't make it easier when you look in the mirror and see the big pimple on your face or chin. However, there is good news such as simple steps that will help you feel better about your face. Adult Acne: Can It Still be Cured? The tales of adult acne has ever been a silent one, only told as whispers and an unfortunate few suffered from it, some may even refuse to show themselves to the world. The manifestation of adult acne has been recognized during the Eighties, when the yuppie generation has standardized of what is to become the hip urban lifestyle free of adult acne and any other lesions. 3 Easy Ways to Treat Body Acne! Are you suffering from Body acne? or Zits below the neckline? Don't worry. You are not alone! Lot's of teen get body acne. It is common in the winter months, when you are wearing piles of heavy clothing. Proactive Facial Cleanser For Acne Acne can be a tough problem to fight but it can be done. The question always becomes what is the best acne treatment? The answer is always the same, the product that works for you is the best treatment. One product that many have had success with is the Proactive facial cleanser. Acne and Adolescents It's hard enough to be a teenager but if your teen is suffering from acne and adolescence at the same time you may have some questions. Acne and adolescence may go hand-in-hand but there are ways to improve the situation. Acne Program - Step 12 Change The Way You Think Your thoughts have a lot to do with why you have acne. Most people will not even give this idea a single thought. You can get rid of acne without changing your way of thinking, but your thoughts will create some other illness that you might not see. The Best Acne Cures ? What Will Clear My Skin For Good? Acne is a uncomfortable and embarrassing skin condition that affects over eighty percent of people from their teens to their thirties, and yet, despite its prevalence, it remains a problem without a cure. This might be extremely disheartening news for the many people who suffer from it, but while medical science cannot yet fix the problem as they can a broken leg, medical advances in recent times have led to the formulation of many efficacious products that produce all the effects of what will hopefully one day be the best acne cures. And the best acne cures vary from person to person. Acne: Diminished Self-confidence in Teens - You Can Get Rid of Acne Effectively with NO Scarring Acne refers to a skin condition where pores on the skin contain blackheads, whiteheads and/or pimples. In severe cases, plugged pores can result in lumps, cysts or nodules. What?s The Best Way To Remove Blackheads? Blackheads are the slightly different sibling of zits, and like zits, squeezing them can be addictive. Composed of the same oil, or sebum, that contributes to the production of pimples, blackheads result from a building up of this oil in pores ? the difference in appearance is the result of the blackhead's exposure to the air, the reaction of which with the oil causes the trademark black color of these blemishes. And while blackheads are more easily obscured by makeup, they can seem less offensive to the sufferer, and as a result, less damaging to squeeze. But the bad news is that this is not the best way of removing blackheads ? the fun stuff is always bad for us! And while squeezing them might be fun, getting rid of them altogether sounds better. So what is the best way to remove blackheads from our lives? Here are some tips for removing blackheads for good. Acne Rosacea - A Blush You Can Do Without What do former presidents Bill Clinton and Boris Yeltsin have in common? A condition called acne rosacea, a chronic inflammation of the blood vessels in the skin, which causes a ruddy complexion and small acne-like eruptions on the cheeks, forehead and nose. How to Get Rid of Acne: A Step-By-Step Tutorial To get rid of acne, you have to understand what causes it in the first place. All in all, the formation of acne pimples a pretty complicated process that even scientists and dermatologists don't fully understand. What is known though, can be summed up in a fairly simple manner ? Acne bacteria (p. acnes) get trapped inside a pore (hair follicle). The bacteria then feed upon the sebum (oil) trapped inside the pore, and multiply, causing an infection. The body spots this infection, and tries to protect itself from it, leading to inflammation, which makes for a huge, red, inflamed "spot". Middle Age Women ? Acne Be Gone! For women who have suffered with acne since their teens and they continue to suffer through adulthood. Middle age women take heart! Acne be gone! It will be your time to finally ditch the acne. But in the meantime what causes women to deal with acne for so many years? Essential Fatty Acids for Eczema and Other Skin Disorders Many people suffer from eczema and various skin disorders that they don't understand. The names for these skin disorders are numerous ? eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, hives, allergies, scales, and so on. Most standard medical treatments fail to cure or give lasting relief to some of these disorders. This makes it so frustrating for those with these diseases since even dermatologist and doctors find it difficult to find a cure for them. Acne Skin Savers Your Mom Never Told You About Undoubtedly your mom told you about the straw that broke the camel's back, but did she fill you in on the dirty deed that brought the zit to life? Water and Sunlight Helps to Clear Acne Drink More Water Conquering Your Acne - A Few Helpful Tips Acne is the all-encompassing term that refers to blemishes, blackheads, whiteheads and lumps on the skin. While it's mostly associated with teenagers it is not necessarily restricted to any one age group. People of any age can suffer from acne. ![]() |
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