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Effective Customer Interviews Make Life Much Easier!
One of the critical success factors for service-related businesses is our ability to understand a client's needs and requirements. Misunderstandings can lead to loss of repeat business, economic loss, and damage to reputation. Although interactions in small business are often much more casual than those at the big end of town, interviews with clients differ from ordinary conversations even though they may appear to resemble them: Friendly conversation a. Not directed toward a purpose Interview a. Directed towards a purpose and therefore has a structure that must reflect its purpose b. Largely questions from one and answers from other party (interviewer mainly listens while encouraging interviewee to talk) c. Redundancy and repetition desirable in interviews d. Interviewer needs to use a range of strategies to make sure interviewee has been fully understood A good structure for an interview is: 1. Establish rapport These stages may be interactive, occurring several times throughout the interview.Interviews go wrong in predictable ways. Approximately 40% of clients do not ask an initial question that explains their need in precise terms, so the purpose of the interview is to clarify the question. And that process can fall foul of one of five common causes of communication accidents: i. Not listening ii. Playing twenty questions (as opposed to open-ended questioning) iii. Interrupting at inappropriate times iv. Making assumptions v. Not following up To optimise the time spent in an interview, you can use a range of techniques: 1. Open-ended questions (as opposed to closed questions that invite 'yes/no' answers) 2. Sense-making questions ? these provide more structure than open-ended questions but are less likely to lead to premature diagnosis than closed questions. They also leave the interviewee in control 3. Reflecting content ? summarise and paraphrase what your client has said 4. Closure techniques: i.To indicate that discussion of a topic has been completed, at least for the moment ii.To focus the interviewee's attention on what has been achieved in the discussion (can be used when the conversation is wandering) iii. To establish a good communication climate so that the interviewee looks forward to the next encounter Your marketing, client knowledge of the industry in general and your services in particular, and those client's expectations of your service, play a role in ill-formed queries from clients, because they reflect those clients mental models of how your business and its systems work. Obviously, an individual's mental model of any system is, by definition, inaccurate and incomplete in relation to the conceptual model. It is the degree of discrepancy that is important. Clients tend to phrase their initial questions in a way they believe meet the requirements of the system. Inadequacy of clients' mental models becomes greater as systems become more complex, so the potential for mismatch will be vastly different for a sandwich bar, for example, compared to a business which is part of a more complex industry, such as a financial services business. Common generators of ill-formed queries include: a. Request for something broad and general when the client actually wants something very specific b. Request for something specific but there is a mismatch between the specific thing requested and what they actually need c. Client asks a question based on a misunderstanding of how the system works, or to clarify a confusion d. Terminology used is ambiguous e. The question involves a reconstruction which the client has gotten wrong f. The question contains an error or misconception Small business operators, particularly those operating service-related businesses, need to be aware and take steps to check for discrepancies between interviewer and client mental models. The good news is that mental models change through an incremental learning process. Jennifer Cram is a sought after Civil Celebrant based in Brisbane, Queensland, who credits her success to her capacity for 'inspired listening'. She has also had 30 years management experience in the public sector. For more information: http://www.jennifercram.com Copyright � 2005 Jennifer Cram. You have permission to publish this article electronically or in print, free of charge, as long as the bylines are included. A courtesy copy of your publication would be appreciated.
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Everything in life, there's an obstacle. Franchising Industry Burdened in Over Regulation There were only an estimated 1800 active franchisors in this country at the end of 2002, that number down from 6000 in a single decade. It is not hard from this effort to increase regulations to see why. I believe the Federal Trade Commission's franchising expenditures should be cut by the same rate of decline after all they caused it. Why is the Federal Trade Commission favoring one business model over another, actually the franchising model lowers prices to consumers through economies of scale, efficiency of operations and competition. Any and all increased regulation over the franchising business model is a clear sign that the Federal Trade Commission is titling the field for the larger corporate box store and by doing so is hurting our country, decreasing competition in the market place and decreases choices for forward advancement of every citizen who wants to have a fulfilled life and a meaningful job. Shame on you, FTC; what an insidious consequence of this rule-making group at the Federal Trade Commission? Such a small group gets to decide the fate of hundreds of thousands of American workers and the destiny's of thousands of America's future bright star entrepreneurs and innovators. If this whole process is not evil, then I cannot even imagine what is? Your Business and the Story of a Tree; Part One This morning, I went to take a short walk outside. I've been feeling a little more flexible since this weekend, and I figured a stroll would help me keep that liquid feeling in my bones that I've missed so much. 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The Federal Trade Commission decided it would revise its definitions of such opportunities in 1995, but failed to address this issue. The use of the term; Private Franchising has grown over the years. 13 Steps to Protect Yourself from Your Bank The success of your business is critically dependent on how well you negotiate and manage your financial partners. Banks, investors, credit cards and financial services companies work for you. Therefore, you need to be sure you are working together, understand the plans of each and have the best idea of what and how things will happen when times get tough. Small Business Server Business Tips Top 3 Ways to Maximize Your Small Business Server Consulting Profits Launching your Business with a Chamber of Commerce Why are Chambers a good launching pad? Postcard Marketing ? Low Cost Visibility You need to be visible to attract customers, right? But how do you get that visibility when you're short on cash? 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Round Pegs In Round Holes: The Amazing Secret of Succeeding in Any Business Every Time! Success is the desire of everyman on the face of this earth. There is no normal human being without this yearning. Unfortunately, statistics shows that just about 4% (some even quote 2%) of the human race experience real success. I hope your dream is to be among this 4%. The fact that you are reading this article right now shows your desire. My purpose is to help you succeed. The End -- Fireworks or Fizzle? Seems as though there are a lot of business closings going around lately. Everywhere I look small businesses -- one on top of another -- are closing their doors. Mobile Pressure Washing and Cleaning Scheduling If you own a mobile car washing, pressure washing or auto detailing business you know that when your crews and machines are parked and working that you are making money. You also know that when those units and crews are driving or stuck in traffic you are losing your shirt in costs and inefficiencies. If you are to expand your mobile washing business to multiple units running in multiple cities you will need to have a strict scheduling policy and operations manual to insure that efficiencies are maintained. Today with the highest fuel costs ever in our nation's history and the increased traffic over the last five years it is ultra critical that you plot out your routes, customer locations and time with precision. Boston Suburban areas a good choice to run a business BioTechs even with the latest news had shed over 1000 jobs two years ago, as it was reported by The Financial Times, WSJ, and Bloomberg that only 17 of the nearly 1300 BioTech firms were actually profitable. In 2002 the number of jobs were in the 30,000 range in Biotech. 600 layoffs came from Millennium Pharmaceuticals. And the VCs are were barely interested as they hardly even look at tech deals with all of them netting less than 3 Million in venture capital for computer software and less than 10 million in biotech in 2003. But that was then and this is now. Unemployment has dropped, money is flowing the fallout mortgage loans stopped bleeding and money is coming back for investment in all sectors. Nano and Biotech both good. 9 Things You Must Do To Maximize Your Chances Of Obtaining A Small Business Loan To get approval for your small business loan application, you must be able to meet the lending criteria set down. Some organisations are more risk averse than others, and will therefore have more stringent criteria. To vastly increase your chances of a successful funding application, you will need to present the following information: ![]() |
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