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Bad Regulators Cost Small Businesses
When a regulator finds a target to go after to collect fees to insure next years budget, often it is a small business. In fact the definition of a small business includes what normal people might even think of as a medium sized business. Often a Federal Regulator might be a 26-year old kid fresh out of college being supervised by an older regulator. The younger regulator often wishes to secure his or her case in the name of Justice and wants to change the world being fresh out of college. But they know they must win the case. This is when the problem starts. Usually Federal Regulatory cases come from complaints. And usually 75% of all complaints from these citizens are in fact bogus. About 25% to 35% of all complaints to regulatory bodies come from competitors. As we recently saw in the Michael Jackson case the prosecutors went after him and said they did the right thing because they received a complaint. The witness was horrible but the prosecutor said we do not pick our victims or those who come into complain. Indeed, yet one would have to ask don't you screen them? For instance to see if the complaint is legit or if the complaintant is a competitor of the company targeted. We had a case with the FTC in our company in which 5 competitors and one former salesman for our company complained. All co-conspired and made their complaints similar. All were false. The 26-year old homosexual regulator had had collected declarations of embellishment from the competitors and the older lady a liberal from hell from Oregon was over seeing the case. The 26-year old had put together a set of profiling papers which were totally out to lunch and miss characterized our company and our team, in this 1300 pages of attached papers, there was fewer than three complete correct paragraphs in the entire set of filed documents. Apparently the 26-year old homosexual, felt to win the case he needed to file it in a secret court under judges and commissioners signature. The case was settled with no fine and no penalty, yet the 26-year old homosexual gay male who lives in Washington DC still has a job at the Federal Trade Commission to this day. He has even signed on with the Anti-Spam Group of the consumer division of the FTC. To attain proper legal council to get the FTC to drop the case requires generally $50,000 minimum retainer. The point of the matter is no one is watching the regulators and the damage they cause to brand names and companies. In addition to this we saw the gay 26-year old attorney of the Federal Trade Commission bad mouthing President Bush on National Television over gay marriage issues in a demonstration in our Capital? Obviously he is committing sodomy on a regular basis, which is against the law, yet he is allowed to be a regulator? Additionally even though what happens behind close doors is relatively no ones business, laws out side of work from regulators should not be broken, as if they do not like the law change it. After all isn't that what they tell the business community? If we allow regulators who are less than ethical in the laws of our land to commit such violations on personal time; no wonder we have these government lawyers running a much in our time and the publics money? We need to watch the regulatory bodies and the people who work in them under better scrutiny to protect our rights to free contract and protect the sanctity of free enterprise. This of course is merely on case. But I submit to you as sick and ugly as this sounds it is much worse in fact and further this happens every day in every agency. The system is broken and those pointing fingers at entrepreneurs and small business folks need their fingers broken. We need a complete over haul of the regulatory system, it is a waste of taxpayers money and its only use is to attack your competitors. It does not level playing fields it makes the players weak, the fans without a good game and furthers our demise in the global game. There is nothing more dishonest, incestuous and hypocritical than the regulatory agencies of the United States Federal Government. And folks I love this country and support the government, but we own and we are allowing the blob of bureaucracy to ruin all we are and all we have built. This growing blob of bullshit must be looked into or we will join the footnotes of human history as a great nation, which once was. Think on this. "Lance Winslow" - If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs
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Small Business Failure? Nuts! Pardon my enthusiasm, but a large part of your small business' success is somewhere else. Namely, out among the company's important external audiences. Financial Fundamentals - What Every Small Business Owner Should Know! Business owners rarely go into business to deal with the financial aspects of running a business. It's easy to understand why! You are passionate about the products or services you provide and want to focus your time there. The financial aspect usually falls to the bottom of the "desired responsibilities" list. It is critical to the long-term success of your business that you understand some of the Financial Fundamentals of being a business owner though. You don't have to be an accountant or financial analyst, but it is important that you have some key skills in your business toolkit to measure the financial aspects of your business. It's okay to outsource this activity so that someone else can do the work you don't like to do, but make sure you understand the output of the financial information. You'll need it to help you make informed decisions about your business. Remember! Accounting is not just about taxes. There's so much more to know about the numbers, so you'll know how your business is doing from the management perspective. Street Wars Between Mobile Car Washers and Mobile Auto Detailers There is much competition in the mobile auto detailing business. There are two different lines of reasoning emerging as to how the business should be run. One is go for volume and discount and wash the world. The other is go after the high end customer which is 10% of the market, do exceptional work and charge as much as the market will give. These two principles are the reason for a war between mobile auto detailers and mobile car washes. Mobile car wash companies are often seen washing the Honda car for the single mom in an office complex. While the auto detailers would not touch the car unless she was a total babe and they thought they might get a date out of it. Become The Squeaky Wheel and Watch Your Business Skyrocket! Providing high quality customer service is a must for any business to survive. Accepting Checks in Your Business Virtually Risk Free Most businesses accept checks as form of payment for goods and services. However, accepting checks can be a risky endeavor if your company doesn't follow good policies and procedures for preventing loss from bad checks. In fact, the reason some businesses do not accept checks is because of a history excessive "bad checks" that costs their business to much money and aggravation, preferring to accept only cash and credit cards. Whether a business currently accepts checks or not, they can minimize the cost of accepting checks to less than 1%, which is less than half the 2% to 3% cost of credit card processing. The only payment method cheaper is accepting cash. The Failures Guide to Small Business Success How many "get rich schemes" have you joined? Or have you invested in numerous legitimate business endeavors only to have them not work for you? Have you started you business and now facing a complete shut down? Do you consider yourself a failure? Are your loved ones pressing you to give up? Hispanic Small Business Advantage One thing I have noticed in my travels to different markets is that Hispanic Small Business Owners have a very distinct advantage. They are friendly and very involved in their communities. Hispanic Business Men and Women are very socially active and if you look at their incredible unity, there is nothing slowing down this Hispanic Middle class from becoming upper classmen. They are incredible relationship builders and smart and savvy business people. Just look at the number of organizations propelling their simultaneous hard work ethics: 10 Hiring Tips for Small Business Owners As a successful small business owner,you're accustomed to long hours; non-existent holidays and weekends spent working. Five Quick Ways to Speed Up Cash Flow At one point or another, almost every business runs short of cash. Whether due to normal fluctuations in demand or an unexpected decline in sales, cash shortfalls are the bane of every company, and are responsible for sleepless nights for many business owners. Common Sources of Financing for Small Business The choice of financing is an important determinant of whether a product reaches the market, or whether an existing business can survive. The choice of financing is an important part of being an entrepreneur and business owner, and the ability to raise cash when you have no or limited history takes skill and creativity. There are a number of sources of financing. The suitability of the alternatives depends on what stage you are at, and will change as the company matures from stage to stage. The following outlines the most typical forms available. Mobile Detailing VS Fixed Site Detailers Mobile detailers will find themselves with lots of competition even if they do not see them around town. There are also many fixed site detailers who specialize in wholesale detailing or the retail detail or both. Many fixed site detailers have accounts with new and used car dealerships. This provides them with lots of work. If they are good, they usually do prep work for all new cars at all the local dealerships or share the work with a couple of other detail shops, additionally there are always lots of used trade ins at new dealers and used car lots. If the shop is totally busy, obviously they: Have a great location, or Do extremely great quality, or Have very competitive rates, or all of these. Financial Dose for Business The goals of businesses have undergone much evolution from the times when entrepreneurs were content with anything that they received above the capital invested. Businesses now want to expand their reach globally, riding on the wave of technology. Expanding A Mobile Car Wash Business What is the best time to expand a mobile car wash business? If everything were perfect and you could choose the best time to buy a new mobile car wash rig, you should buy it in April and have it running by the 20th of May. If you have 1.5 times the business of your first unit, then you automatically have enough business for one-half of a second truck, van or trailer unit combination. In June, the seasonal increase would take care of the rest. That is the simplest way. If you buy an additional truck in November and it is ready by the 20th of December, you will have holidays and rain. Unless you have a huge industrial account base, we don't recommend this to you. Why Clean Mobile Homes for a Business? Manufactured and Mobile Home owners know that the weather this year will be quite harsh. It's imperative these owners to clean out rain gutters and debris from on top of their homes. They realize that they must thoroughly wash off this summer's dirt so they do not have drip marks on the sides of their cottages this winter. They must eliminate the mold buildup, and unsightly stains. Those mobile homes which have not been cleaned all Winter must have their rain gutters cleaned so when Hurricane remnants dump massive amounts of water in a region the roofs do not collapse. It is equally important to clean the bottom of the eaves and carport to prevent mold spots from forming. Does Your Company Have a Business Image Manual Every business regardless of size needs a "Business Image Manual" to protect their band. Even the smallest companies with only a few employees is well served when there is a business image manual in place. For 15 years I ran a small business, which I eventually franchised and later expanded to 23-states and 4 countries. What I had learned after franchising is that; I should have written my image manual 10-years prior. At first my business was just me alone; like most small businesses, but then due to my hard work and customer service, I had to expand to meet demand. Each time I added people to the team, I seemed to be rehashing over and over again my theories on business image. Often I would have to harp on the issue with part time employees or even summer help. What I needed was a manual. However, being a head strong entrepreneur in those days, I like many entrepreneurs of small businesses said; "What do I need a bunch of manuals or even a business plan for that matter?" After all most of us know our businesses very well and we do not have to write it down. We just know thru intuition what will work and why and surprisingly we end up making few mistakes, but when we do they are usually quite large and costly lessons. How to Promote Your Business by Entering Contests You are probably hard at work promoting your business (and if you're not, you should be!), but if you haven't submitted your profile to any contests yet, you may be missing a golden opportunity. How to Achieve Real Success in Business: Five Breezy Tips Achieving real success should be the goal of any good businessman. But what is real success? I believe that it is no just money, or instant growth. In my opinion real success is composed of the following factors. Good growth, good reputation and above all peace of mind. In this short exposure I try to elaborate on five factors pertinent in achieving this real success. Specialty Advertising in C-Stores It appears the mini-blimp indoor theme and concept is making significant headway. We have seen them in the halls of Congress sniffing for anthrax. What else can we use them for? C-Stores can use Mini Blimps Advertising and Surveillance to prevent Shoplifting. These can be paid for by beer vendors, soda vendors as advertising signs, which float around the store like a pool sweeper around the family pool. It does not have to be a blimp shape, it could very well be any shape such as a giant banana or a football? 6 Steps to a Successful Medical Spa Expansion According to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, since 1997, nonsurgical procedures have increased by 471 percent. Jeff Russell, CEO of MedSpa Financing, comments "Medical Spas are a natural progression of medical practice expansion, having a medical doctor run them gives them the credibility and public confidence needed for their success." Naming Your Business: 3 Tips To Ensure Success If you are just starting your business, or if you have just developed a new product or service for an existing business, one of the first questions you need to answer is, "What should I name it?" And while you may feel pressure to make this decision quickly, I caution you to not make it lightly. What kind of things should you take into consideration when choosing a name? ![]() |
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