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FTC Franchise Rule if Enacted will Trigger Hardship for Private Sector
The FTC Franchise Rule maybe changed, as the Federal trade Commission has put out a report to the franchising industry as to upgrade the rule. If enacted will it will trigger hardship for private sector and cost many trees their lives; Paperwork. If this rule is passed; tree MUST die because everyone will have to their already 200 plus page franchise disclosure documents. Franchise companies will have to add clauses that state; even though we offered you a franchise with the delivering of offering, we reserve the right to change our minds and refuse to sell you a franchise, so technically you have UFOC but we did not offer you anything yet. And then there will be a suit and new case law until that issue is rectified. Again more waste. Very similar to the employment law folders and binders that we have to maintain and the application forms that are constantly changing, which have to be different in each and everyone one of the 50 states. What a waste of money. We had figured if we gave a UFOC to everyone who inquired online about our company the cost would be in those 2002 figures approximately $37,000 per year expense, which is conservative in the actual calculation. That is about 4,600 or so UFOCs, not quite 48 stories high and that is at previous cost figures and we are a small franchisor the larger ones are ten times as big and ten times that cost. None of which is cost-effective. Now mind you I realize that if you stack every page of OSHA laws on top of one another it is 56 stories, so the Federal Trade Commission workers do not see a problem with a mere 48 stories of UFOCs, but I do. Are you kidding me? The FTC wants me to print 48 stories of paper documents. Please enlighten me as to how again these UFOCs are so "cost effective?" Remember we are little franchisor comparatively speaking. The actual printing costs are over $24,000 without the postage. And don't tell me the FTC wants me to email these documents they take up 2.1 megabits. Are you paying for the bandwidth? And do you really think your good friends at AOL (that lobbied you to attack Bill Gate's because they were running out of room to hype their inferior products) are going to appreciate this. Are the consumers you are helping by tying up their email and crashing their system as they wait for half an hour (if they are still on dial-up) to download their emails that day really going to be saved? Is this helping them? The reason I bring this up is part of the mission statement of this report is that the Federal Trade Commission wants to upgrade the UFOC to reflect the new technologies. Then in the future it makes sense to email the documents, probably in an RTF or a PDF file or if to Europe a DiVu file (LizardTech DiVu files similar to the Adobe Acrobat Reader PDF files). And do you really believe a franchise buyer (a real one) is going to want to continue discussions with various franchisors and compare them when every one of the franchisors sent them an email bomb? After all people are frustrated enough with the 3000% increase in SPAM since the time the Federal Trade Commission decided it would look into the issue. Lots of grandstanding on the SPAM thing, lots of glorified media event cases, but the fact is the Federal Trade Commission has failed to reduce SPAM and today I got 1633 SPAMs. One technological solution is to burn CD ROMs with disclosure documents on them, yet, they would end up in the trash too like all those AOL CD ROMS and Floppy Discs they mailed out, although one person told me that the CD ROMS make utensils, just put a pencil thru the center and use them for a pizza cutter? The fact is the way things are now you are constantly changing things so much that burning CD ROMS may save a little cost and a the trees but we have the same problems with discards. Another technological solution was to use the web, yet many franchisors are forced to have different UFOCs based on state. Type of franchised unit and the matrix gets so complicated you have to hire a certified XML data base IT Professional, which are all busy working for government contractors right now trying to sort through the absolute mess created by the same government agencies which put the private sector in a state of disrepair. Not to mention the DHS, military and there needs. So that solution is not a short or long term solution. Registration States would like to put all this online further disseminating proprietary information to anyone coming to their websites, mostly lawyers and competitors although perhaps some students doing research, buyer here and there and an occasional International Terrorist looking for targets and ways to infiltrate infrastructure, food distribution or cause general fear. I would like to see some progress at the Federal Trade Commission, but real progress based on reality solutions, today we see a decrease in the number of franchisors out there and that is in direct correlation to the expanding economy, yet slower job growth. I think I can feel safe to add from personal observations and economic study that the Federal Trade Commission franchising division is the reason for the slower than normal job growth during this record-breaking expansion period. It is truly in my opinion the Federal Trade Commission Franchising Divisions fault. After all franchising represents 350,000 plus outlets (business which employ real people) and the franchising sector is moving at a slower rate comparatively. It is not that the franchising model is dead, for it is by far the best business model ever created in the history of modern civilization. Clearly franchising has withstood the test of time, no the reason is that it is stifled by the Federal Trade Commission and their grandstanding to promote themselves claiming they are curbing fraud where by the Federal Trade Commission's own accounts there is literally no fraud to speak of in an industry which represents over 33% of every consumer dollar spent in America. Well then reduce regulations, disclosure and paperwork. Think about it. "Lance Winslow" - If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs
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Environmental Pressure Washing in Pennsylvania If you run a mobile car wash, mobile fleet washing company, mobile auto detailing business or a Pressure Washing firm in Pennsylvania there are things you should know. Pennsylvania is serious about cleaning the environment. Creating a Power Plan Part of the power plan is making sure you have all the necessary contact information within a company. It is one thing to have the CEO's information, as he is the decision-maker, but it is quite another to have the information on others that you may be working with directly. You will not likely work directly with the CEO on any project or product purchase; you will be referred to the appropriate person. The information you gather on others should be the same as the information you gathered on the CEO. You will need to know the personality type to give you that inside edge, and also how much influence they have on the decision to make a purchase; you may find that these other contacts have an authorized spending limit following a set of guidelines. Loose Lips Sink Ships - The Fastest Way to Put Yourself Out of Business I agree that knowledge should be free, but the next person I see revealing their hard attained business practices in a public forum, I am going to feel the need to approach them, make them choose their own switch from an outside tree, then whip them with it. Web Based CRM Systems: Get Mobile; Get Results Everyday more web based companies enter the business scene. The low initial investment, potentially high revenue, and convenience of owning and operating a business from your home PC or laptop is enticing an ever-increasing number of entrepreneurs to try their hand at e-business. Unfortunately, most of these would-be companies disappear shortly after their initial market entry. Are You Satisfied With Your Business Just As It Is? Did you know that satisfaction is the number one emotion people want to experience about their life and business? Yes, fame and fortune are up there, but satisfaction is the key. Satisfaction is about contentment, gratitude and pure joy. Are you satisfied with your business and your life? If not, read on and see how you can transform your life in the simplest method possible. S Corporation ? What Is It? For many small businesses, the "S" corporation is the business entity of choice. The "S" in S corporation refers to a tax designation. All corporations are created the same way under state law. A small business must then chose a tax status, to wit, "C", "S" or non-profit. Important issues concerning S corporations are covered in this article. Small Business and Wichita Owning a small business in Wichita, KS might not be a bad idea, job growth is good, housing has rebounded and the aviation manufacturing capital of the world is on an aileron roll. So consumer spending is up and retail and service sectors are doing fine again. Is Brick and Mortar A Passing Fad? Q: Is the online world the best place to sell a product or service these days? My friends seem to think that brick and mortar stores will totally disappear in the future. I debate this all the time with them, but it seems to be heading that way. Your thoughts? - Alex H. How To Choose A Franchise You'd like to go into business for yourself, and believe that the best way for you to become your own boss is to buy a franchise. You know it will takes time and money to be successful, and that's OK. But which franchise should you buy? Which makes the most sense for you? 13 Steps to Protect Yourself from Your Bank The success of your business is critically dependent on how well you negotiate and manage your financial partners. Banks, investors, credit cards and financial services companies work for you. Therefore, you need to be sure you are working together, understand the plans of each and have the best idea of what and how things will happen when times get tough. Does Your Company Have a Business Image Manual Every business regardless of size needs a "Business Image Manual" to protect their band. Even the smallest companies with only a few employees is well served when there is a business image manual in place. For 15 years I ran a small business, which I eventually franchised and later expanded to 23-states and 4 countries. What I had learned after franchising is that; I should have written my image manual 10-years prior. At first my business was just me alone; like most small businesses, but then due to my hard work and customer service, I had to expand to meet demand. Each time I added people to the team, I seemed to be rehashing over and over again my theories on business image. Often I would have to harp on the issue with part time employees or even summer help. What I needed was a manual. However, being a head strong entrepreneur in those days, I like many entrepreneurs of small businesses said; "What do I need a bunch of manuals or even a business plan for that matter?" After all most of us know our businesses very well and we do not have to write it down. We just know thru intuition what will work and why and surprisingly we end up making few mistakes, but when we do they are usually quite large and costly lessons. Franchising VS Business Opportunity; What is the Difference? The modern Franchise business model and the much different business opportunity are much different and dissimilar. The definition of these two business models should be broken into completely different parts to better fit the two-different business models and have their own set of regulations, which would contain similar stipulations with regards to prohibitions, definitions or basic rules of law. The Federal Trade Commission is considering a redefining of these two models under their legal description. Start a Technical Writing Service Technical writing services are employed to explain the details of a topic in a way that is easily understood by the readers. In todays information age, technical writing jobs are increasingly common. One would think that, eventually, everything useful will have been written! This is not the case, however, and your home-based technical writing company probably has a better chance for success today than at any time in the past. How to Start a Carpet Cleaning Company Opening a carpet cleaning business is a great way to earn money as your own boss. This is a relatively simple business to start, with low overhead, and little experience required. Start up costs can be minimal, if you shop around. Additionally, there is a steady market for quality work. Growing Your Small Business Through Alliances and Joint Ventures -- Beyond Cold Calling, "Warm" Calling and Sending E-mails -- Small Business Planning -- Three Myths Are you -- like 70 percent of small business owners -- working without a plan? Hispanic Small Business Advantage One thing I have noticed in my travels to different markets is that Hispanic Small Business Owners have a very distinct advantage. They are friendly and very involved in their communities. Hispanic Business Men and Women are very socially active and if you look at their incredible unity, there is nothing slowing down this Hispanic Middle class from becoming upper classmen. They are incredible relationship builders and smart and savvy business people. Just look at the number of organizations propelling their simultaneous hard work ethics: Do You Own Your Business Or Does It Own You? What was your aim when you went into business for yourself? Chances are you wanted to be your own boss, be in control of your future, improve your chances of earning a high income, among other things. Uncover Free Veins Of Gold By Prospecting Online Guru Newsletters (Part 1 of 2) Incredible as it sounds, you have a goldmine of free business advice and resources available to you for starting an online business. Many entrepreneurs are taking advantage of the unbelievable opportunity of financial independence by starting an Internet business. Local Search and Internet Yellow Pages - A Whole NewVocabulary for Small Businesss Buyers want both online and local information about where to buy Most small businesses are local in nature, serving people who live nearby. Their customers found them through traditional methods like the Yellow Pages or newspaper ads. So far, the Internet hasn't figured prominently in their marketing efforts. That's about to change, as Local Search methods become more widespread. Even for buyers expecting to spend their money close to home, more and more of them go to the Internet to locate desired products and services. They rely on search engines to find suitable vendors in the fastest, easiest way. Local Search combines the search query word or phrase with specific geographic terms, like city or zip code. That way, search results only include enterprises in that local area. Instead of information about a small enterprise being lost among millions of pages of search results, it shows up in a small pool of local providers. That's good for them, as well as the person looking for what they provide. Small operations can easily be located by a whole new group of buyers Consumers don't simply go to the Yellow Pages when ready to buy - as they once did. Studies show that an astonishing 36% of online searches are conducted to find local businesses. About a quarter of all Internet users already conduct local searches. They'd do even more of it, if the desired small business data were more complete. Local enterprises need to prepare for the impact of changing customer habits. An easy first step is to include your business in Internet Yellow Pages (IYP), along with the printed Yellow Page directory. That puts your enterprise on the radar screen. Learn how your business can make the most of Local Search by visiting http://www.yellowpagesage.com. You'll find reliable advice from experts in Yellow Pages and Local Search so you can get more mileage from your promotional dollars. Start by getting comfortable with search concepts, and improve your odds of being found when people search online for what you offer. You don't even need your own Web site to benefit from Internet Yellow Pages and Local Search. Learn the Relevant Terms Search Engine - method for locating the information available on the Internet; a program that searches Web pages for requested keywords, then returns a list of documents where the query terms were found Google and Yahoo, the major general search engines, have both shifted gears to make Local Search a priority when delivering relevant results. Spider (also called "crawler" or "bot") - goes to every page on every Web site and reads the information so it can be available to searchers; to "crawl" a site it collects and indexes information from it Specialized Search Engines - narrow focus of information crawled and indexed, like medical, business, or shopping sites Keywords - word or phrases used by search engines to locate relevant Web pages; words chosen to improve a site's search engine placement and ranking Search Query - search request, which the search engine compares to the spidered entries, then returns results to the searcher Search Results - compiled list of Web pages that a search engine delivers in response to a query; the number of items returned is usually overwhelming (in the millions), so searchers only bother to view results on the first pages Relevant Results - the test of a good search is whether the results obtained relate to what the person wanted to find, without a lot of irrelevant links Local Search - combining a geographic term in a search query to locate suitable providers in a specific area Pay per Click (PPC) - method of building traffic whereby site owners bid on search terms (keywords) that link to their site Geographic Terms - specific information about the local area that can be included in a local search: zip code, town, county, geographic region, state Top Ranking - sites shown on the first page(s) of search results Search Engine Optimization (SEO) - fine-tuning keywords and page content so the Web site rates high in search engine results Tags and Titles (on Web Pages) - provide site keywords and information to search engine spiders for indexing a site Internet Yellow Pages (IYP) - directory of business phone numbers and locations in a geographic area, organized by category; searchable data base accessed on the Internet Make your business easy for searchers to find The public is embracing the convenience of searching on the Internet to find information about local businesses. However, their searches for desired information are compromised because so many local enterprises don't show up in the databases as yet. Those that do have an edge in their local market. Climb aboard! Make sure searchers can find you. For little or no money, you can expose your enterprise to the whole world. Whether or not your business has a Web site, you need to provide the information people are looking for in the places that they look for it. Local Search and Internet Yellow Pages open new avenues to buyers ready to spend. Best of all, they support and compliment your traditional methods of finding new business. So you cover all your bases. (c)2004, Lynella Grant ![]() |
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