Building Your Business for Success in 2005

It's a strange anomaly.

Most people who set out to start their own business, no matter what type, build it for failure, not success.

Crazy isn't it? But true.

The saddest part in all this, is that they don't even know that they are destined for failure long before their dreams shatter and break apart.

Statistics tell us that within 5 years of start up 90% of all small business will go under.

My personal experience shows me that 98% of all home based business will do the same.


Because they lack the fundamental skills, education and development to plan ahead, foresee the pitfalls, and capitalise on gains.

Here is a key secret to business success. It's "Easy to Do", it's also "Easy not to Do."

That applies to everything. It's easy to do a business plan. It's also easy not to do one.

It's easy to create a marketing plan, but it's also easy not to create one.

It's easy to pick up the phone and call a new potential customer; it's also easy not to do it.

That one thing will determine your success, or measure your failure.

However, on a brighter side, there are three specific things that you must focus on doing if your want to develop a powerhouse and dynamic business in 2002.

Those three things are:

1. Get potential customers to your business.

2. Get those same people to come back.

3. Get them to refer their friends, family and associates.

Sounds simple doesn't it?

It's easy to do, it's also easy not to do. And if you're not consciously aware of this business reality, you're probably not doing these three things.

Let's look at them.

1. Get potential customers to your business.

It does not matter what your business, your product, or your services. Whether you are online or off-line makes no difference. You absolutely must focus 50% of your time and energy on gaining new customer enquires. (Initially 80% if you are just starting)

Use every method available to you. Utilise every single resource. Study and learn what it takes to get people to call you, or visit your Website, or mail you a form.

I know I'm pointing out the obvious, but if your head is stuck in product development, or management and accounting you won't be able to see the trees from the forest.

Customers are your lifeblood. They are your bread and butter. They represent every reason why you go into business in the first place - to make money.

So get them and get them quick.

2. Get those same people to come back.

It's a proven fact that most people will not buy from you on their first contact. There are no exceptions to this rule. A prospective customer must have exposure to your business an average of 5 - 8 times (depending on your products and services) before they will even contact you.

The world of professional selling tells us that most sales closes take place on the 7th contact.

What does this tell you?

If you work so hard at getting new people to your business front, but then not getting them to come back - you're building for failure.

Don't do it!

Stop right now and look at your sales systems. Do they make allowances for automatic or semi-automatic follow up? Do you offer Auto responders from your Website? Do you have an off-line sales letter follow up plan. Do you use contact management software so that you don't loose track of potential customers?

Why do you think the Pro's in your industry are the top income earners? Think about that. They keep in touch with people.

3. Get them to refer their friends, family and associates.

This is the cream of the crop.

When you set out in your business, you must focus 80% of your time on getting new contacts. As your business develops, you must then change that focus to 80% gaining referrals.

Referrals are the sweetest prospective customers of all. They are already pre-qualified. They already want what you have to offer.

And you don't have to spend a cent getting them!

If your business is online, you can do this with a simple, click and refer a friend script. If you're not on the web, you can do this by using a business card referral system.

But even more - are you ready for the kicker?

You must ASK people for their referrals!

When you've got a great product and a great service, it fantastic. But there is really no point in working really hard to get a brand new fresh customer at great expense when all you have to do is ASK your existing customers for a few referrals.

Don't be shy. You ask, and most of them will happily give.

It's that easy. Easy to do, easy not to do.

Can you see the pattern developing here, the difference between success and failure, those that do and those that don't?

All these things are easy to do. They are, really. But most people opt for the easier choice - not to do.

The choice is yours. Build your business for success in 2005 with qualified customer flow and you will reap the rewards.

Paul Barrs. (c) 2005

Paul Barrs is the creator of "The Complete Guide to Home Business Success", as well as being a professional speaker, trainer and presenter. To order for the The Complete Guide ($1 Trial) Home Business Success:

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