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Boston Market; Mobile Auto Detailing
Boston itself covers 50 square miles of concrete and traffic, well city limits actually exactly 46 square miles, the entire metro area can be and is often over stated at 1100 square miles, but more realistically about 380 in our humble opinion. And you know some of that is water. And MASS is called MASS because of the number of communities and cities, similar to all the PA cities, townships, communities and three houses on a rural road deserves a new name game? In case you think I am kidding check this out. http://www.state.ma.us/sec/cis/cisuno/unoidx.htm . I remember once I was in the front pack of a 10K running race and the course was not clearly marked but I studied it before the race. We got to the 3-mile mark and things got a little competitive and the whole group went the wrong way, except me. Turns out they took a short cut and they and about 100 other runners were then in front of me, everyone was quite impressed with themselves and had personal bests, me of course too trying to catch up to them all. This point is being made because Boston has the worst drivers who always cut in front of you and before you can honk your horn, they flip you off. Boston has tried to capitalize on CA's Silicon Valley exploits and had a pretty rough time of it, playing inside a bubble they knew would burst. CA on one hand is being crippled by debt of the state for forgetting where the money was coming from and a mini-economic disaster for so many working class and tech companies ensued. That did not need to happen. Even with good news from time to time of large companies for instance Boston Scientific as they move forward with 1200 jobs to go up against Johnson and Johnson for another round at the BioTech challenge, it is great headlines, but 1200 jobs does not come close to the Dot Goners and the issues with corporate downsizing. Still we see consumer spending okay in the suburbs while down town is still at 20% unoccupied space at our estimates although the guy at the economic development assoc. swears to god and his Catholic Bishop's latest juvenile conquest that the rate was only 16% and climbing ever so slightly. That is BS. Sounds like Ross Perot and his charts again to me. Still then where is all the traffic coming from and that project is as perpetual as Houston, Dallas, NYC bridges and tunnels, Seattle and New Orleans. What are the Boston Subs exactly? Well ask a Bostonian and they start including everything from Plymouth, Taunton, Marlborough, Lowell and Haverhill. Which one could not debate with a Bostonian, they are always right, right? YEP, just ask them. We did and they told us yes, we are correct? What does that mean. We assume Politically Correct, that is it; think I am joking? NOT. But hey give us your keys and your money and you can be whatever you want, short of our God? You get to be right, GAY (or just Happy Either Way), get a clean car and SEEEE YA next week to remove the additional accumulated dirt. God Bless Boston and all the dirt they can muster. For a mobile Detailing Business, yah, Boston has it, it is a great market for that indeed. Think about it. "Lance Winslow" - If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs
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Looking for a Business to Run in the New Revitalized Downtown Area? Looking for a place to add a Quick Lube away from your Super Wal-Mart Competitor? Down Town Revitalization, Why You Should Be Part of Such a Committee. How Do I Choose The Right Business Opportunity For Me? First you have to start with knowing your budget and how much you can afford to spend on a business opportunity. There are ways of starting a business opportunity online for as little as $50 as an affiliate; this figure goes all the way up to $1 Million dollars with a McDonalds restaurant. Build Credibility with Expertise As an Investment Representative you've worked hard to build trust with your pension clients. Now, you can solidify that long term relationship with your expertise on one of the greatest fears of small business retirement plan sponsors. The Misconceptions of the Value Of Disclosures in Franchising Disclosure laws in franchising are suppose to help the consumer. They don't. The FTC, which over sees franchising has in fact created a rule, which makes 5 lb. Disclosure documents for franchise buyers, which is so huge that no one ever reads it. I know when I personally meet a franchise buyer whose application form is approved and hand them a UFOC, Uniform Franchise Offering Circular with attachments and watch their jaw drop and then their hand drop when they clutch it in their hands (due to the weight of the 155 to 200 pages), I see a blank look. I apologize every time for my unreasonable government and the US legal system for the rules. Data Loss - Can Your Company Survive? (Most Do Not) Data. Most people think it is a term relegated to the kingdom of geeks. Passion Is Key To A Successful Business Passion. Passion alone can make your business successful. As an entrepreneur, you are a passionate person. For why would anyone invest such incredible amounts of time and energy on something they have no REAL desire to do? If you do such a thing, then it's just bullshit. You have built an unreal, superficial way work environment and based on that you most likely are not very satisfied in what you do. The Responsibility Conundrum - Where art Thou? Mr/Ms, 'not me' is often on holidays in your business. Yes come rain or shine they attend the workplace and put in the day for you; coffee to drink, gossip to catch up on, spying on management and colleagues, frequent toilet breaks, long lunches, long phone calls and let not forget the email needs to be checked and replied. Off course the home business needs more customers so a few phone calls here and there are quite appropriate so they think! What Is YOUR Value Proposition? Every company has a value proposition. That is a statement of their perceived value to their clients. Often a company will have one perception at the executive level, another at the sales level, and even a third one at the client level. 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Security Professionals provide the products and services necessary to create a safe and secure workplace for you and your employees. Products such as lever hardware, panic and exit devices, desk locks and high security key control systems, as well as security boxes and safes, can help you protect your business and property. In addition, electronic access control systems can be designed to restrict access to the building or business complex in order to increase security and control. Finding the Right People for your Business Where do you find the right people for a business relationship? Small Business Marketing Secrets: Look Like Sizzle, Be The Steak You've heard marketing and advertising gurus quip, "Sell the sizzle, not the steak." Advertising initiatives best reach their target audience with benefits and the "wow" effect, not the value or features of their product or service. This may work well to get customers in the door. But once they're in, you better have some substance. How can you ensure you uphold the integrity of your business and still maintain the "Wow Effect"? It just takes well executed strategic steps for business AND personal development: Book Yourself Solid Key #5: Go Forward With Gusto & Articulate What You Do Want your small business to flip instead of flop?! Statistically half of the entrepreneurs reading this will be out of business in three short years. Establishing a long standing, profitable and successful business absolutely depends on your ability to convey a clear message. A heartfelt message that tells clients exactly what you do, the specific 'invest-able opportunities' you bring to the table and all the ways clients will have a bigger, better, fuller life as a result of working with you. Change May Be Your Ace in the Hole Whether it has been thrust upon you by external market forces or it has simply bubbled up from the internal dynamics of your enterprise, change itself always presents opportunity for improvement. And in a knowledge based economy, change may be the only thing we can count on as small business people. So, if you want to stay ahead of the curve, you must embrace change as a necessary strategy for commercial success. Q and A: Personalized Birthday Cards from Paul Leonard Paul Leonard's BirthdayCards2Go.com paid greeting card service offers convenience when you're rushing to send birthday wishes. While nothing can beat a personalized poem to add that extra touch of thoughtfulness, we can all agree that in this busy world, any connection we can make with each other, even just to say "Thinking of you," is worthwhile. SBIR - A Nice Add-on Business If you are a small business and qualify to participate in the SBIR program, it is a natural enhancer to your existing business. If you are small enough you may be able to start a company using SBIR funding, but you will soon come to realize that if your sources of income are not diversified (with SBIR being only one source) you might fall victim to funding cycles and no income. Although the Government provides funding to spawn technology its dual mission is to help that technology grow into viable commercial technology. If you can not bring your SBIR funding to fruition via commercialization, then you may find yourself receiving less and less funding as the years unfold. Small Business Secrets: Self-Confidence Can Be Arranged At first blush this idea might be difficult to wrap your brain around. That's because you've been taught that self-confidence is achieved through mastery of knowledge or skills. North County San Diego Small Business North County San Diego has had some significant growth, and it appears to be a wonderful place to run a business. It has a strong middle class upward bias and plenty of opportunity and employment. If you are thinking of a place to live near the California Coast some of the best weather in the World you might consider it. Lots businesses, customers and cash flow. We visited Legoland in Carlsbad, California. What a great theme park for the whole family. ![]() |
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