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Online Business Entrepreneur? What You Must Know About Your Affiliates
As an on-line business entrepreneur it is your job to bring affiliates into your down line. But that's an oversimplification of what your job really is. Bringing people into the business as new affiliates is like taking attendance the first day of a University class in Archaeology. Most of the students aren't sure why they signed up for the course and most of them don't have a clue what the course is about. All they know is that someone advised them to enroll in it or another student who took the course previously said, "if you take this class you'll really like it." The real job of an on-line business entrepreneur is, to paraphrase Stephen Covey, "make sure your affiliates are aligned with the mission, vision, and strategy of the business." That's because "when people are filled with true understanding of the needs, when they share a powerful commitment to accomplishing the vision, when they are invited to create and continually improve the structure and systems of the business, then they have alignment." And why is alignment so important? Because your goal is to generate wealth and these are the true wealth builders of your business. And if you want your potential wealth builders to build your wealth you have to know that in their eyes you are the business. And if they are not aligned with you they will not be likely to be much of a wealth builder. So, to quote one of the most noted experts in the field of business, Ken Blanchard, "your purpose as a leader is to help them accomplish their goals." When I became an on-line business entrepreneur that's exactly what Kevin Haas did for me. He brought me in as a an on-line business affiliate. He was always available and he exercised patience and understanding . He knew that helping me accomplish my financial goals would also help him accomplish his. Now I haven't spoken with Kevin about this, but I think he will agree that he also gained satisfaction from watching me grow and mature in an area where I had absolutely no previous experience. Being both impatient and overly analytical by nature I looked at the on-line business experience like I do an academic study, through a research microscope, using sensitive detection devices that caused me question just about every idea, method, and business strategy. Kevin provided quick and easy-to-follow answers to all of my questions. I'm sure there were time when I taxed his endurance. But he stayed with me. So what's the purpose of an on-line business? To generate wealth of course. And yes, wealth includes being able to obtain all the essentials of a comfortable life. It includes concepts like "getting out of debt," "buying that new car," "owning that dream home," and 'taking vacations to exotic places." True wealth is all of this, but it is so much more. True wealth also includes health, happiness, having a sense of community, and enjoying the satisfaction of helping others achieve wealth so that they can also help others, and so on down the down line. Get it? Bringing people into your down line and sharing the vision and values of your business with them is the best wealth builder known to man. For more information on how you can market your business on line become member of the WOW (Wealth-Online-Website) system. You can sign up for this by going to http://davidmoore.ws/wow.shtml. It is the best, least expensive, and simplest business referral system I have found, and it will tell you exactly what the title of this article states, WHAT YOU MUST KNOW AS AN ONLINE BUSINESS ENTERPRENEUR. About the Author: David Moore is a member of the Wealth Online Website system. He is a home based online business entrepreneur and teaches at University (part-time). Dave has also served on the administrative staff of a faith-based humanitarian aid organization. He has completed post graduate programs in both Cross Cultural Communications and Higher Education Administration. He believes that all self-generated wealth must include a provision for giving back to the commmunity, the church, and other worthy causes. If you would like more information on his online business, please visit his website at: http://DavidMoore.ws
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How To Create A Lifetime Income With Affiliate Programs By Changing Your Focus! ���� "How To Create A Lifetime Income With Affiliate Programs By Changing Your Focus!" Choosing the Right Affiliate Program Requesting information on an affiliate program is an open invitation to receive never ending submissions to your email account. It can be overwhelming to look at. You may feel as if you have been invaded. It can frighten a person into hitting the delete button very quickly. HOW DO YOU SORT THROUGH AND MAKE SENSE OF IT ALL? How do you know which programs really work? Following is a list of things to think about prior to choosing an affiliate program. Affiliate Marketing Terminology Affiliate Marketing is a large business piece on the Internet. The (online) retail customer often does not know that he/she made the recent online purchase through an affiliate link. He/She sees a product of interest on a certain website, clicks on the link and completes the purchase wherever the link takes the customer. Every day people get introduced to affiliate marketing and want to make money from it. In many cases these new affiliates do not fully understand the affiliate world and make costly mistakes. How Much do YOU Charge Per Hour? Avoid the Question by Setting up Passive Income Streams If you work with clients, at some point in your career, you've probably been asked, "What's your hourly rate?" or "How much do you charge per hour?" Guaranteed Signups - Scams or FastTrack Growth? One thing that seems to be cropping up in many online Forums (of which I am a member of a few) in recent months is Guaranteed Signups for various online Affiliate and MLM programs. It would appear from the trends in those discussions; that there is, to some extent, a lot of confussion about definition. A decent number of companies or websites offer this service and a Google search for the term returns over 57,000 hits along with a huge list of PPC Ads. This post is about determining whether Guaranteed Signups are scams or they are a means to FastTrack growth and increasing your earnings from online Affiliate programs. Are they worthless However, the first order of business would be to define or describe what Guaranteed Signups are or are not. Affiliate Product Reviews - An Ultimate Selling Tactic If you truly want to generate sales, one great way to do so is to create separate web pages for each of your affiliate products and include reviews of each product. Pictures, of course, speak a thousand words, and a picture of each product is very important to closing the sale. Collect Visitors Info First Before Sending Them To Affiliate Honestly, I'm not a big affiliate fan because in the past I haven't gotten 90% of the money promised either because they disappear before they pay out or they have so many exceptions -- paying out once a quarter, has to be over X dollars first, etc. Another negative side is that some of them think that 10% commission or some low amount is worth the 20 hours it takes for us to sell it. Usually the 10% equal $10 and $10 isn't worth my reputation even $1000 actually. Whats LinkShare, And Do I Need To Use It? Online affiliate marketing is one of the most effective, cheapest and fastest ways to promote merchandise. With millions of people getting access to the Internet everyday, there's a great chance for a merchant to introduce his products and services to a wider market, thereby, maximizing his revenue. Affiliate Marketing - How Ezine Ads Explode your Online Profits So we're looking at E-zine advertising. Just a quick overview ? ezines are basically email newsletters, but most don't redirect to a site, they just leave the full text content in the email. A good ezine publisher will engage more with their subscribers and readers by sending them to webpages where the content is a bit more interesting - find out if they do this as ezines like this nurture a more involved and active subscriber. Ezines can be done around virtually any subject there is out there and it will build up a subscriber base in time and eventually these publishers may begin to offer advertising space to companies and, of course, affiliates. Generate More Sales in ANY Affiliate Program ? Part Three Thinking Outside the square is where we last left off. So to carry on from this topic let me introduce you to M.E. Software. You Deserve a Check Today Perhaps the fastest and easiest way to prosper online is to market products and services as an affiliate. The Affiliate Model ? How To Make Money As An Affiliate Affiliate programs are a very easy and effective way to make money on the Internet right? so how do they work? How to Succeed With Any Affiliate Program In the early days before the internet was born, starting a business was like taking a giant leap into the unknown. Aside from the involved time and money, it also causes lots of worry. However, if you are fortunate enough, for sure your business was a success, but then there are many who were doomed to failure. Thanks to the internet because it has evolved and those who failed might have the chance to make it. 7 Sure-Fire Ways to Build Large Affiliate Checks Everyone wants a huge affiliate check. All the advertisements promise them, but if you just buy into the affiliate program and expect large affiliate checks to come, you will be sorely disappointed. Even if you have built downline in your affiliate program, your checks will not often be very large. The goal, after all, is to make money - and lots of it! Affiliate Programs - How to Pick the Solid Ones This is very important, because your reputation is on stake here! Joining the wrong affiliate programs will only hurt your online business. Affiliate Marketing Or Market Your Own Products? How should you organize your online business? Affiliate Marketing at a Glance: Helpful Hints Regarded as one of the choice Internet marketing systems offered to small businesses, affiliate marketing has caught the attention of accomplished entrepreneurs across the globe. With virtually no risk involved in the affiliate marketing game, payment is made only after results are provided. That is one of the several reasons that this form of trade has such a high level of popularity. And with a considerable number of programs currently available online, it is critical to make yours shine brightly above all other professional affiliate marketing systems. Multiple Income Streams From Niche Markets Multiple income streams; exciting words, but what does it mean in every-day English? How To Become A Data-Feed Super Affiliate I am not going to describe what a product feed (or a data-feed) is. There is a lot of information out there about how to use one to build sites. Instead, I want to talk about how you can actually make more sales with data-feed sites. Top 7 Affiliate Marketing Tips for Newbies When a newbie begins an online business, the temptation can be high to join most any affiliate program they see in the hopes of making extra money. Given the amount of products and services that newbie get presented with, and since newbie have a burning desire to make money fast, it is easy to see how the online newbie can get lured into joining a lot of affiliate programs without knowing if they should join them or not. ![]() |
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